C# Class POLUtils.UOConvert.UOCRealms.Realms

Inheritable Public and Private Entities for UOConvert Realm Information. No default constructor as this Class is for Inheritable Purposes only.
显示文件 Open project: polserver/poltools

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_Height int
_MapID int
_RealmName string
_UseDiff bool
_Width int

Public Methods

Method Description
GetUOCMapCommand ( ) : string

Retrieves the Realm UOConvert Map Conversion Command for a Realm Object

GetUOCMapTileCommand ( ) : string

Retrieves the Realm UOConvert Maptile Conversion Command for a Realm Object

GetUOCStaticCommand ( ) : string

Retrieves the Realm UOConvert Statics Conversion Command for a Realm Object

Method Details

GetUOCMapCommand() public method

Retrieves the Realm UOConvert Map Conversion Command for a Realm Object
public GetUOCMapCommand ( ) : string
return string

GetUOCMapTileCommand() public method

Retrieves the Realm UOConvert Maptile Conversion Command for a Realm Object
public GetUOCMapTileCommand ( ) : string
return string

GetUOCStaticCommand() public method

Retrieves the Realm UOConvert Statics Conversion Command for a Realm Object
public GetUOCStaticCommand ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

_Height protected_oe property

Protected Realm Height Storage
protected int _Height
return int

_MapID protected_oe property

Protected Realm Map ID Storage
protected int _MapID
return int

_RealmName protected_oe property

Protected Realm Name Storage
protected string _RealmName
return string

_UseDiff protected_oe property

Protected Realm Use Dif Storage
protected bool _UseDiff
return bool

_Width protected_oe property

Protected Realm Width Storage
protected int _Width
return int