C# Class ACR_ServerCommunicator.ServerLatencyMeasurer.PingState

Ping state communicated across the channel.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
PCObjectId uint
TickCount int

Public Methods

Method Description
FromString ( string Arguments ) : PingState

Deserialize the state from a string.

PingState ( uint PCObjectId, int TickCount ) : System

Construct a new PingState object.

ToString ( ) : string

Convert the state to a string.

Method Details

FromString() public static method

Deserialize the state from a string.
public static FromString ( string Arguments ) : PingState
Arguments string Supplies the state string that was /// constructed by a call to ToString().
return PingState

PingState() public method

Construct a new PingState object.
public PingState ( uint PCObjectId, int TickCount ) : System
PCObjectId uint Supplies the player id.
TickCount int Supplies the tick count.
return System

ToString() public method

Convert the state to a string.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

PCObjectId public property

The PC object ID of the requesting player.
public uint PCObjectId
return uint

TickCount public property

The tick count snapped at the start of the ping request.
public int TickCount
return int