C# Class MenuActions, GameProject

Defining the actions for the main-menu
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Show file Open project: EECS390IndieTeam/GameProject Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
initialCanvas Canvas

Public Methods

Method Description
ExitApplication ( ) : void

Terminates Unity and returns control to the operating system.

NavigateAndPopCanvas ( ) : void

Pops the last menu we were at and navigates to it.

NavigateAndPushCanvas ( Canvas canvas ) : void

Navigates to a new canvas and pushes the previous one to the navigation stack.

Start ( ) : void

Performs menu system setup.

Method Details

ExitApplication() public method

Terminates Unity and returns control to the operating system.
public ExitApplication ( ) : void
return void

NavigateAndPopCanvas() public method

Pops the last menu we were at and navigates to it.
public NavigateAndPopCanvas ( ) : void
return void

NavigateAndPushCanvas() public method

Navigates to a new canvas and pushes the previous one to the navigation stack.
public NavigateAndPushCanvas ( Canvas canvas ) : void
canvas Canvas The canvas to navigate to.
return void

Start() public method

Performs menu system setup.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

initialCanvas public property

The Editor assignable canvas.
public Canvas initialCanvas
return Canvas