C# Class ACMESharp.AuthorizeChallenge

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Public Methods

Method Description
GenerateDnsChallengeAnswer ( string dnsId, ISigner signer ) : string>.KeyValuePair

Returns a key-value pair that represents the DNS domain name that needs to be configured (the key) and the value that should be returned (the value) for a query against that domain name for a record of type TXT.

GenerateHttpChallengeAnswer ( string dnsId, ISigner signer ) : string>.KeyValuePair

Returns a key-value pair that represents the HTTP resource path that needs to be configured (the key) and the resource content that should be returned for an HTTP request for this path on a server that the target DNS resolve to.

IsInvalid ( ) : bool
IsPending ( ) : bool

Method Details

GenerateDnsChallengeAnswer() public method

Returns a key-value pair that represents the DNS domain name that needs to be configured (the key) and the value that should be returned (the value) for a query against that domain name for a record of type TXT.
public GenerateDnsChallengeAnswer ( string dnsId, ISigner signer ) : string>.KeyValuePair
dnsId string
signer ISigner
return string>.KeyValuePair

GenerateHttpChallengeAnswer() public method

Returns a key-value pair that represents the HTTP resource path that needs to be configured (the key) and the resource content that should be returned for an HTTP request for this path on a server that the target DNS resolve to.
public GenerateHttpChallengeAnswer ( string dnsId, ISigner signer ) : string>.KeyValuePair
dnsId string
signer ISigner
return string>.KeyValuePair

IsInvalid() public method

public IsInvalid ( ) : bool
return bool

IsPending() public method

public IsPending ( ) : bool
return bool