C# Класс UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities

Mask related utility class.

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FindRootSortOverrideCanvas ( Transform start ) : Transform

Find a root Canvas.

GetRectMaskForClippable ( IClippable clippable ) : RectMask2D

Find the correct RectMask2D for a given IClippable.

GetRectMasksForClip ( RectMask2D clipper, List masks ) : void
GetStencilDepth ( Transform transform, Transform stopAfter ) : int

Find the stencil depth for a given element.

IsDescendantOrSelf ( Transform father, Transform child ) : bool

Helper function to determine if the child is a descendant of father or is father.

Notify2DMaskStateChanged ( Component mask ) : void

Notify all IClippables under the given component that they need to recalculate clipping.

NotifyStencilStateChanged ( Component mask ) : void

Notify all IMaskable under the given component that they need to recalculate masking.

Описание методов

FindRootSortOverrideCanvas() публичный статический Метод

Find a root Canvas.

public static FindRootSortOverrideCanvas ( Transform start ) : Transform
start UnityEngine.Transform Search start.
Результат UnityEngine.Transform

GetRectMaskForClippable() публичный статический Метод

Find the correct RectMask2D for a given IClippable.

public static GetRectMaskForClippable ( IClippable clippable ) : RectMask2D
clippable IClippable
Результат RectMask2D

GetRectMasksForClip() публичный статический Метод

public static GetRectMasksForClip ( RectMask2D clipper, List masks ) : void
clipper RectMask2D
masks List
Результат void

GetStencilDepth() публичный статический Метод

Find the stencil depth for a given element.

public static GetStencilDepth ( Transform transform, Transform stopAfter ) : int
transform UnityEngine.Transform
stopAfter UnityEngine.Transform
Результат int

IsDescendantOrSelf() публичный статический Метод

Helper function to determine if the child is a descendant of father or is father.

public static IsDescendantOrSelf ( Transform father, Transform child ) : bool
father UnityEngine.Transform The transform to compare against.
child UnityEngine.Transform The starting transform to search up the hierarchy.
Результат bool

Notify2DMaskStateChanged() публичный статический Метод

Notify all IClippables under the given component that they need to recalculate clipping.

public static Notify2DMaskStateChanged ( Component mask ) : void
mask UnityEngine.Component
Результат void

NotifyStencilStateChanged() публичный статический Метод

Notify all IMaskable under the given component that they need to recalculate masking.

public static NotifyStencilStateChanged ( Component mask ) : void
mask UnityEngine.Component
Результат void