C# Класс SobekCM.Core.Configuration.Authentication.Shibboleth_Configuration

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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
Convert_String_To_XML_Safe string

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Add_Attribute_Mapping ( string ServerVariable, User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum UserAttribute ) : void

Add a new mapping between a server variable returned from Shibboleth and a user attribute within the SobekCM user object

Add_CanSubmit_Indicator ( string ServerVariable, string RequiredValue ) : void

Add a new indicator that a new user established using this Shibboleth authentication system can submit items

Add_Constant ( User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum UserAttribute, string ConstantValue ) : void

Add a new constant mapping for all new users that are established using this Shibboleth authentication system

Get_User_Object_Mapping ( string ServerVariable ) : User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum

Get the mapping from the server variable into the new user object

Save_To_Config_File ( string FilePath ) : bool

Save this quality control configuration to a XML config file

Shibboleth_Configuration ( ) : System

Constructor for a new instance of the Shibboleth_Configuration class

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Convert_String_To_XML_Safe ( string element ) : string

Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string

Описание методов

Add_Attribute_Mapping() публичный Метод

Add a new mapping between a server variable returned from Shibboleth and a user attribute within the SobekCM user object
public Add_Attribute_Mapping ( string ServerVariable, User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum UserAttribute ) : void
ServerVariable string Server variable from the Shibboleth response
UserAttribute User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum Attribute within the SobekCM user object
Результат void

Add_CanSubmit_Indicator() публичный Метод

Add a new indicator that a new user established using this Shibboleth authentication system can submit items
public Add_CanSubmit_Indicator ( string ServerVariable, string RequiredValue ) : void
ServerVariable string Server variable from the Shibboleth response
RequiredValue string Value to match - if the value matches, then the new user should be granted submit rights
Результат void

Add_Constant() публичный Метод

Add a new constant mapping for all new users that are established using this Shibboleth authentication system
public Add_Constant ( User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum UserAttribute, string ConstantValue ) : void
UserAttribute User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum Attribute within the SobekCM user object
ConstantValue string Constant value to apply for all new Shibboleth users established using this Shibboleth authenticaion system
Результат void

Get_User_Object_Mapping() публичный Метод

Get the mapping from the server variable into the new user object
public Get_User_Object_Mapping ( string ServerVariable ) : User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum
ServerVariable string Name from the server variable
Результат User_Object_Attribute_Mapping_Enum

Save_To_Config_File() публичный Метод

Save this quality control configuration to a XML config file
public Save_To_Config_File ( string FilePath ) : bool
FilePath string File/path for the resulting XML config file
Результат bool

Shibboleth_Configuration() публичный Метод

Constructor for a new instance of the Shibboleth_Configuration class
public Shibboleth_Configuration ( ) : System
Результат System