C# Класс Thinktecture.Tools.Web.Services.ServiceDescription.OperationsCollection

Наследование: IOperationList, IList, ICloneable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add ( Operation value ) : int

Adds a Operation to the end of the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Add for details.

AddRange ( Operation array ) : void

Adds the elements of a Operation array to the end of the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.AddRange for details.

AddRange ( OperationsCollection collection ) : void

Adds the elements of another collection to the end of the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.AddRange for details.

BinarySearch ( Operation value ) : int

Searches the entire sorted OperationsCollection for an Operation element using the default comparer and returns the zero-based index of the element.

Please refer to ArrayList.BinarySearch for details.

Clear ( ) : void

Removes all elements from the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Clear for details.

Clone ( ) : object

Creates a shallow copy of the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Clone for details.

Contains ( Operation value ) : bool

Determines whether the OperationsCollection contains the specified Operation element.

Please refer to ArrayList.Contains for details.

CopyTo ( Operation array ) : void

Copies the entire OperationsCollection to a one-dimensional Array of Operation elements, starting at the beginning of the target array.

Please refer to ArrayList.CopyTo for details.

CopyTo ( Operation array, int arrayIndex ) : void

Copies the entire OperationsCollection to a one-dimensional Array of Operation elements, starting at the specified index of the target array.

Please refer to ArrayList.CopyTo for details.

GetEnumerator ( ) : IOperationEnumerator

Returns an IOperationEnumerator that can iterate through the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.GetEnumerator for details.

IndexOf ( Operation value ) : int

Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified Operation in the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.IndexOf for details.

Insert ( int index, Operation value ) : void

Inserts a Operation element into the OperationsCollection at the specified index.

Please refer to ArrayList.Insert for details.

OperationsCollection ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that is empty and has the default initial capacity.

Please refer to ArrayList() for details.

OperationsCollection ( Operation array ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that contains elements copied from the specified Operation array and that has the same initial capacity as the number of elements copied.

Please refer to ArrayList(ICollection) for details.

OperationsCollection ( OperationsCollection collection ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that contains elements copied from the specified collection and that has the same initial capacity as the number of elements copied.

Please refer to ArrayList(ICollection) for details.

OperationsCollection ( int capacity ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that is empty and has the specified initial capacity.

Please refer to ArrayList(Int32) for details.

ReadOnly ( OperationsCollection collection ) : OperationsCollection

Returns a read-only wrapper for the specified OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.ReadOnly for details.

Remove ( Operation value ) : void

Removes the first occurrence of the specified Operation from the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Remove for details.

RemoveAt ( int index ) : void

Removes the element at the specified index of the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.RemoveAt for details.

RemoveRange ( int index, int count ) : void

Removes the specified range of elements from the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.RemoveRange for details.

Reverse ( ) : void

Reverses the order of the elements in the entire OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Reverse for details.

Reverse ( int index, int count ) : void

Reverses the order of the elements in the specified range.

Please refer to ArrayList.Reverse for details.

Sort ( ) : void

Sorts the elements in the entire OperationsCollection using the IComparable implementation of each element.

Please refer to ArrayList.Sort for details.

Sort ( IComparer comparer ) : void

Sorts the elements in the entire OperationsCollection using the specified IComparer interface.

Please refer to ArrayList.Sort for details.

Sort ( int index, int count, IComparer comparer ) : void

Sorts the elements in the specified range using the specified IComparer interface.

Please refer to ArrayList.Sort for details.

Synchronized ( OperationsCollection collection ) : OperationsCollection

Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) wrapper for the specified OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Synchronized for details.

ToArray ( ) : Operation[]

Copies the elements of the OperationsCollection to a new Array of Operation elements.

Please refer to ArrayList.ToArray for details.

TrimToSize ( ) : void

Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.TrimToSize for details.

Unique ( OperationsCollection collection ) : OperationsCollection

Returns a wrapper for the specified OperationsCollection ensuring that all elements are unique.

The Unique wrapper provides a set-like collection by ensuring that all elements in the OperationsCollection are unique.

Unique raises an ArgumentException if the specified collection contains any duplicate elements. The returned wrapper raises a NotSupportedException whenever the user attempts to add an element that is already contained in the Operations.

Note: The Unique wrapper reflects any changes made to the underlying collection, including the possible creation of duplicate elements. The uniqueness of all elements is therefore no longer assured if the underlying collection is manipulated directly.

this ( int index ) : Operation

Gets or sets the Operation element at the specified index.

Please refer to ArrayList.this for details.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CheckEnumIndex ( int index ) : void
CheckEnumVersion ( int version ) : void
CheckTargetArray ( Array array, int arrayIndex ) : void
EnsureCapacity ( int minimum ) : void
ICollection ( Array array, int arrayIndex ) : void

Copies the entire OperationsCollection to a one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array.

Please refer to ArrayList.CopyTo for details.

IEnumerable ( ) : IEnumerator

Returns an IEnumerator that can iterate through the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.GetEnumerator for details.

IList ( object value ) : bool

Determines whether the OperationsCollection contains the specified element.

