C# Class AngleSharp.Io.Network.FileRequester

Requester to perform file:// requests.
Inheritance: IRequester
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Public Methods

Method Description
RequestAsync ( IRequest request, CancellationToken cancel ) : Task

Performs an asynchronous request that can be cancelled.

SupportsProtocol ( String protocol ) : System.Boolean

Checks if the given protocol is supported.

Method Details

RequestAsync() public method

Performs an asynchronous request that can be cancelled.
public RequestAsync ( IRequest request, CancellationToken cancel ) : Task
request IRequest The options to consider.
cancel System.Threading.CancellationToken The token for cancelling the task.
return Task

SupportsProtocol() public method

Checks if the given protocol is supported.
public SupportsProtocol ( String protocol ) : System.Boolean
protocol String The protocol to check for, e.g. file.
return System.Boolean