C# Класс Universe.Framework.SceneInfo.ClientManager

Maps from client AgentID and RemoteEndPoint values to IClientAPI references for all of the connected clients
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add ( IClientAPI value ) : bool

Add a client reference to the collection if it does not already exist

Clear ( ) : void

Resets the client collection

ClientManager ( ) : System

Default constructor

ContainsKey ( IPEndPoint key ) : bool

Checks if an endpoint is in the collection

ContainsKey ( UUID key ) : bool

Checks if a UUID is in the collection

ForEach ( Action action ) : void

Performs a given task in parallel for each of the elements in the collection

ForEachSync ( Action action ) : void

Performs a given task synchronously for each of the elements in the collection

Remove ( UUID key ) : bool

Remove a client from the collection

TryGetValue ( IPEndPoint key, IClientAPI &value ) : bool

Attempts to fetch a value out of the collection

TryGetValue ( UUID key, IClientAPI &value ) : bool

Attempts to fetch a value out of the collection

Описание методов

Add() публичный Метод

Add a client reference to the collection if it does not already exist
public Add ( IClientAPI value ) : bool
value IClientAPI Reference to the client object
Результат bool

Clear() публичный Метод

Resets the client collection
public Clear ( ) : void
Результат void

ClientManager() публичный Метод

Default constructor
public ClientManager ( ) : System
Результат System

ContainsKey() публичный Метод

Checks if an endpoint is in the collection
public ContainsKey ( IPEndPoint key ) : bool
key System.Net.IPEndPoint Endpoint to check for
Результат bool

ContainsKey() публичный Метод

Checks if a UUID is in the collection
public ContainsKey ( UUID key ) : bool
key UUID UUID to check for
Результат bool

ForEach() публичный Метод

Performs a given task in parallel for each of the elements in the collection
public ForEach ( Action action ) : void
action Action Action to perform on each element
Результат void

ForEachSync() публичный Метод

Performs a given task synchronously for each of the elements in the collection
public ForEachSync ( Action action ) : void
action Action Action to perform on each element
Результат void

Remove() публичный Метод

Remove a client from the collection
public Remove ( UUID key ) : bool
key UUID UUID of the client to remove
Результат bool

TryGetValue() публичный Метод

Attempts to fetch a value out of the collection
public TryGetValue ( IPEndPoint key, IClientAPI &value ) : bool
key System.Net.IPEndPoint Endpoint of the client to retrieve
value IClientAPI Retrieved client, or null on lookup failure
Результат bool

TryGetValue() публичный Метод

Attempts to fetch a value out of the collection
public TryGetValue ( UUID key, IClientAPI &value ) : bool
key UUID UUID of the client to retrieve
value IClientAPI Retrieved client, or null on lookup failure
Результат bool