Имя |
Описание |
AcosExpression |
An arc-cosine expression. |
AcoshExpression |
An inverse hyperbolic cosine expression. |
AsinExpression |
An arc-sine expression. |
AsinhExpression |
An inverse hyperbolic sine expression. |
Atan2Expression |
An arc-tangent 2 expression accepting a y-coordinate and x-coordinate. |
AtanExpression |
An arc-tangent expression. |
AtanhExpression |
An inverse hyperbolic tangent expression. |
CeilingExpression |
A ceiling expression. |
CombinedExpressionGenerator |
Combines various generic operation providers together. Provides a requested expression from the first provider to successfully build one. |
ConstantExpressionGenerationRequest |
A constant expression generation request to get an expression representing a constant value. |
ConversionExpressionRequest |
Creates a new conversion expression request. |
CoreExpressionGenerator |
CoreExpressionGenerator.SpecializedOperations |
These methods are used through reflection. |
CosExpression |
A cosine expression. |
CoshExpression |
A hyperbolic cosine expression. |
DistanceExpression |
An expression to calculate the distance between two points. |
DotProductExpression |
An expression representing the dot product of two vectors. |
ExpExpression |
An expression equivalent to the constant E raised to the Nth power. |
ExpressionBuilderExtensionMethods |
Utility and extension methods to support expression generation. |
ExpressionGenerationRequestCodeContract |
ExpressionGeneratorCodeContract |
ExpressionUtilityMethods |
Various utility methods and extension methods related to expression trees. |
FloorExpression |
A floor expression. |
FunctionExpressionGenerationRequest |
An expression generation request for a function that takes expressions as input. |
LocalExpressionVariableManager |
Manages local variables during the dynamic generation of expression blocks. |
LocalExpressionVariableManager.VariableUsage |
A variable container that returns the expression variable back to an unused pool when disposed. |
Log10Expression |
A base 10 logarithm expression. |
LogExpression |
An arbitrary base logarithm expression. |
MagnitudeExpression |
An expression representing the magnitude of a set of expressions representing coordinates. |
MaxExpression |
A maximum value expression which determines the maximum value of two expressions. |
MefCombinedExpressionGenerator |
A combined expression generator using MEF to locate all available expression generators at run-time. |
MinExpression |
A minimum value expression which determines the minimum of two values. |
NaturalLogExpression |
A natural logarithm expression. |
ReducibleBinaryExpressionBase |
An expression that can be reduced to a compilable expression and which also takes two expressions as input. |
ReducibleExpressionBase |
An expression that can be reduced to a compilable expression. |
ReducibleUnaryExpressionBase |
An expression that can be reduced to a compilable expression and which also takes a single expression as input. |
SinExpression |
A sine expression. |
SinhExpression |
A hyperbolic sine expression. |
SquareRootExpression |
An expression representing the square-root of another expression. SquareRootExpression(expression) = (expression)^(1/2). |
SquaredDistanceExpression |
An expression representing the squared distance between two points. |
SquaredMagnitudeExpression |
An expression representing the squared magnitude of a set of expressions representing coordinates. |
TanExpression |
A tangent expression. |
TanhExpression |
A hyperbolic tangent expression. |
TruncateExpression |
A truncate expression which removes any decimals from a number, leaving only the integer part. |
VectorExpressionGenerator |