C# Класс TelAPI.InboundXML.Element.Say

Наследование: ELement, GatherElement, GetSpeechElement
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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Create ( string text, Voice voice, long loop ) : Say

The element reads text to the caller using a text-to-speech engine.

Say ( ) : System

Описание методов

Create() публичный статический Метод

The element reads text to the caller using a text-to-speech engine.
public static Create ( string text, Voice voice, long loop ) : Say
text string Text to say
voice Voice The type of voice that will read the text to caller.
loop long The amount of times the spoken text should be repeated. 0 indicates an infinite loop.
Результат Say

Say() публичный Метод

public Say ( ) : System
Результат System