C# Класс SimTelemetry.Data.Telemetry

Наследование: ITelemetry
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
Computations SimTelemetry.Data.Computations
Peripherals IDevices
binaryDirectory string
m Telemetry

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Bootup ( string workingDirectory ) : void

This method actually boots up the data frame-work. This method is called via the ThreadPool from Run().

ForceTrackLoad ( ) : void

'Force' a track reload.

NetworkTrack_LoadInfo ( NetworkTrackInformation routeInfo ) : void

Loads track info from network.

NetworkTrack_LoadRoute ( RouteCollection routeCollection ) : void

Loads route from network.

Run ( ) : void

Runs the telemetry network. The boot-up code is called via ThreadPool

Telemetry ( ) : System

Initialize telemetry. The main program will have to call Run() seperately.

Track_Load ( ISimulator sim, string track ) : void

Load new track. Specify location of gamedirectory and file.

Track_Unload ( ) : void

Unloads track.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetConnection ( ) : IDbConnection

This creates a new OleDB connection to the SimTelemetry access database. This function is called from the Triton Database pool allowing simultanous access from various threads to the database.

Report_DrivingStart ( ISimulator sim ) : void

Fire Driving Start event.

Report_DrivingStop ( ISimulator sim ) : void

Fire Driving Stop event.

Report_Laps ( ISimulator me, ILap lap ) : void

Fire Lap event.

Report_SessionStart ( ISimulator me ) : void

Fire Session Start event.

Report_SessionStop ( ISimulator me ) : void

Fire Session Stop event.

Report_SimStart ( ISimulator me ) : void

Fire Sim Start event.

Report_SimStop ( ISimulator me ) : void

Fire Sim Stop event.

Simulator_StatePoller ( ) : void

Thread polling the status of all simulators. Will fire events Sim_Start/Stop, Session_Start/Stop.

For proper shutdown of this thread, call TritonBase.TriggerExit();

Telemetry_Session_Start ( object sender ) : void

Whenever a session starts this function will trigger the track parser to load the new track file. The event Track_Loaded is fired with a 500ms delay to allow the track parser to complete. The session_start function is trigger from the Simulator_StatePoller, which runs seperately anyway.

Описание методов

Bootup() публичный Метод

This method actually boots up the data frame-work. This method is called via the ThreadPool from Run().
public Bootup ( string workingDirectory ) : void
workingDirectory string Pass string.Empty for default; otherwise provide working directory for SimTelemetry
Результат void

ForceTrackLoad() публичный Метод

'Force' a track reload.
public ForceTrackLoad ( ) : void
Результат void

NetworkTrack_LoadInfo() публичный Метод

Loads track info from network.
public NetworkTrack_LoadInfo ( NetworkTrackInformation routeInfo ) : void
routeInfo SimTelemetry.Data.Net.NetworkTrackInformation
Результат void

NetworkTrack_LoadRoute() публичный Метод

Loads route from network.
public NetworkTrack_LoadRoute ( RouteCollection routeCollection ) : void
routeCollection SimTelemetry.Objects.RouteCollection
Результат void

Run() публичный Метод

Runs the telemetry network. The boot-up code is called via ThreadPool
public Run ( ) : void
Результат void

Telemetry() публичный Метод

Initialize telemetry. The main program will have to call Run() seperately.
public Telemetry ( ) : System
Результат System

Track_Load() публичный Метод

Load new track. Specify location of gamedirectory and file.
public Track_Load ( ISimulator sim, string track ) : void
sim ISimulator Source simulator of track
track string Relative path from gamedirectory to track file OR track name.
Результат void

Track_Unload() публичный Метод

Unloads track.
public Track_Unload ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

Computations публичное свойство

General calculations based on game data.
public Computations,SimTelemetry.Data Computations
Результат SimTelemetry.Data.Computations

Peripherals публичное свойство

Data sent to hardware devices. Currently only used for exclusive peripherals.
public IDevices Peripherals
Результат IDevices

binaryDirectory публичное свойство

public string binaryDirectory
Результат string

m публичное статическое свойство

Single-ton Telemetry for general access everywhere.
public static Telemetry,SimTelemetry.Data m
Результат Telemetry