C# Class CSharpGL.ManifestResourceLoader

A small helper class to load manifest resource files.
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetLines ( string textFileName, int stackIndex = 2 ) : IEnumerable

Loads the named manifest resource and returns each line in order.

GetStream ( string textFileName, int stackIndex = 2 ) : Stream

Loads the named manifest resource and returns each line in order.

LoadBitmap ( string filename, int stackIndex = 2 ) : Bitmap

Loads bitmap in the manifest resource.

LoadTextFile ( string textFileName, int stackIndex = 2 ) : string

Loads the named manifest resource as a text string.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetLocation ( string textFileName, int stackIndex, Assembly &executingAssembly, string &location ) : void

Method Details

GetLines() public static method

Loads the named manifest resource and returns each line in order.
public static GetLines ( string textFileName, int stackIndex = 2 ) : IEnumerable
textFileName string
stackIndex int
return IEnumerable

GetStream() public static method

Loads the named manifest resource and returns each line in order.
public static GetStream ( string textFileName, int stackIndex = 2 ) : Stream
textFileName string
stackIndex int
return Stream

LoadBitmap() public static method

Loads bitmap in the manifest resource.
public static LoadBitmap ( string filename, int stackIndex = 2 ) : Bitmap
filename string
stackIndex int
return System.Drawing.Bitmap

LoadTextFile() public static method

Loads the named manifest resource as a text string.
public static LoadTextFile ( string textFileName, int stackIndex = 2 ) : string
textFileName string Name of the text file.
stackIndex int
return string