C# Class Box2DX.Common.Vec3

A 2D column vector with 3 elements.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
X float

Public Methods

Method Description
Cross ( Vec3 a, Vec3 b ) : Vec3

Perform the cross product on two vectors.

Dot ( Vec3 a, Vec3 b ) : float

Perform the dot product on two vectors.

Set ( float x, float y, float z ) : void

Set this vector to some specified coordinates.

SetZero ( ) : void

Set this vector to all zeros.

Vec3 ( float x, float y, float z ) : System

Construct using coordinates.

operator ( ) : Vec3

Multiply this vector by a scalar.

Method Details

Cross() public static method

Perform the cross product on two vectors.
public static Cross ( Vec3 a, Vec3 b ) : Vec3
a Vec3
b Vec3
return Vec3

Dot() public static method

Perform the dot product on two vectors.
public static Dot ( Vec3 a, Vec3 b ) : float
a Vec3
b Vec3
return float

Set() public method

Set this vector to some specified coordinates.
public Set ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
x float
y float
z float
return void

SetZero() public method

Set this vector to all zeros.
public SetZero ( ) : void
return void

Vec3() public method

Construct using coordinates.
public Vec3 ( float x, float y, float z ) : System
x float
y float
z float
return System

operator() public static method

Multiply this vector by a scalar.
public static operator ( ) : Vec3
return Vec3

Property Details

X public property

public float X
return float