C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_DWSS.MS_DWSSAdapter

Adapter requirements capture code for MS-DWSS server role.
显示文件 Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Public Methods

Method Description
CanCreateDwsUrl ( string dwsUrl, Error &error ) : string

The operation to determine whether an authenticated user has permission to create a Document Workspace at the specified URL.

CreateDws ( string dwsName, UsersItem users, string dwsTitle, DocumentsItem docs, Error &error ) : CreateDwsResultResults

The operation to create a new Document Workspace.

CreateFolder ( string folderUrl, Error &error ) : void

The operation to create a folder in the document library of the current Document Workspace site.

DeleteDws ( Error &error ) : void

The operation to delete a Document Workspace from the protocol server.

DeleteFolder ( string folderUrl, Error &error ) : void

The operation to delete a folder from a document library on the site.

FindDwsDoc ( string docId, Error &error ) : string

The operation to obtain a URL for a named document in a Document Workspace.

GetDwsData ( string docUrl, string lastUpdate, Error &error ) : Results

The operation to return general information about the Document Workspace site, as well as its members, documents, links, and tasks.

GetDwsMetaData ( string docUrl, string docId, bool isMinimal, Error &error ) : GetDwsMetaDataResultTypeResults

The operation to return information about a Document Workspace site and the lists that it contains.

Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void

Overrides base Initialize method.

RemoveDwsUser ( int userId, Error &error ) : void

The operation to delete a user from a Document Workspace.

RenameDws ( string dwsTitle, Error &error ) : void

The operation to change the title of a Document Workspace.

UpdateDwsData ( string updates, string meetingInstance, Error &error ) : string

The operation to modify the metadata of a Document Workspace. This method is deprecated and should not be called by the protocol client.

Private Methods

Method Description
LoadCommonConfiguration ( ) : void

A method used to load Common Configuration

LoadCurrentSutSHOULDMAYConfiguration ( ) : void

A method used to load SHOULDMAY Configuration according to the current SUT version

SetSoapVersion ( DwsSoap dwsSoap ) : void

Set the SOAP version according to the SoapVersion property.

ValidateCanCreateDwsUrlResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for CanCreateDwsUrl operation.

ValidateCreateDwsResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for operation CreateDws.

ValidateCreateDwsResultResults ( string usersString, CreateDwsResultResults respResults ) : void

Validate the requirements related to Results element in CreateDwsResult element.

ValidateCreateFolderResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for CreateFolder operation.

ValidateCreateFolderResultResult ( ) : void

Validate the requirements related to Result element in DeleteDws operation.

ValidateDeleteDwsResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for DeleteDws operation.

ValidateDeleteDwsResultResult ( ) : void

Validate the requirements related to Result element in DeleteDws operation.

ValidateDeleteFolderResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for the DeleteFolder operation.

ValidateDeleteFolderResultResult ( ) : void

Validate the requirements related to result element in the DeleteFolder operation.

ValidateFindDwsDocResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for the FindDwsDoc operation.

ValidateGetDwsDataResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for GetDwsData operation.

ValidateGetDwsDataResultError ( ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for GetDwsData error element.

ValidateGetDwsDataResultResults ( Results respResults ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for GetDwsData results element.

ValidateGetDwsMetaDataResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for GetDwsMetaData operation.

ValidateGetDwsMetaDataResultResults ( GetDwsMetaDataResultTypeResults respResults, bool isMinimal ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for GetDwsMetaData results element.

ValidateListElement ( List list ) : void

Validate the requirements related to List element.

ValidateProtocolTransport ( ) : void

Validates the protocol transport-related requirements.

ValidateRemoveDwsUserResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for RemoveDwsUser operation.

ValidateRemoveDwsUserResultResults ( ) : void

Validate the requirements related to Results element in RemoveDwsUser operation.

ValidateRenameDwsResponseSchema ( string respXmlString ) : void

Validate the requirements related to schema for RenameDws operation.

