C# Class ARCed.Scintilla.Annotation

Represents a customizable read-only block of text which can be displayed below each line in a Scintilla control.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Clear ( ) : void

Removes all text and styles associated with the annotation.

Equals ( Annotation a ) : bool

Determines whether the specified Annotation is equal to the current Annotation.

Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Overridden. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Overridden. Serves as a hash function for a particular type.

GetStyles ( ) : IEnumerable

Returns a StyleRun enumerable representing the individual character styling of the annotation text.

SetStyles ( IEnumerable styles ) : void

Uses the enumerable StyleRun specified to individually style characters in the annotation text.

The Text property must be set prior to styling and the sum length of all runs should match the text length.

operator ( ) : bool

Tests whether two Annotation object differ in location or content.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Annotation ( Scintilla scintilla, int lineIndex ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Annotation class.

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckInvalid ( ) : void

Method Details

Annotation() protected method

Initializes a new instance of the Annotation class.
protected Annotation ( Scintilla scintilla, int lineIndex ) : System
scintilla Scintilla The control that created this object.
lineIndex int The zero-based index of the document line containing the annotation.
return System

Clear() public method

Removes all text and styles associated with the annotation.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified Annotation is equal to the current Annotation.
public Equals ( Annotation a ) : bool
a Annotation The annotation to compare with the current annotation.
return bool

Equals() public method

Overridden. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object The object to compare with the current object.
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Overridden. Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

GetStyles() public method

Returns a StyleRun enumerable representing the individual character styling of the annotation text.
public GetStyles ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

SetStyles() public method

Uses the enumerable StyleRun specified to individually style characters in the annotation text.
The Text property must be set prior to styling and the sum length of all runs should match the text length.
is null.
public SetStyles ( IEnumerable styles ) : void
styles IEnumerable /// The enumerable indicating how to style the annotation text, /// where the property of each run represents the number /// of characters the run spans. ///
return void

operator() public static method

Tests whether two Annotation object differ in location or content.
public static operator ( ) : bool
return bool