Please refer to ArrayList.Contains for details.

IList ( object value ) : int

Adds an Object to the end of the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Add for details.

IList ( int index, object value ) : void

Inserts an element into the OperationsCollection at the specified index.

Please refer to ArrayList.Insert for details.

IList ( object value ) : void

Removes the first occurrence of the specified Object from the OperationsCollection.

Please refer to ArrayList.Remove for details.

OperationsCollection ( Tag tag ) : System
ValidateIndex ( int index ) : void
this ( int index ) : objectIList.System

Gets or sets the element at the specified index.

Please refer to ArrayList.this for details.

Описание методов

Add() публичный Метод

Adds a Operation to the end of the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.Add for details.
/// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size. /// -or- /// The Operations already contains the specified /// , and the Operations /// ensures that all elements are unique.
public Add ( Operation value ) : int
value Operation The object /// to be added to the end of the . /// This argument can be a null reference. ///
Результат int

AddRange() публичный Метод

Adds the elements of a Operation array to the end of the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.AddRange for details.
/// is a null reference. /// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size. /// -or- /// The Operations already contains one or more elements /// in the specified , and the Operations /// ensures that all elements are unique.
public AddRange ( Operation array ) : void
array Operation An of elements /// that should be added to the end of the .
Результат void

AddRange() публичный Метод

Adds the elements of another collection to the end of the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.AddRange for details.
/// is a null reference. /// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size. /// -or- /// The Operations already contains one or more elements /// in the specified , and the Operations /// ensures that all elements are unique.
public AddRange ( OperationsCollection collection ) : void
collection OperationsCollection The whose elements /// should be added to the end of the current collection.
Результат void

BinarySearch() публичный Метод

Searches the entire sorted OperationsCollection for an Operation element using the default comparer and returns the zero-based index of the element.
Please refer to ArrayList.BinarySearch for details.
/// Neither nor the elements of the /// implement the interface.
public BinarySearch ( Operation value ) : int
value Operation The object /// to locate in the . /// This argument can be a null reference. ///
Результат int

Clear() публичный Метод

Removes all elements from the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.Clear for details.
/// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size.
public Clear ( ) : void
Результат void

Clone() публичный Метод

Creates a shallow copy of the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.Clone for details.
public Clone ( ) : object
Результат object

Contains() публичный Метод

Determines whether the OperationsCollection contains the specified Operation element.
Please refer to ArrayList.Contains for details.
public Contains ( Operation value ) : bool
value Operation The object /// to locate in the . /// This argument can be a null reference. ///
Результат bool

CopyTo() публичный Метод

Copies the entire OperationsCollection to a one-dimensional Array of Operation elements, starting at the beginning of the target array.
Please refer to ArrayList.CopyTo for details.
/// is a null reference. /// The number of elements in the source is greater /// than the available space in the destination .
public CopyTo ( Operation array ) : void
array Operation The one-dimensional that is the destination of the /// elements copied from the . /// The Array must have zero-based indexing.
Результат void

CopyTo() публичный Метод

Copies the entire OperationsCollection to a one-dimensional Array of Operation elements, starting at the specified index of the target array.
Please refer to ArrayList.CopyTo for details.
/// is a null reference. /// is less than zero. /// is equal to or greater than the length of . /// -or- /// The number of elements in the source is greater than the /// available space from to the end of the destination /// .
public CopyTo ( Operation array, int arrayIndex ) : void
array Operation The one-dimensional that is the destination of the /// elements copied from the . /// The Array must have zero-based indexing.
arrayIndex int The zero-based index in /// at which copying begins.
Результат void

GetEnumerator() публичный Метод

Returns an IOperationEnumerator that can iterate through the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.GetEnumerator for details.
public GetEnumerator ( ) : IOperationEnumerator
Результат IOperationEnumerator

IndexOf() публичный Метод

Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified Operation in the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.IndexOf for details.
public IndexOf ( Operation value ) : int
value Operation The object /// to locate in the . /// This argument can be a null reference. ///
Результат int

Insert() публичный Метод

Inserts a Operation element into the OperationsCollection at the specified index.
Please refer to ArrayList.Insert for details.
/// is less than zero. /// -or- /// is greater than . /// /// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size. /// -or- /// The Operations already contains the specified /// , and the Operations /// ensures that all elements are unique.
public Insert ( int index, Operation value ) : void
index int The zero-based index at which /// should be inserted.
value Operation The object /// to insert into the . /// This argument can be a null reference. ///
Результат void

OperationsCollection() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that is empty and has the default initial capacity.
Please refer to ArrayList() for details.
public OperationsCollection ( ) : System
Результат System

OperationsCollection() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that contains elements copied from the specified Operation array and that has the same initial capacity as the number of elements copied.
Please refer to ArrayList(ICollection) for details.
/// is a null reference.
public OperationsCollection ( Operation array ) : System
array Operation An of /// elements that are copied to the new collection.
Результат System

OperationsCollection() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that contains elements copied from the specified collection and that has the same initial capacity as the number of elements copied.
Please refer to ArrayList(ICollection) for details.
/// is a null reference.
public OperationsCollection ( OperationsCollection collection ) : System
collection OperationsCollection The /// whose elements are copied to the new collection.
Результат System

