C# Class AForge.Neuro.ThresholdFunction

Threshold activation function.

The class represents threshold activation function with the next expression: f(x) = 1, if x >= 0, otherwise 0

Output range of the function: [0, 1].

Functions graph:

Inheritance: IActivationFunction
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Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : object

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.

Derivative ( double x ) : double

Calculates function derivative (not supported).

The method is not supported, because it is not possible to calculate derivative of the function.

Derivative2 ( double y ) : double

Calculates function derivative (not supported).

The method is not supported, because it is not possible to calculate derivative of the function.

Function ( double x ) : double

Calculates function value.

The method calculates function value at point x.

ThresholdFunction ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ThresholdFunction class.

Method Details

Clone() public method

Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
public Clone ( ) : object
return object

Derivative() public method

Calculates function derivative (not supported).

The method is not supported, because it is not possible to calculate derivative of the function.

public Derivative ( double x ) : double
x double Input value.
return double

Derivative2() public method

Calculates function derivative (not supported).

The method is not supported, because it is not possible to calculate derivative of the function.

public Derivative2 ( double y ) : double
y double Input value.
return double

Function() public method

Calculates function value.
The method calculates function value at point x.
public Function ( double x ) : double
x double Function input value.
return double

ThresholdFunction() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ThresholdFunction class.
public ThresholdFunction ( ) : System
return System