C# Class CloudinaryDotNet.Transformation

Inheritance: ICloneable
Show file Open project: cloudinary/CloudinaryDotNet Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
m_htmlHeight string
m_htmlWidth string
m_nestedTransforms List
m_transformParams object>.Dictionary

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( string key, object value ) : Transformation
Angle ( ) : Transformation
Angle ( int value ) : Transformation
AspectRatio ( double value ) : Transformation

Add the aspect_ratio parameter to resize or crop the image to a new aspect ratio. Decimal format (e.g., 1.33 or 2.5)

AspectRatio ( int nom, int denom ) : Transformation

Add the aspect_ratio parameter to resize or crop the image to a new aspect ratio. Format - nom:denom (e.g., 4:3 or 16:9).

AspectRatio ( string value ) : Transformation
Background ( string value ) : Transformation
Border ( int width, string color ) : Transformation

Add a solid border around the image.

Border ( string value ) : Transformation

Add a solid border around the image. The value has a CSS-like format: width_style_color.

Chain ( ) : Transformation
Clone ( ) : Transformation
Color ( string value ) : Transformation

Defines the color to use for various effects.

ColorSpace ( string value ) : Transformation
Crop ( string value ) : Transformation

A crop mode that determines how to transform the image for fitting into the desired width and height dimensions.

DefaultImage ( string value ) : Transformation
Delay ( object value ) : Transformation
Density ( object value ) : Transformation

Control the density to use while converting a PDF document to images. (range: 50-300, default: 150).

Dpr ( object value ) : Transformation

Sets Device Pixel Ratio (float, integer and "auto" values are allowed"). See http://cloudinary.com/blog/how_to_automatically_adapt_website_images_to_retina_and_hidpi_devices for further info.

Effect ( string value ) : Transformation

Apply a filter or an effect on an image. The value includes the name of the effect and an additional parameter that controls the behavior of the specific effect.

Effect ( string effect, Object param ) : Transformation

Apply a filter or an effect on an image.

EndIf ( ) : Transformation
FetchFormat ( string value ) : Transformation
Flags ( ) : Transformation
Generate ( ) : string
GenerateThis ( ) : string
Gravity ( string value ) : Transformation

Decides which part of the image to keep while 'crop', 'pad' and 'fill' crop modes are used. For overlays, this decides where to place the overlay.

Height ( object value ) : Transformation

The required height of a transformed image or an overlay. Can be specified separately or together with the width value. Can also be a decimal value (e.g., 0.2) for percentage based resizing.

IfCondition ( ) : Condition

Start defining a condition, which will be completed with a call Condition.Then()

IfCondition ( string condition ) : Transformation

Define a conditional transformation defined by the condition string.

IfElse ( ) : Transformation
Named ( ) : Transformation
Opacity ( int value ) : Transformation

Manipulate image opacity in order to make the image semi-transparent.

Overlay ( BaseLayer value ) : Transformation
Overlay ( string value ) : Transformation
Page ( object value ) : Transformation

Given a multi-page PDF document, generate an image of a single page using the given index.

Prefix ( string value ) : Transformation
Quality ( object value ) : Transformation

Control the JPG compression quality. 1 is the lowest quality and 100 is the highest. The default is the original image's quality or 90% if not available. Reducing quality generates JPG images much smaller in file size.

Radius ( object value ) : Transformation
RawTransformation ( string value ) : Transformation
ResponsiveWidth ( bool value ) : Transformation

Whether to enable automatic adaptation of website images. See http://cloudinary.com/blog/how_to_automatically_adapt_website_images_to_retina_and_hidpi_devices for further info.

SetHtmlHeight ( object value ) : Transformation
SetHtmlWidth ( object value ) : Transformation
ToString ( ) : string
Transformation ( ) : System

Creates empty transformation object.

Transformation ( object>.Dictionary transformParams ) : System

Creates transformation object from single result of Actions.GetTransformResult.

Transformation ( List transforms ) : System

Creates transformation object chained with other transformations.

Underlay ( BaseLayer value ) : Transformation
Underlay ( string value ) : Transformation
Width ( object value ) : Transformation

The required width of a transformed image or an overlay. Can be specified separately or together with the height value. Can also be a decimal value (e.g., 0.2) for percentage based resizing.

X ( object value ) : Transformation

Horizontal position for custom-coordinates based cropping and overlay placement.

Y ( object value ) : Transformation

Vertical position for custom-coordinates based cropping and overlay placement.

Zoom ( double value ) : Transformation

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).

Zoom ( float value ) : Transformation

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).

Zoom ( int value ) : Transformation

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).

Zoom ( string value ) : Transformation

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).

