C# Class Rsdn.Janus.ForumDummyForm

显示文件 Open project: rsdn/janus Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CollapseAndGoRoot ( ) : void
ExpandUnread ( ) : void
FillMessages ( ) : void
SelectMessage ( int msgID ) : bool
SelectMessage ( int forumID, int msgID ) : bool
SelectNodeByAttribute ( StepDirection dir, AttrType attrType, SearchMessageArea area ) : void
SmartJump ( ) : void
StopMarkTimer ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddToFavorites ( ) : void
AfterForumEntryChanged ( ForumEntryChangedEventArgs args ) : void
ApplyCurrentFilter ( ) : void
ApplyFilter ( string filterText ) : void
BeforeForumEntryChanged ( ForumEntryChangedEventArgs args ) : void
CheckMark ( int x, int y ) : bool
CollapseAndGoRootShortcut ( ) : void
CopyAuthorAddress ( ) : void
CopyMsgAddress ( ) : void
CustomInitializeComponent ( ) : void
DoExpandUnread ( IMsg node ) : void
ExpandUnreadShortcut ( ) : void
ForumDummyForm ( IServiceProvider provider ) : System
GetActiveMsgList ( ) : IMsg
GetFilteredMsgList ( IServiceProvider provider, IMsg iMsg, string filterText ) : IMsg
HideFilterPanel ( ) : void
IFeatureView ( ) : void
IFeatureView ( IFeature feature ) : void
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

IsMsgConformAttribute ( IMsg msg, AttrType attrType ) : bool
MarkConvRead ( ) : void
MarkConvUnRead ( ) : void
MarkMessagesRead ( ) : void
MarkMessagesUnRead ( ) : void
MessageNavigated ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
OnSelectedMessagesChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
OnStyleChanged ( object s, StyleChangeEventArgs e ) : void
OpenRating ( ) : void
OpenSelfModerate ( ) : void
PageDown ( ) : void
ReadRepliesAll ( ) : void
ReadRepliesSingle ( ) : void
ReplyMessage ( ) : void
ResetFilter ( ) : void
SelectHighlightedAnswerToMyMsgNext ( ) : void
SelectHighlightedAnswerToMyMsgPrev ( ) : void
SelectHighlightedMsgNext ( ) : void
SelectHighlightedMsgNextInCurrTopic ( ) : void
SelectHighlightedMsgPrev ( ) : void
SelectHighlightedMsgPrevInCurTipic ( ) : void
SelectMarkedMsgNext ( ) : void
SelectMarkedMsgPrev ( ) : void
SetMessageMarked ( MsgBase msg ) : void
SetPositionViewMsgArea ( bool toRight ) : void
SetSetings ( ) : void
ShowAllArticle ( ) : void
ShowAllFaq ( ) : void
ShowArticle ( ) : void
ShowFaq ( ) : void
ShowFilterPanel ( ) : void
ShowHideFilterPanel ( ) : void
ShowMessageIntoExtBrowser ( ) : void
ShowMessageIntoJBrowser ( ) : void
ShowUserRatingIn ( ) : void
StartMarkTimer ( ) : void
UnreadRepliesAll ( ) : void
UnreadRepliesSingle ( ) : void
UpdateStyle ( ) : void
WriteMessage ( ) : void
_btnHideFilterPanel_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
_btnResetFilter_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
_markTimer_Elapsed ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
_splitter_SplitterMoved ( object sender, SplitterEventArgs e ) : void
_tbxFilter_KeyUp ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_AfterActivateNode ( ITreeNode ActivatedNode ) : void
_tgMsgs_BeforeMouseDown ( object sender, BeforeMouseDownEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_ColumnClick ( object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_ColumnReordered ( object sender, ColumnReorderedEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_ColumnWidthChanged ( object sender, ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_MouseDoubleClick ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_MouseDown ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_MouseMove ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void
_tgMsgs_MouseUp ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

CollapseAndGoRoot() public method

public CollapseAndGoRoot ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

ExpandUnread() public method

public ExpandUnread ( ) : void
return void

FillMessages() public method

public FillMessages ( ) : void
return void

OnLoad() protected method

protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
return void

OnVisibleChanged() protected method

protected OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
return void

SelectMessage() public method

public SelectMessage ( int msgID ) : bool
msgID int
return bool

SelectMessage() public method

public SelectMessage ( int forumID, int msgID ) : bool
forumID int
msgID int
return bool

SelectNodeByAttribute() public method

public SelectNodeByAttribute ( StepDirection dir, AttrType attrType, SearchMessageArea area ) : void
dir StepDirection
attrType AttrType
area SearchMessageArea
return void

SmartJump() public method

public SmartJump ( ) : void
return void

StopMarkTimer() public method

public StopMarkTimer ( ) : void
return void