C# Class Castle.Core.Logging.LevelFilteredLogger.LevelFilteredLogger

Inheritance: System.MarshalByRefObject, ILogger
显示文件 Open project: 7digital/Castle.Core

Private Properties

Property Type Description
FatalError void
FatalError void
InitializeLifetimeService object
Log void

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateChildLogger ( string loggerName ) : ILogger
Debug ( string message ) : void

Logs a debug message.

Debug ( string message, Exception exception ) : void

Logs a debug message.

DebugFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs a debug message.

DebugFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void

Logs a debug message.

DebugFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs a debug message.

DebugFormat ( string format ) : void

Logs a debug message.

Error ( string message ) : void

Logs an error message.

Error ( string message, Exception exception ) : void

Logs an error message.

ErrorFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs an error message.

ErrorFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void

Logs an error message.

ErrorFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs an error message.

ErrorFormat ( string format ) : void

Logs an error message.

Fatal ( string message ) : void

Logs a fatal message.

Fatal ( string message, Exception exception ) : void

Logs a fatal message.

FatalFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs a fatal message.

FatalFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void

Logs a fatal message.

FatalFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs a fatal message.

FatalFormat ( string format ) : void

Logs a fatal message.

Info ( string message ) : void

Logs an info message.

Info ( string message, Exception exception ) : void

Logs an info message.

InfoFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs an info message.

InfoFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void

Logs an info message.

InfoFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs an info message.

InfoFormat ( string format ) : void

Logs an info message.

Warn ( string message ) : void

Logs a warn message.

Warn ( string message, Exception exception ) : void

Logs a warn message.

WarnFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs a warn message.

WarnFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void

Logs a warn message.

WarnFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void

Logs a warn message.

WarnFormat ( string format ) : void

Logs a warn message.

Protected Methods

Method Description
ChangeName ( String newName ) : void
LevelFilteredLogger ( ) : System

Creates a new LevelFilteredLogger.

LevelFilteredLogger ( LoggerLevel loggerLevel ) : System
LevelFilteredLogger ( String name ) : System
LevelFilteredLogger ( String loggerName, LoggerLevel loggerLevel ) : System
Log ( LoggerLevel loggerLevel, String loggerName, String message, Exception exception ) : void

Implementors output the log content by implementing this method only. Note that exception can be null

Private Methods

Method Description
FatalError ( string message ) : void
FatalError ( string message, Exception exception ) : void
InitializeLifetimeService ( ) : object
Log ( LoggerLevel loggerLevel, String message, Exception exception ) : void

Method Details

ChangeName() protected method

protected ChangeName ( String newName ) : void
newName String
return void

CreateChildLogger() public abstract method

public abstract CreateChildLogger ( string loggerName ) : ILogger
loggerName string
return ILogger

Debug() public method

Logs a debug message.
public Debug ( string message ) : void
message string The message to log
return void

Debug() public method

Logs a debug message.
public Debug ( string message, Exception exception ) : void
message string The message to log
exception System.Exception The exception to log
return void

DebugFormat() public method

Logs a debug message.
public DebugFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

DebugFormat() public method

Logs a debug message.
public DebugFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

DebugFormat() public method

Logs a debug message.
public DebugFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

DebugFormat() public method

Logs a debug message.
public DebugFormat ( string format ) : void
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

Error() public method

Logs an error message.
public Error ( string message ) : void
message string The message to log
return void

Error() public method

Logs an error message.
public Error ( string message, Exception exception ) : void
message string The message to log
exception System.Exception The exception to log
return void

ErrorFormat() public method

Logs an error message.
public ErrorFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

ErrorFormat() public method

Logs an error message.
public ErrorFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

ErrorFormat() public method

Logs an error message.
public ErrorFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

ErrorFormat() public method

Logs an error message.
public ErrorFormat ( string format ) : void
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

Fatal() public method

Logs a fatal message.
public Fatal ( string message ) : void
message string The message to log
return void

Fatal() public method

Logs a fatal message.
public Fatal ( string message, Exception exception ) : void
message string The message to log
exception System.Exception The exception to log
return void

FatalFormat() public method

Logs a fatal message.
public FatalFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

FatalFormat() public method

Logs a fatal message.
public FatalFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

FatalFormat() public method

Logs a fatal message.
public FatalFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

FatalFormat() public method

Logs a fatal message.
public FatalFormat ( string format ) : void
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

Info() public method

Logs an info message.
public Info ( string message ) : void
message string The message to log
return void

Info() public method

Logs an info message.
public Info ( string message, Exception exception ) : void
message string The message to log
exception System.Exception The exception to log
return void

InfoFormat() public method

Logs an info message.
public InfoFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

InfoFormat() public method

Logs an info message.
public InfoFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

InfoFormat() public method

Logs an info message.
public InfoFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

InfoFormat() public method

Logs an info message.
public InfoFormat ( string format ) : void
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

LevelFilteredLogger() protected method

Creates a new LevelFilteredLogger.
protected LevelFilteredLogger ( ) : System
return System

LevelFilteredLogger() protected method

protected LevelFilteredLogger ( LoggerLevel loggerLevel ) : System
loggerLevel LoggerLevel
return System

LevelFilteredLogger() protected method

protected LevelFilteredLogger ( String name ) : System
name String
return System

LevelFilteredLogger() protected method

protected LevelFilteredLogger ( String loggerName, LoggerLevel loggerLevel ) : System
loggerName String
loggerLevel LoggerLevel
return System

Log() protected abstract method

Implementors output the log content by implementing this method only. Note that exception can be null
protected abstract Log ( LoggerLevel loggerLevel, String loggerName, String message, Exception exception ) : void
loggerLevel LoggerLevel
loggerName String
message String
exception System.Exception
return void

Warn() public method

Logs a warn message.
public Warn ( string message ) : void
message string The message to log
return void

Warn() public method

Logs a warn message.
public Warn ( string message, Exception exception ) : void
message string The message to log
exception System.Exception The exception to log
return void

WarnFormat() public method

Logs a warn message.
public WarnFormat ( Exception exception, IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

WarnFormat() public method

Logs a warn message.
public WarnFormat ( Exception exception, string format ) : void
exception System.Exception The exception to log
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

WarnFormat() public method

Logs a warn message.
public WarnFormat ( IFormatProvider formatProvider, string format ) : void
formatProvider IFormatProvider The format provider to use
format string Format string for the message to log
return void

WarnFormat() public method

Logs a warn message.
public WarnFormat ( string format ) : void
format string Format string for the message to log
return void