C# (CSharp) Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel Пространство имен


Имя Описание
DeleteItemOperationConfig Configuration for the Table.DeleteItem operation
DocumentBatchGet Class for retrieving a batch of Documents from a single DynamoDB table.
DocumentBatchWrite Class for putting and/or deleting a batch of items in a single DynamoDB table.
Filter Filter for use with scan and query operations
GetItemOperationConfig Configuration for the Table.GetItem operation
JsonUtils Utility methods to handle conversion from/to JSON
MultiTableDocumentBatchGet Class for retrieving a batch of Documents from multiple DynamoDB tables.
MultiTableDocumentBatchWrite Class for putting and/or deleting a batch of items in multiple DynamoDB tables.
PutItemOperationConfig Configuration for the Table.PutItem operation
QueryFilter Query filter.
QueryOperationConfig Configuration for the Table.Query operation
ScanFilter Scan filter.
ScanOperationConfig Configuration for the Table.Scan operation
Search Search response object
Table The Table class is the starting object when using the Document API. It is used to Get documents from the DynamnoDB table and write documents back to the DynamoDB table.
UpdateItemOperationConfig Configuration for the Table.UpdateItem operation