C# Class Microsoft.Async.Transformations.Windows.AsyncTransform

A set of transformations for asynchronous functions specific to Windows.
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Public Methods

Method Description
OnDispatcher ( Task>.Func asyncFunc ) : Task>.Func

Converts a asynchronous function into one that is guaranteed to be called on a dispatcher thread.

OnDispatcher ( Task>.Func asyncFunc, CoreDispatcherPriority priority ) : Task>.Func

Converts a asynchronous function into one that is guaranteed to be called on a dispatcher thread.

Method Details

OnDispatcher() public static method

Converts a asynchronous function into one that is guaranteed to be called on a dispatcher thread.
public static OnDispatcher ( Task>.Func asyncFunc ) : Task>.Func
asyncFunc Task>.Func The asynchronous function.
return Task>.Func

OnDispatcher() public static method

Converts a asynchronous function into one that is guaranteed to be called on a dispatcher thread.
public static OnDispatcher ( Task>.Func asyncFunc, CoreDispatcherPriority priority ) : Task>.Func
asyncFunc Task>.Func The asynchronous function.
priority CoreDispatcherPriority The dispatcher priority.
return Task>.Func