C# Class Amazon.EC2.Model.CreateVolumeRequest

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Public Methods

Method Description
CreateVolumeRequest ( ) : System

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available

CreateVolumeRequest ( string availabilityZone, int size ) : System

Instantiates CreateVolumeRequest with the parameterized properties

CreateVolumeRequest ( string availabilityZone, string snapshotId ) : System

Instantiates CreateVolumeRequest with the parameterized properties

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetAvailabilityZone ( ) : bool
IsSetEncrypted ( ) : bool
IsSetIops ( ) : bool
IsSetKmsKeyId ( ) : bool
IsSetSize ( ) : bool
IsSetSnapshotId ( ) : bool
IsSetVolumeType ( ) : bool

Method Details

CreateVolumeRequest() public method

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available
public CreateVolumeRequest ( ) : System
return System

CreateVolumeRequest() public method

Instantiates CreateVolumeRequest with the parameterized properties
public CreateVolumeRequest ( string availabilityZone, int size ) : System
availabilityZone string The Availability Zone in which to create the volume. Use DescribeAvailabilityZones to list the Availability Zones that are currently available to you.
size int The size of the volume, in GiBs. Constraints: 1-16384 for gp2, 4-16384 for io1, 500-16384 for st1, 500-16384 for sc1, and 1-1024 for standard. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size. Default: If you're creating the volume from a snapshot and don't specify a volume size, the default is the snapshot size.
return System

CreateVolumeRequest() public method

Instantiates CreateVolumeRequest with the parameterized properties
public CreateVolumeRequest ( string availabilityZone, string snapshotId ) : System
availabilityZone string The Availability Zone in which to create the volume. Use DescribeAvailabilityZones to list the Availability Zones that are currently available to you.
snapshotId string The snapshot from which to create the volume.
return System