OperationsCollection() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the OperationsCollection class that is empty and has the specified initial capacity.
Please refer to ArrayList(Int32) for details.
/// is less than zero.
public OperationsCollection ( int capacity ) : System
capacity int The number of elements that the new /// is initially capable of storing.
Результат System

ReadOnly() публичный статический Метод

Returns a read-only wrapper for the specified OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.ReadOnly for details.
/// is a null reference.
public static ReadOnly ( OperationsCollection collection ) : OperationsCollection
collection OperationsCollection The to wrap.
Результат OperationsCollection

Remove() публичный Метод

Removes the first occurrence of the specified Operation from the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.Remove for details.
/// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size.
public Remove ( Operation value ) : void
value Operation The object /// to remove from the . /// This argument can be a null reference. ///
Результат void

RemoveAt() публичный Метод

Removes the element at the specified index of the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.RemoveAt for details.
/// is less than zero. /// -or- /// is equal to or greater than . /// /// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size.
public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int The zero-based index of the element to remove.
Результат void

RemoveRange() публичный Метод

Removes the specified range of elements from the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.RemoveRange for details.
/// and do not denote a /// valid range of elements in the . /// is less than zero. /// -or- /// is less than zero. /// /// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size.
public RemoveRange ( int index, int count ) : void
index int The zero-based starting index of the range /// of elements to remove.
count int The number of elements to remove.
Результат void

Reverse() публичный Метод

Reverses the order of the elements in the entire OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.Reverse for details.
/// The is read-only.
public Reverse ( ) : void
Результат void

Reverse() публичный Метод

Reverses the order of the elements in the specified range.
Please refer to ArrayList.Reverse for details.
/// and do not denote a /// valid range of elements in the . /// is less than zero. /// -or- /// is less than zero. /// /// The is read-only.
public Reverse ( int index, int count ) : void
index int The zero-based starting index of the range /// of elements to reverse.
count int The number of elements to reverse.
Результат void

Sort() публичный Метод

Sorts the elements in the entire OperationsCollection using the IComparable implementation of each element.
Please refer to ArrayList.Sort for details.
/// The is read-only.
public Sort ( ) : void
Результат void

Sort() публичный Метод

Sorts the elements in the entire OperationsCollection using the specified IComparer interface.
Please refer to ArrayList.Sort for details.
/// The is read-only.
public Sort ( IComparer comparer ) : void
comparer IComparer /// The implementation to use when comparing elements. /// -or- /// A null reference to use the implementation /// of each element.
Результат void

Sort() публичный Метод

Sorts the elements in the specified range using the specified IComparer interface.
Please refer to ArrayList.Sort for details.
/// and do not denote a /// valid range of elements in the . /// is less than zero. /// -or- /// is less than zero. /// /// The is read-only.
public Sort ( int index, int count, IComparer comparer ) : void
index int The zero-based starting index of the range /// of elements to sort.
count int The number of elements to sort.
comparer IComparer /// The implementation to use when comparing elements. /// -or- /// A null reference to use the implementation /// of each element.
Результат void

Synchronized() публичный статический Метод

Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) wrapper for the specified OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.Synchronized for details.
/// is a null reference.
public static Synchronized ( OperationsCollection collection ) : OperationsCollection
collection OperationsCollection The to synchronize.
Результат OperationsCollection

ToArray() публичный Метод

Copies the elements of the OperationsCollection to a new Array of Operation elements.
Please refer to ArrayList.ToArray for details.
public ToArray ( ) : Operation[]
Результат Operation[]

TrimToSize() публичный Метод

Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the OperationsCollection.
Please refer to ArrayList.TrimToSize for details.
/// The is read-only. /// -or- /// The Operations has a fixed size.
public TrimToSize ( ) : void
Результат void

Unique() публичный статический Метод

Returns a wrapper for the specified OperationsCollection ensuring that all elements are unique.

The Unique wrapper provides a set-like collection by ensuring that all elements in the OperationsCollection are unique.

Unique raises an ArgumentException if the specified collection contains any duplicate elements. The returned wrapper raises a NotSupportedException whenever the user attempts to add an element that is already contained in the Operations.

Note: The Unique wrapper reflects any changes made to the underlying collection, including the possible creation of duplicate elements. The uniqueness of all elements is therefore no longer assured if the underlying collection is manipulated directly.

/// contains duplicate elements. /// is a null reference.
public static Unique ( OperationsCollection collection ) : OperationsCollection
collection OperationsCollection The to wrap.
Результат OperationsCollection

this() публичный Метод

Gets or sets the Operation element at the specified index.
Please refer to ArrayList.this for details.
/// is less than zero. /// -or- /// is equal to or greater than . /// /// The property is set and the is read-only. /// -or- /// The property is set, the Operations already contains the /// specified element at a different index, and the Operations /// ensures that all elements are unique.
public this ( int index ) : Operation
index int The zero-based index of the /// element to get or set.
Результат Operation