C# Class ATUAV_RT.WindowingConsolePrinter

Example GazeDataHandler that collects gaze data in dynamically sized windows and prints each window to console.
Inheritance: ConsolePrinter, WindowingHandler
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Public Methods

Method Description
FixationEnd ( int time, int duration, int x, int y ) : void

Collects fixation events

ProcessWindow ( ) : void

Prints the accumulated fixation and gaze data events without dropping intermittent events.

ProcessWindow ( bool keepData ) : void

Prints the accumulated fixation and gaze data events without dropping intermittent events.

StartWindow ( ) : void

Start collecting data in a new window. Clears any existing data.

StopWindow ( ) : void

Stops collecting data. Does not clear existing data.

WindowingConsolePrinter ( SyncManager syncManager ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
GazeDataReceivedSynchronized ( object sender, GazeDataEventArgs e ) : void

Collects gaze point events

GazeDataReceivedSynchronized ( object sender, GazeDataItem gazePoint ) : void

Collects gaze point events

Private Methods

Method Description
PrintData ( ) : void

Private non-threadsafe method for printing data to console.

Method Details

FixationEnd() public method

Collects fixation events
public FixationEnd ( int time, int duration, int x, int y ) : void
time int Start time of fixation
duration int Duration of fixation
x int Fixation Y position
y int Fixation X position
return void

GazeDataReceivedSynchronized() protected method

Collects gaze point events
protected GazeDataReceivedSynchronized ( object sender, GazeDataEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e GazeDataEventArgs Contains gaze data item
return void

GazeDataReceivedSynchronized() protected method

Collects gaze point events
protected GazeDataReceivedSynchronized ( object sender, GazeDataItem gazePoint ) : void
sender object
gazePoint GazeDataItem
return void

ProcessWindow() public method

Prints the accumulated fixation and gaze data events without dropping intermittent events.
public ProcessWindow ( ) : void
return void

ProcessWindow() public method

Prints the accumulated fixation and gaze data events without dropping intermittent events.
public ProcessWindow ( bool keepData ) : void
keepData bool If true, collected data is kept for next window. Otherwise data is cleared.
return void

StartWindow() public method

Start collecting data in a new window. Clears any existing data.
public StartWindow ( ) : void
return void

StopWindow() public method

Stops collecting data. Does not clear existing data.
public StopWindow ( ) : void
return void

WindowingConsolePrinter() public method

public WindowingConsolePrinter ( SyncManager syncManager ) : System
syncManager SyncManager
return System