C# (CSharp) Amazon.CodePipeline.Model Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AcknowledgeJobRequest Container for the parameters to the AcknowledgeJob operation. Returns information about a specified job and whether that job has been received by the job worker. Only used for custom actions.
AcknowledgeThirdPartyJobRequest Container for the parameters to the AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob operation. Confirms a job worker has received the specified job. Only used for partner actions.
ActionDeclaration Represents information about an action declaration.
ActionExecution Represents information about the run of an action.
ActionTypeId Represents information about an action type.
ActionTypeSettings Returns information about the settings for an action type.
ApprovalResult Represents information about the result of an approval request.
ArtifactRevision Represents revision details of an artifact.
ArtifactStore The Amazon S3 location where artifacts are stored for the pipeline. If this Amazon S3 bucket is created manually, it must meet the requirements for AWS CodePipeline. For more information, see the Concepts.
BlockerDeclaration Reserved for future use.
CreateCustomActionTypeRequest Container for the parameters to the CreateCustomActionType operation. Creates a new custom action that can be used in all pipelines associated with the AWS account. Only used for custom actions.
CurrentRevision Represents information about a current revision.
DeleteCustomActionTypeRequest Container for the parameters to the DeleteCustomActionType operation. Marks a custom action as deleted. PollForJobs for the custom action will fail after the action is marked for deletion. Only used for custom actions.

You cannot recreate a custom action after it has been deleted unless you increase the version number of the action.

DisableStageTransitionRequest Container for the parameters to the DisableStageTransition operation. Prevents artifacts in a pipeline from transitioning to the next stage in the pipeline.
EncryptionKey Represents information about the key used to encrypt data in the artifact store, such as an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key.
GetJobDetailsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetJobDetails operation. Returns information about a job. Only used for custom actions.

When this API is called, AWS CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the Amazon S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that Amazon S3 bucket for input or output artifacts. Additionally, this API returns any secret values defined for the action.

GetJobDetailsResponse Represents the output of a get job details action.
GetPipelineExecutionRequest Container for the parameters to the GetPipelineExecution operation. Returns information about an execution of a pipeline, including details about artifacts, the pipeline execution ID, and the name, version, and status of the pipeline.
GetPipelineExecutionResponse Represents the output of a get pipeline execution action.
GetPipelineStateRequest Container for the parameters to the GetPipelineState operation. Returns information about the state of a pipeline, including the stages and actions.
GetPipelineStateResponse Represents the output of a get pipeline state action.
GetThirdPartyJobDetailsRequest Container for the parameters to the GetThirdPartyJobDetails operation. Requests the details of a job for a third party action. Only used for partner actions.

When this API is called, AWS CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the Amazon S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that Amazon S3 bucket for input or output artifacts. Additionally, this API returns any secret values defined for the action.

GetThirdPartyJobDetailsResponse Represents the output of a get third party job details action.
Job Represents information about a job.
OutputArtifact Represents information about the output of an action.
PipelineDeclaration Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.
PipelineExecution Represents information about an execution of a pipeline.
PollForJobsRequest Container for the parameters to the PollForJobs operation. Returns information about any jobs for AWS CodePipeline to act upon.

When this API is called, AWS CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the Amazon S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that Amazon S3 bucket for input or output artifacts. Additionally, this API returns any secret values defined for the action.

PollForThirdPartyJobsRequest Container for the parameters to the PollForThirdPartyJobs operation. Determines whether there are any third party jobs for a job worker to act on. Only used for partner actions.

When this API is called, AWS CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the Amazon S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that Amazon S3 bucket for input or output artifacts.

PutActionRevisionResponse Represents the output of a put action revision action.
PutApprovalResultRequest Container for the parameters to the PutApprovalResult operation. Provides the response to a manual approval request to AWS CodePipeline. Valid responses include Approved and Rejected.
PutApprovalResultResponse Represents the output of a put approval result action.
PutJobFailureResultRequest Container for the parameters to the PutJobFailureResult operation. Represents the failure of a job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Only used for custom actions.
PutJobSuccessResultRequest Container for the parameters to the PutJobSuccessResult operation. Represents the success of a job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Only used for custom actions.
PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResultRequest Container for the parameters to the PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult operation. Represents the success of a third party job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Only used for partner actions.
RetryStageExecutionRequest Container for the parameters to the RetryStageExecution operation. Resumes the pipeline execution by retrying the last failed actions in a stage.
RetryStageExecutionResponse Represents the output of a retry stage execution action.
S3ArtifactLocation The location of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains a revision.
StageDeclaration Represents information about a stage and its definition.
StageExecution Represents information about the run of a stage.
StageState Represents information about the state of the stage.
StartPipelineExecutionResponse Represents the output of a start pipeline execution action.
ThirdPartyJobData Represents information about the job data for a partner action.
ThirdPartyJobDetails The details of a job sent in response to a GetThirdPartyJobDetails request.