C# Class AForge.Neuro.Neuron

Base neuron class.
This is a base neuron class, which encapsulates such common properties, like neuron's input, output and weights.
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
inputsCount int
output double
rand AForge.ThreadSafeRandom
randRange AForge.Range
weights double[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Compute ( double input ) : double

Computes output value of neuron.

The actual neuron's output value is determined by inherited class. The output value is also stored in Output property.

Randomize ( ) : void

Randomize neuron.

Initialize neuron's weights with random values within the range specified by RandRange.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Neuron ( int inputs ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Neuron class.

The new neuron will be randomized (see Randomize method) after it is created.

Method Details

Compute() public abstract method

Computes output value of neuron.
The actual neuron's output value is determined by inherited class. The output value is also stored in Output property.
public abstract Compute ( double input ) : double
input double Input vector.
return double

Neuron() protected method

Initializes a new instance of the Neuron class.
The new neuron will be randomized (see Randomize method) after it is created.
protected Neuron ( int inputs ) : System
inputs int Neuron's inputs count.
return System

Randomize() public method

Randomize neuron.
Initialize neuron's weights with random values within the range specified by RandRange.
public Randomize ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

inputsCount protected property

Neuron's inputs count.
protected int inputsCount
return int

output protected property

Neuron's output value.
protected double output
return double

rand protected static property

Random number generator.
The generator is used for neuron's weights randomization.
protected static ThreadSafeRandom,AForge rand
return AForge.ThreadSafeRandom

randRange protected static property

Random generator range.
Sets the range of random generator. Affects initial values of neuron's weight. Default value is [0, 1].
protected static Range,AForge randRange
return AForge.Range

weights protected property

Nouron's wieghts.
protected double[] weights
return double[]