C# Class JSqlSerializer, J-SQL

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
sc StringComparison

Public Methods

Method Description
Accumulate ( SqlString itemKey, SqlString itemValue ) : void

Accumulate the next value, not if the value is null

FormatJsonValue ( String itemValue ) : String
Init ( ) : void

Initialize the internal data structures

Merge ( JSqlSerializer, Group ) : void

Merge the partially computed aggregate with this aggregate.

Read ( BinaryReader r ) : void
Terminate ( ) : SqlString

Called at the end of aggregation, to return the results of the aggregation.

Write ( BinaryWriter w ) : void

Method Details

Accumulate() public method

Accumulate the next value, not if the value is null
public Accumulate ( SqlString itemKey, SqlString itemValue ) : void
itemKey SqlString
itemValue SqlString
return void

FormatJsonValue() public method

public FormatJsonValue ( String itemValue ) : String
itemValue String
return String

Init() public method

Initialize the internal data structures
public Init ( ) : void
return void

Merge() public method

Merge the partially computed aggregate with this aggregate.
public Merge ( JSqlSerializer, Group ) : void
Group JSqlSerializer,
return void

Read() public method

public Read ( BinaryReader r ) : void
r BinaryReader
return void

Terminate() public method

Called at the end of aggregation, to return the results of the aggregation.
public Terminate ( ) : SqlString
return SqlString

Write() public method

public Write ( BinaryWriter w ) : void
w BinaryWriter
return void

Property Details

sc public static property

public static StringComparison sc
return StringComparison