C# (CSharp) AmazonScrape Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AmazonItem Represents an Amazon product Used to populate the data grid.
App Interaction logic for App.xaml
DataGridPlus Extends DataGrid to allow columns to be easily added through code-behind Avoids overly-cluttered XAML
ItemValidator Static methods determine whether the inputs meet the user's search criteria
MainWindow Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
PageManager Manages the workload of one page of search results. Calls appropriate methods to load, parse, validate and return results to the SearchManager.
Parser Contains static methods to process Amazon html and return product information
RangeSlider Interaction logic for RangeSlider.xaml
ResourceLoader Loads image or control style resources
ScoreDistribution Represents the percentage range of values of each Amazon review star category (convenience class)
Scraper Performs page and image loads and provides methods to encode/decode strings.
SearchCriteria Used to pass around the user's search criteria (convenience class)
SearchManager Manages the logical workflow of the application. Creates and deploys PageManagers. Returns WorkProgress object to report status and successful results.