C# Class Amazon.CloudWatch.HistoryItemType

History Item Type
Inheritance: ConstantClass
Show file Open project: scopely/aws-sdk-net

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Action HistoryItemType
ConfigurationUpdate HistoryItemType
StateUpdate HistoryItemType

Public Methods

Method Description
FindValue ( string value ) : HistoryItemType

Finds the constant for the unique value.

HistoryItemType ( string value ) : System

Default Constructor

Method Details

FindValue() public static method

Finds the constant for the unique value.
public static FindValue ( string value ) : HistoryItemType
value string The unique value for the constant
return HistoryItemType

HistoryItemType() public method

Default Constructor
public HistoryItemType ( string value ) : System
value string
return System

Property Details

Action public static property

Constant Action for HistoryItemType
public static HistoryItemType,Amazon.CloudWatch Action
return HistoryItemType

ConfigurationUpdate public static property

Constant ConfigurationUpdate for HistoryItemType
public static HistoryItemType,Amazon.CloudWatch ConfigurationUpdate
return HistoryItemType

StateUpdate public static property

Constant StateUpdate for HistoryItemType
public static HistoryItemType,Amazon.CloudWatch StateUpdate
return HistoryItemType