C# Class QuadVideo.VideoScene

Inheritance: NewTOAPIA.GL.GLModel
显示文件 Open project: Wiladams/NewTOAPIA Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
OnKeyboardActivity ( object sender, KeyboardActivityArgs kbde ) : IntPtr
OnSetViewport ( int w, int h ) : void
VideoScene ( ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
DoMorph ( ) : void
DrawBegin ( ) : void

Do this at the beginning of each frame. Typically setup views, clear buffers, and the like.

DrawContent ( ) : void
DrawEnd ( ) : void
OnReleaseContext ( ) : void
OnSetContext ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
DisplayQuad ( GLTexture texture, RectangleF srcRect, Rectangle dstRect ) : void

This routine is meant to draw a quad with the specified texture on the screen. It achieves this by first changing the viewport to match the coordinates specified in the destination rectangle. The coordinate system starts with 0,0 being the lower left hand corner of the window, and increasing x to the right and y as you go up the screen. The coordinates are in pixels. This can draw a "screen aligned quad" if the x,y == 0,0, and the width,height == the size of the frame buffer being drawn into.

DrawQuads ( ) : void

This routine will perform a channel separation, as well as displaying the subsequent resulting quads on the display.

SeparateChannels ( ) : void

This routine uses the YCrCbProcessor object to do the actual work of color model conversion. After the processing occurs, we are left with three different texture objects as properties on the processor. We assign those properties to variables that are used to display the results.

Method Details

DoMorph() protected method

protected DoMorph ( ) : void
return void

DrawBegin() protected method

Do this at the beginning of each frame. Typically setup views, clear buffers, and the like.
protected DrawBegin ( ) : void
return void

DrawContent() protected method

protected DrawContent ( ) : void
return void

DrawEnd() protected method

protected DrawEnd ( ) : void
return void

OnKeyboardActivity() public method

public OnKeyboardActivity ( object sender, KeyboardActivityArgs kbde ) : IntPtr
sender object
kbde NewTOAPIA.UI.KeyboardActivityArgs
return System.IntPtr

OnReleaseContext() protected method

protected OnReleaseContext ( ) : void
return void

OnSetContext() protected method

protected OnSetContext ( ) : void
return void

OnSetViewport() public method

public OnSetViewport ( int w, int h ) : void
w int
h int
return void

VideoScene() public method

public VideoScene ( ) : System
return System