C# Class Summer.Batch.Core.Explore.Support.DbJobExplorerFactory

An Summer.Batch.Common.Util.IFactory{T} that automates the creation of a SimpleJobExplorer using Database DAO implementations. Requires the user to describe what kind of database they are using.
Inheritance: AbstractJobExplorerFactory, IInitializationPostOperations
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Public Methods

Method Description
AfterPropertiesSet ( ) : void

Post-initialization operation.

GetObject ( ) : IJobExplorer

Provides the IJobExplorer.

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateExecutionContextDao ( ) : IExecutionContextDao

Creates the execution context DAO.

CreateJobExecutionDao ( ) : IJobExecutionDao

Creates the job execution DAO.

CreateJobInstanceDao ( ) : IJobInstanceDao

Creates the job instance DAO.

CreateStepExecutionDao ( ) : IStepExecutionDao

Creates the step execution DAO.

Method Details

AfterPropertiesSet() public method

Post-initialization operation.
public AfterPropertiesSet ( ) : void
return void

CreateExecutionContextDao() protected method

Creates the execution context DAO.
protected CreateExecutionContextDao ( ) : IExecutionContextDao
return IExecutionContextDao

CreateJobExecutionDao() protected method

Creates the job execution DAO.
protected CreateJobExecutionDao ( ) : IJobExecutionDao
return IJobExecutionDao

CreateJobInstanceDao() protected method

Creates the job instance DAO.
protected CreateJobInstanceDao ( ) : IJobInstanceDao
return IJobInstanceDao

CreateStepExecutionDao() protected method

Creates the step execution DAO.
protected CreateStepExecutionDao ( ) : IStepExecutionDao
return IStepExecutionDao

GetObject() public method

Provides the IJobExplorer.
public GetObject ( ) : IJobExplorer
return IJobExplorer