C# Class Binarysharp.MemoryManagement.Native.ThreadBasicInformation

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
AffinityMask uint
BasePriority uint
ExitStatus uint
Priority uint
ProcessId int
TebBaseAdress System.IntPtr
ThreadId int

Property Details

AffinityMask public property

The affinity mask.
public uint AffinityMask
return uint

BasePriority public property

The base priority.
public uint BasePriority
return uint

ExitStatus public property

the exit status.
public uint ExitStatus
return uint

Priority public property

The priority.
public uint Priority
return uint

ProcessId public property

The process id which owns the thread.
public int ProcessId
return int

TebBaseAdress public property

The base address of Thread Environment Block.
public IntPtr,System TebBaseAdress
return System.IntPtr

ThreadId public property

The thread id.
public int ThreadId
return int