ValidateRenameDwsResultResult ( ) : void

Validate the requirements related to Result element in RenameDws operation.

ValidateSoapVersion ( ) : void

Validates the protocol soap-related requirements for the CanCreateDwsUrl operation.

ValidateUpdateDwsData ( ) : void

Verify the UpdateDwsData operation related requirements.

Method Details

CanCreateDwsUrl() public method

The operation to determine whether an authenticated user has permission to create a Document Workspace at the specified URL.
public CanCreateDwsUrl ( string dwsUrl, Error &error ) : string
dwsUrl string Site-relative URL that specifies where to create the Document Workspace.
error Error An error indication.
return string

CreateDws() public method

The operation to create a new Document Workspace.
public CreateDws ( string dwsName, UsersItem users, string dwsTitle, DocumentsItem docs, Error &error ) : CreateDwsResultResults
dwsName string Specifies the name of the Document Workspace site, this parameter can be empty.
users UsersItem Specifies the users to be added as contributors in the Document Workspace site, this parameter can be null.
dwsTitle string Specifies the title of the workspace, this parameter can be empty.
docs DocumentsItem Specifies information to be stored as a key-value pair in the site metadata, this parameter can be null.
error Error An error indication.
return CreateDwsResultResults

CreateFolder() public method

The operation to create a folder in the document library of the current Document Workspace site.
public CreateFolder ( string folderUrl, Error &error ) : void
folderUrl string Site-relative URL with the full path for the new folder.
error Error An error indication.
return void

DeleteDws() public method

The operation to delete a Document Workspace from the protocol server.
public DeleteDws ( Error &error ) : void
error Error An error indication.
return void

DeleteFolder() public method

The operation to delete a folder from a document library on the site.
public DeleteFolder ( string folderUrl, Error &error ) : void
folderUrl string Site-relative URL specifying the folder to delete.
error Error An error indication.
return void

FindDwsDoc() public method

The operation to obtain a URL for a named document in a Document Workspace.
public FindDwsDoc ( string docId, Error &error ) : string
docId string A unique string that represents a document key.
error Error An error indication.
return string

GetDwsData() public method

The operation to return general information about the Document Workspace site, as well as its members, documents, links, and tasks.
public GetDwsData ( string docUrl, string lastUpdate, Error &error ) : Results
docUrl string A site-based URL of a document in the document library in the Document Workspace.
lastUpdate string Contains the lastUpdate value returned in the result of a previous GetDwsData or GetDwsMetaData operation, or an empty string.
error Error An error indication.
return Results

GetDwsMetaData() public method

The operation to return information about a Document Workspace site and the lists that it contains.
public GetDwsMetaData ( string docUrl, string docId, bool isMinimal, Error &error ) : GetDwsMetaDataResultTypeResults
docUrl string A site-relative URL that specifies the list or document to describe in the response.
docId string A unique string that represents a document key.
isMinimal bool A Boolean value that specifies whether to return information.
error Error An error indication.
return GetDwsMetaDataResultTypeResults

Initialize() public method

Overrides base Initialize method.
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void
testSite ITestSite An instance of the ITestSite.
return void

RemoveDwsUser() public method

The operation to delete a user from a Document Workspace.
public RemoveDwsUser ( int userId, Error &error ) : void
userId int The user identifier of the user to remove from the workspace. This positive integer MUST be in the range from zero through 2,147,483,647, inclusive.
error Error An error indication.
return void

RenameDws() public method

The operation to change the title of a Document Workspace.
public RenameDws ( string dwsTitle, Error &error ) : void
dwsTitle string A string contains the new title of the workspace.
error Error An error indication.
return void

UpdateDwsData() public method

The operation to modify the metadata of a Document Workspace. This method is deprecated and should not be called by the protocol client.
public UpdateDwsData ( string updates, string meetingInstance, Error &error ) : string
updates string A string that contains CAML instructions specifying how to update the workspace information.
meetingInstance string A string that contains the meeting information, this parameter can be empty.
error Error An error indication.
return string