C# Класс agsXMPP.protocol.iq.privacy.PrivacyManager

Helper class for managing server side privacy lists (blocking communication)
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddList ( string name, Item rules ) : void

Add a new list with the given name and rules

AddList ( string name, Item rules, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Add a new list with the given name and rules.

ChangeActiveList ( string name ) : void

Change the active list

ChangeActiveList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Change the active list

ChangeDefaultList ( string name ) : void

Change the default list

ChangeDefaultList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Change the default list

DeclineActiveList ( ) : void

Decline the use of any active list

DeclineActiveList ( IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Decline the use of any active list

DeclineDefaultList ( ) : void

Decline the use of the default list

DeclineDefaultList ( IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Decline the use of the default list

GetList ( string name ) : void

Requests a privacy list from the server by its name

GetList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Requests a privacy list from the server by its name

GetLists ( ) : void

Retrieving all Privacy Lists

GetLists ( IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Retrieving all Privacy Lists

PrivacyManager ( XmppClientConnection con ) : System
RemoveList ( string name ) : void

Remove a privacy list

RemoveList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Remove a privacy list

UpdateList ( string name, Item rules ) : void

Update the list with the given name and rules.

Specify the desired changes to the list by including all elements/rules in the list (not the "delta")

UpdateList ( string name, Item rules, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Update the list with the given name and rules.

Specify the desired changes to the list by including all elements/rules in the list (not the "delta")

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
SendStanza ( agsXMPP.protocol.iq.privacy.PrivacyIq pIq, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void

Sends a PrivacyIq over the active connection

Описание методов

AddList() публичный Метод

Add a new list with the given name and rules
public AddList ( string name, Item rules ) : void
name string
rules Item
Результат void

AddList() публичный Метод

Add a new list with the given name and rules.
public AddList ( string name, Item rules, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
name string
rules Item
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

ChangeActiveList() публичный Метод

Change the active list
public ChangeActiveList ( string name ) : void
name string
Результат void

ChangeActiveList() публичный Метод

Change the active list
public ChangeActiveList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
name string
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

ChangeDefaultList() публичный Метод

Change the default list
public ChangeDefaultList ( string name ) : void
name string name of the new default list
Результат void

ChangeDefaultList() публичный Метод

Change the default list
public ChangeDefaultList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
name string name of the new default list
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

DeclineActiveList() публичный Метод

Decline the use of any active list
public DeclineActiveList ( ) : void
Результат void

DeclineActiveList() публичный Метод

Decline the use of any active list
public DeclineActiveList ( IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

DeclineDefaultList() публичный Метод

Decline the use of the default list
public DeclineDefaultList ( ) : void
Результат void

DeclineDefaultList() публичный Метод

Decline the use of the default list
public DeclineDefaultList ( IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

GetList() публичный Метод

Requests a privacy list from the server by its name
public GetList ( string name ) : void
name string name of the privacy list to retrieve
Результат void

GetList() публичный Метод

Requests a privacy list from the server by its name
public GetList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
name string name of the privacy list to retrieve
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

GetLists() публичный Метод

Retrieving all Privacy Lists
public GetLists ( ) : void
Результат void

GetLists() публичный Метод

Retrieving all Privacy Lists
public GetLists ( IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

PrivacyManager() публичный Метод

public PrivacyManager ( XmppClientConnection con ) : System
con agsXMPP.XmppClientConnection
Результат System

RemoveList() публичный Метод

Remove a privacy list
public RemoveList ( string name ) : void
name string name of the privacy list to remove
Результат void

RemoveList() публичный Метод

Remove a privacy list
public RemoveList ( string name, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
name string name of the privacy list to remove
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void

UpdateList() публичный Метод

Update the list with the given name and rules.
Specify the desired changes to the list by including all elements/rules in the list (not the "delta")
public UpdateList ( string name, Item rules ) : void
name string name of the list
rules Item rules of this list
Результат void

UpdateList() публичный Метод

Update the list with the given name and rules.
Specify the desired changes to the list by including all elements/rules in the list (not the "delta")
public UpdateList ( string name, Item rules, IqCB cb, object cbArg ) : void
name string name of this list
rules Item rules of this list
cb IqCB Callback for the server result
cbArg object Callback arguments for the result when needed
Результат void