C# Class MiraReticlePointer, Speech-Sandbox

MiraReticlePointer extends MiraBasePointer and calls the scripts within MiraReticle that help it change appearance when the event system processes interaction events
Inheritance: MiraBasePointer
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Public Methods

Method Description
OnInputModuleDisabled ( ) : void
OnInputModuleEnabled ( ) : void
OnPointerClick ( ) : void
OnPointerClickDown ( ) : void
OnPointerClickUp ( ) : void
OnPointerEnter ( GameObject, targetGameObject, RaycastResult, ray, bool isTargetInteractive ) : void
OnPointerExit ( GameObject, targetGameObject ) : void
OnPointerHover ( GameObject, targetGameObject, RaycastResult, ray, bool isTargetInteractive ) : void

Method Details

OnInputModuleDisabled() public method

public OnInputModuleDisabled ( ) : void
return void

OnInputModuleEnabled() public method

public OnInputModuleEnabled ( ) : void
return void

OnPointerClick() public method

public OnPointerClick ( ) : void
return void

OnPointerClickDown() public method

public OnPointerClickDown ( ) : void
return void

OnPointerClickUp() public method

public OnPointerClickUp ( ) : void
return void

OnPointerEnter() public method

public OnPointerEnter ( GameObject, targetGameObject, RaycastResult, ray, bool isTargetInteractive ) : void
targetGameObject GameObject,
ray RaycastResult,
isTargetInteractive bool
return void

OnPointerExit() public method

public OnPointerExit ( GameObject, targetGameObject ) : void
targetGameObject GameObject,
return void

OnPointerHover() public method

public OnPointerHover ( GameObject, targetGameObject, RaycastResult, ray, bool isTargetInteractive ) : void
targetGameObject GameObject,
ray RaycastResult,
isTargetInteractive bool
return void