C# Класс YamlDotNet.Core.Emitter

Emits YAML streams.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Emit ( ParsingEvent @event ) : void

Emit an evt.

Emitter ( TextWriter output ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.

Emitter ( TextWriter output, int bestIndent ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.

Emitter ( TextWriter output, int bestIndent, int bestWidth ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.

Emitter ( TextWriter output, int bestIndent, int bestWidth, bool isCanonical ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AnalyzeAnchor ( string anchor, bool isAlias ) : void
AnalyzeEvent ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void
AnalyzeScalar ( Scalar scalar ) : void
AnalyzeTag ( string tag ) : void
AnalyzeVersionDirective ( YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.VersionDirective versionDirective ) : void
AppendTagDirectiveTo ( YamlDotNet.Core.Tokens.TagDirective value, bool allowDuplicates, TagDirectiveCollection tagDirectives ) : void
CheckEmptyDocument ( ) : bool

Check if the document content is an empty scalar.

CheckEmptyMapping ( ) : bool
CheckEmptySequence ( ) : bool
CheckSimpleKey ( ) : bool

Check if the next node can be expressed as a simple key.

EmitAlias ( ) : void

Expect ALIAS.

EmitBlockMappingKey ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isFirst ) : void

Expect a block key node.

EmitBlockMappingValue ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isSimple ) : void

Expect a block value node.

EmitBlockSequenceItem ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isFirst ) : void

Expect a block item node.

EmitComment ( Comment comment ) : void
EmitDocumentContent ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void

Expect the root node.

EmitDocumentEnd ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void


EmitDocumentStart ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isFirst ) : void


EmitFlowMappingKey ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isFirst ) : void

Expect a flow key node.

EmitFlowMappingValue ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isSimple ) : void

Expect a flow value node.

EmitFlowSequenceItem ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isFirst ) : void

Expect a flow item node.

EmitMappingStart ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void


EmitNode ( ParsingEvent evt, bool isRoot, bool isMapping, bool isSimpleKey ) : void

Expect a node.

EmitScalar ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void

Expect SCALAR.

EmitSequenceStart ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void


EmitStreamStart ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void


IncreaseIndent ( bool isFlow, bool isIndentless ) : void
IsBlank ( char character ) : bool
IsBreak ( char character, char &breakChar ) : bool
IsHighSurrogate ( char c ) : bool
IsLowSurrogate ( char c ) : bool
IsPrintable ( char character ) : bool
IsSpace ( char character ) : bool
IsUnicode ( Encoding encoding ) : bool
NeedMoreEvents ( ) : bool

Check if we need to accumulate more events before emitting. We accumulate extra - 1 event for DOCUMENT-START - 2 events for SEQUENCE-START - 3 events for MAPPING-START

NonDefaultTagsAmong ( IEnumerable tagCollection ) : TagDirectiveCollection
ProcessAnchor ( ) : void
ProcessScalar ( ) : void
ProcessTag ( ) : void
SafeStringLength ( string value ) : int
SelectScalarStyle ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void
StateMachine ( ParsingEvent evt ) : void
UrlEncode ( string text ) : string
ValueIsRepresentableInOutputEncoding ( string value ) : bool
Write ( char value ) : void
Write ( string value ) : void
WriteAnchor ( string value ) : void
WriteBlockScalarHints ( string value ) : void
WriteBreak ( char breakCharacter = '\n' ) : void
WriteDoubleQuotedScalar ( string value, bool allowBreaks ) : void
WriteFoldedScalar ( string value ) : void
WriteIndent ( ) : void
WriteIndicator ( string indicator, bool needWhitespace, bool whitespace, bool indentation ) : void
WriteLiteralScalar ( string value ) : void
WritePlainScalar ( string value, bool allowBreaks ) : void
WriteSingleQuotedScalar ( string value, bool allowBreaks ) : void
WriteTagContent ( string value, bool needsWhitespace ) : void
WriteTagHandle ( string value ) : void

Описание методов

Emit() публичный Метод

Emit an evt.
public Emit ( ParsingEvent @event ) : void
@event YamlDotNet.Core.Events.ParsingEvent
Результат void

Emitter() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.
public Emitter ( TextWriter output ) : System
output TextWriter The where the emitter will write.
Результат System

Emitter() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.
public Emitter ( TextWriter output, int bestIndent ) : System
output TextWriter The where the emitter will write.
bestIndent int The preferred indentation.
Результат System

Emitter() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.
public Emitter ( TextWriter output, int bestIndent, int bestWidth ) : System
output TextWriter The where the emitter will write.
bestIndent int The preferred indentation.
bestWidth int The preferred text width.
Результат System

Emitter() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Emitter class.
public Emitter ( TextWriter output, int bestIndent, int bestWidth, bool isCanonical ) : System
output TextWriter The where the emitter will write.
bestIndent int The preferred indentation.
bestWidth int The preferred text width.
isCanonical bool If true, write the output in canonical form.
Результат System