C# Class Cats.Services.Security.ProcurementCheckAccess

NetSqlAzMan Check Access Helper Class for NetSqlAzMan 'Procurement' Application
Inheritance: IProcurementCheckAccess
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
mStorage NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.IAzManStorage
windowsIdentity System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity

Public Methods

Method Description
CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Role role ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Role role, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Role role, string dbUserName ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Role role, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Task task ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Task task, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Task task, string dbUserName ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( Task task, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : bool

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CloseConnection ( ) : void

Closes the connection

GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR custom SID ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Role role ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, string dbUserName ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Task task ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR custom SID ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, string dbUserName ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].

GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].

ItemName ( System.Operation operation ) : string

Retrieve Item name from a Operation Enum.

ItemName ( Role role ) : string

Retrieve Item name from a Role Enum.

ItemName ( Task task ) : string

Retrieve Item name from a Task Enum.

OpenConnection ( ) : void

Opens the connection

ProcurementCheckAccess ( string storageConnectionString ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the T:ProcurementCheckAccess class [DB Users ONLY].

ProcurementCheckAccess ( string storageConnectionString, System windowsIdentity ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the T:ProcurementCheckAccess class [Windows Users ONLY].

Protected Methods

Method Description
CheckAccess ( string itemName, NetSqlAzMan customSID, bool operationsOnly ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( string itemName, NetSqlAzMan customSID, bool operationsOnly, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].

CheckAccess ( string itemName, bool operationsOnly ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( string itemName, bool operationsOnly, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( string itemName, string dbUserName, bool operationsOnly ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

CheckAccess ( string itemName, string dbUserName, bool operationsOnly, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].

Method Details

CheckAccess() protected method

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].
protected CheckAccess ( string itemName, NetSqlAzMan customSID, bool operationsOnly ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
itemName string The Item Name.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
operationsOnly bool if set to true checks the access for operations only.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

CheckAccess() protected method

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
protected CheckAccess ( string itemName, NetSqlAzMan customSID, bool operationsOnly, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
itemName string The Item Name.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
operationsOnly bool if set to true checks the access for operations only.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

CheckAccess() protected method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
protected CheckAccess ( string itemName, bool operationsOnly ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
itemName string The Item Name.
operationsOnly bool if set to true checks the access for operations only.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

CheckAccess() protected method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
protected CheckAccess ( string itemName, bool operationsOnly, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
itemName string The Item Name.
operationsOnly bool if set to true checks the access for operations only.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

CheckAccess() protected method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
protected CheckAccess ( string itemName, string dbUserName, bool operationsOnly ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
itemName string The Item Name.
dbUserName string The DB User Name.
operationsOnly bool if set to true checks the access for operations only.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

CheckAccess() protected method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
protected CheckAccess ( string itemName, string dbUserName, bool operationsOnly, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
itemName string The Item Name.
dbUserName string The DB User Name.
operationsOnly bool if set to true checks the access for operations only.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation ) : bool
operation System.Operation The Operation.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : bool
operation System.Operation The Operation.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
operation System.Operation The Operation.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
operation System.Operation The Operation.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName ) : bool
operation System.Operation The Operation.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
operation System.Operation The Operation.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Role role ) : bool
role Role The Role.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR custom SID ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : bool
role Role The Role.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
role Role The Role.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Role role, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
role Role The Role.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Role role, string dbUserName ) : bool
role Role The Role.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Role role, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
role Role The Role.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Task task ) : bool
task Task The Task.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : bool
task Task The Task.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The Custom SID.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
task Task The Task.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Task task, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
task Task The Task.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Task task, string dbUserName ) : bool
task Task The Task.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
return bool

CheckAccess() public method

Checks the access [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public CheckAccess ( Task task, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : bool
task Task The Task.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return bool

CloseConnection() public method

Closes the connection
public CloseConnection ( ) : void
return void

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
operation System.Operation The Operation.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
operation System.Operation The Operation.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The Custom SID.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR custom SID ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
operation System.Operation The Operation.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The Custom SID.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
operation System.Operation The Operation.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
operation System.Operation The Operation.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( System.Operation operation, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
operation System.Operation The Operation.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Role role ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
role Role The Role.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
role Role The Role.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
role Role The Role.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The custom SID.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
role Role The Role.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, string dbUserName ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
role Role The Role.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Role role, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
role Role The Role.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Task task ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
task Task The Task.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Custom SID ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
task Task The Task.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The Custom SID.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR custom SID ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, NetSqlAzMan customSID, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
task Task The Task.
customSID NetSqlAzMan The Custom SID.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR Windows Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
task Task The Task.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, string dbUserName ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
task Task The Task.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

GetAuthorizationType() public method

Gets the Authorization Type [FOR DB Users ONLY].
public GetAuthorizationType ( Task task, string dbUserName, string>.System &attributes ) : NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType
task Task The Task.
dbUserName string The DB UserName.
attributes string>.System Retrieved attributes.
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.AuthorizationType

ItemName() public method

Retrieve Item name from a Operation Enum.
public ItemName ( System.Operation operation ) : string
operation System.Operation The operation.
return string

ItemName() public method

Retrieve Item name from a Role Enum.
public ItemName ( Role role ) : string
role Role The role.
return string

ItemName() public method

Retrieve Item name from a Task Enum.
public ItemName ( Task task ) : string
task Task The task.
return string

OpenConnection() public method

Opens the connection
public OpenConnection ( ) : void
return void

ProcurementCheckAccess() public method

Initializes a new instance of the T:ProcurementCheckAccess class [DB Users ONLY].
public ProcurementCheckAccess ( string storageConnectionString ) : System
storageConnectionString string The storage connection string.
return System

ProcurementCheckAccess() public method

Initializes a new instance of the T:ProcurementCheckAccess class [Windows Users ONLY].
public ProcurementCheckAccess ( string storageConnectionString, System windowsIdentity ) : System
storageConnectionString string The storage connection string.
windowsIdentity System The Windows Principal Identity.
return System

Property Details

mStorage protected property

NetSqlAzMan Storage reference.
protected IAzManStorage,NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces mStorage
return NetSqlAzMan.Interfaces.IAzManStorage

windowsIdentity protected property

User Windows Principal Identity.
protected WindowsIdentity,System.Security.Principal windowsIdentity
return System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity