C# Class Scorchio.VisualStudio.CommandManager

Inheritance: IDispatch, IDTExtensibility2, IDTCommandTarget
显示文件 Open project: asudbury/NinjaCoderForMvvmCross

Public Methods

Method Description
Exec ( string commandName, vsCommandExecOption executeOption, object &variantIn, object &variantOut, bool &handled ) : void

Execs the specified command name.

OnAddInsUpdate ( Array &custom ) : void

Called when [add ins update].

OnBeginShutdown ( Array &custom ) : void

Called when [begin shutdown].

OnConnection ( object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, Array &custom ) : void

Called when [connection].

OnDisconnection ( ext_DisconnectMode removeMode, Array &custom ) : void

Called when [disconnection].

OnStartupComplete ( Array &custom ) : void

Called when [startup complete].

QueryStatus ( string commandName, vsCommandStatusTextWanted neededText, vsCommandStatus &status, object &commandText ) : void

Queries the status.

Protected Methods

Method Description
AddCommandBar ( string commandName ) : CommandBar

Adds the command bar.

AddMenuItem ( VSCommandInfo commandInfo ) : void

Add item to the menu.

AfterStartUp ( ) : void

After the start up.

CommandManager ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CommandManager class.

DeleteCommand ( string commandName ) : void

Deletes the command.

Initialize ( ) : void

Initializes this instance.

ListAllCommands ( ) : void

Lists all commands.

RemoveMenuItem ( string menuItemName ) : void

Removes the menu item.

StartUp ( ) : void

Starts up.

UISetup ( ) : void

UIs the setup.

Method Details

AddCommandBar() protected method

Adds the command bar.
protected AddCommandBar ( string commandName ) : CommandBar
commandName string Name of the command.
return CommandBar

AddMenuItem() protected method

Add item to the menu.
protected AddMenuItem ( VSCommandInfo commandInfo ) : void
commandInfo VSCommandInfo The command info.
return void

AfterStartUp() protected method

After the start up.
protected AfterStartUp ( ) : void
return void

CommandManager() protected method

Initializes a new instance of the CommandManager class.
protected CommandManager ( ) : System
return System

DeleteCommand() protected method

Deletes the command.
protected DeleteCommand ( string commandName ) : void
commandName string Name of the command.
return void

Exec() public method

Execs the specified command name.
public Exec ( string commandName, vsCommandExecOption executeOption, object &variantIn, object &variantOut, bool &handled ) : void
commandName string ProjectName of the command.
executeOption vsCommandExecOption The execute option.
variantIn object The variant in.
variantOut object The variant out.
handled bool if set to true [handled].
return void

Initialize() protected method

Initializes this instance.
protected Initialize ( ) : void
return void

ListAllCommands() protected method

Lists all commands.
protected ListAllCommands ( ) : void
return void

OnAddInsUpdate() public method

Called when [add ins update].
public OnAddInsUpdate ( Array &custom ) : void
custom System.Array The custom.
return void

OnBeginShutdown() public method

Called when [begin shutdown].
public OnBeginShutdown ( Array &custom ) : void
custom System.Array The custom.
return void

OnConnection() public method

Called when [connection].
public OnConnection ( object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, Array &custom ) : void
application object The application.
connectMode ext_ConnectMode The connect mode.
addInInst object The add in instance.
custom System.Array The custom.
return void

OnDisconnection() public method

Called when [disconnection].
public OnDisconnection ( ext_DisconnectMode removeMode, Array &custom ) : void
removeMode ext_DisconnectMode The remove mode.
custom System.Array The custom.
return void

OnStartupComplete() public method

Called when [startup complete].
public OnStartupComplete ( Array &custom ) : void
custom System.Array The custom.
return void

QueryStatus() public method

Queries the status.
public QueryStatus ( string commandName, vsCommandStatusTextWanted neededText, vsCommandStatus &status, object &commandText ) : void
commandName string ProjectName of the command.
neededText vsCommandStatusTextWanted The needed text.
status vsCommandStatus The status option.
commandText object The command text.
return void

RemoveMenuItem() protected method

Removes the menu item.
protected RemoveMenuItem ( string menuItemName ) : void
menuItemName string Name of the menu item.
return void

StartUp() protected method

Starts up.
protected StartUp ( ) : void
return void

UISetup() protected method

UIs the setup.
protected UISetup ( ) : void
return void