Private Methods

Method Description
GetString ( object>.Dictionary options, string key ) : string
GetStringArray ( object>.Dictionary options, string key ) : string[]
ICloneable ( ) : object
ToString ( object obj ) : string

Method Details

Add() public method

public Add ( string key, object value ) : Transformation
key string
value object
return Transformation

Angle() public method

public Angle ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

Angle() public method

public Angle ( int value ) : Transformation
value int
return Transformation

AspectRatio() public method

Add the aspect_ratio parameter to resize or crop the image to a new aspect ratio. Decimal format (e.g., 1.33 or 2.5)
public AspectRatio ( double value ) : Transformation
value double A decimal value representing the ratio of the width divided by the height
return Transformation

AspectRatio() public method

Add the aspect_ratio parameter to resize or crop the image to a new aspect ratio. Format - nom:denom (e.g., 4:3 or 16:9).
public AspectRatio ( int nom, int denom ) : Transformation
nom int Signifies the relative width
denom int Signifies the relative height
return Transformation

AspectRatio() public method

public AspectRatio ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Background() public method

public Background ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Border() public method

Add a solid border around the image.
public Border ( int width, string color ) : Transformation
width int
color string
return Transformation

Border() public method

Add a solid border around the image. The value has a CSS-like format: width_style_color.
public Border ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Chain() public method

public Chain ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

Clone() public method

public Clone ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

Color() public method

Defines the color to use for various effects.
public Color ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

ColorSpace() public method

public ColorSpace ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Crop() public method

A crop mode that determines how to transform the image for fitting into the desired width and height dimensions.
public Crop ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

DefaultImage() public method

public DefaultImage ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Delay() public method

public Delay ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Density() public method

Control the density to use while converting a PDF document to images. (range: 50-300, default: 150).
public Density ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Dpr() public method

Sets Device Pixel Ratio (float, integer and "auto" values are allowed"). See http://cloudinary.com/blog/how_to_automatically_adapt_website_images_to_retina_and_hidpi_devices for further info.
public Dpr ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Effect() public method

Apply a filter or an effect on an image. The value includes the name of the effect and an additional parameter that controls the behavior of the specific effect.
public Effect ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Effect() public method

Apply a filter or an effect on an image.
public Effect ( string effect, Object param ) : Transformation
effect string The name of the effect.
param Object An additional parameter that controls the behavior of the specific effect.
return Transformation

EndIf() public method

public EndIf ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

FetchFormat() public method

public FetchFormat ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Flags() public method

public Flags ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

Generate() public method

public Generate ( ) : string
return string

GenerateThis() public method

public GenerateThis ( ) : string
return string

Gravity() public method

Decides which part of the image to keep while 'crop', 'pad' and 'fill' crop modes are used. For overlays, this decides where to place the overlay.
public Gravity ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Height() public method

The required height of a transformed image or an overlay. Can be specified separately or together with the width value. Can also be a decimal value (e.g., 0.2) for percentage based resizing.
public Height ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

IfCondition() public method

Start defining a condition, which will be completed with a call Condition.Then()
public IfCondition ( ) : Condition
return Condition

IfCondition() public method

Define a conditional transformation defined by the condition string.
public IfCondition ( string condition ) : Transformation
condition string A condition string.
return Transformation

IfElse() public method

public IfElse ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

Named() public method

public Named ( ) : Transformation
return Transformation

Opacity() public method

Manipulate image opacity in order to make the image semi-transparent.
public Opacity ( int value ) : Transformation
value int
return Transformation

Overlay() public method

public Overlay ( BaseLayer value ) : Transformation
value BaseLayer
return Transformation

Overlay() public method

public Overlay ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Page() public method

Given a multi-page PDF document, generate an image of a single page using the given index.
public Page ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Prefix() public method

public Prefix ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Quality() public method

Control the JPG compression quality. 1 is the lowest quality and 100 is the highest. The default is the original image's quality or 90% if not available. Reducing quality generates JPG images much smaller in file size.
public Quality ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Radius() public method

public Radius ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

RawTransformation() public method

public RawTransformation ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

ResponsiveWidth() public method

Whether to enable automatic adaptation of website images. See http://cloudinary.com/blog/how_to_automatically_adapt_website_images_to_retina_and_hidpi_devices for further info.
public ResponsiveWidth ( bool value ) : Transformation
value bool
return Transformation

SetHtmlHeight() public method

public SetHtmlHeight ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

SetHtmlWidth() public method

public SetHtmlWidth ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Transformation() public method

Creates empty transformation object.
public Transformation ( ) : System
return System

Transformation() public method

Creates transformation object from single result of Actions.GetTransformResult.
public Transformation ( object>.Dictionary transformParams ) : System
transformParams object>.Dictionary One can use an element of array.
return System

Transformation() public method

Creates transformation object chained with other transformations.
public Transformation ( List transforms ) : System
transforms List
return System

Underlay() public method

public Underlay ( BaseLayer value ) : Transformation
value BaseLayer
return Transformation

Underlay() public method

public Underlay ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Width() public method

The required width of a transformed image or an overlay. Can be specified separately or together with the height value. Can also be a decimal value (e.g., 0.2) for percentage based resizing.
public Width ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

X() public method

Horizontal position for custom-coordinates based cropping and overlay placement.
public X ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Y() public method

Vertical position for custom-coordinates based cropping and overlay placement.
public Y ( object value ) : Transformation
value object
return Transformation

Zoom() public method

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).
public Zoom ( double value ) : Transformation
value double
return Transformation

Zoom() public method

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).
public Zoom ( float value ) : Transformation
value float
return Transformation

Zoom() public method

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).
public Zoom ( int value ) : Transformation
value int
return Transformation

Zoom() public method

How much zoom should be applying when detecting faces for crop, thumb or for overlays. (e.g. 0.5 will cause zoom out of x2 on both axes).
public Zoom ( string value ) : Transformation
value string
return Transformation

Property Details

m_htmlHeight protected property

protected string m_htmlHeight
return string

m_htmlWidth protected property

protected string m_htmlWidth
return string

m_nestedTransforms protected property

protected List m_nestedTransforms
return List

m_transformParams protected property

protected Dictionary m_transformParams
return object>.Dictionary