C# Class Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Transport.TransportFactory

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Public Methods

Method Description
AsyncCompositeConnect ( Uri location, SetTransport setTransport ) : ITransport
CompositeConnect ( Uri location ) : ITransport
CreateTransport ( Uri location ) : ITransport

Creates a normal transport.

HandleException ( Exception ex ) : void
RegisterTransportFactory ( string scheme, Type factoryType ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateTransportFactory ( Uri location ) : ITransportFactory

Create a transport factory for the scheme. If we do not support the transport protocol, an NMSConnectionException will be thrown.

FindTransportFactory ( string scheme ) : Type
NewInstance ( string scheme ) : ITransportFactory

Method Details

AsyncCompositeConnect() public static method

public static AsyncCompositeConnect ( Uri location, SetTransport setTransport ) : ITransport
location System.Uri
setTransport SetTransport
return ITransport

CompositeConnect() public static method

public static CompositeConnect ( Uri location ) : ITransport
location System.Uri
return ITransport

CreateTransport() public static method

Creates a normal transport.
public static CreateTransport ( Uri location ) : ITransport
location System.Uri
return ITransport

HandleException() public static method

public static HandleException ( Exception ex ) : void
ex System.Exception
return void

RegisterTransportFactory() public method

public RegisterTransportFactory ( string scheme, Type factoryType ) : void
scheme string
factoryType System.Type
return void