C# Класс SIL.FieldWorks.FwCoreDlgs.FwFindReplaceDlg

Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.Form, IFWDisposable, IMessageFilter
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
btnClose System.Windows.Forms.Button
chkMatchCase System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
chkMatchDiacritics System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
chkMatchWS System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
chkMatchWholeWord System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
chkUseRegularExpressions System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
fweditFindText SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox
fweditReplaceText SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox
lblFindFormat Label
lblFindFormatText System.Windows.Forms.Label
lblReplaceFormat Label
lblReplaceFormatText System.Windows.Forms.Label
m_cache FdoCache
m_findEnvironment FindCollectorEnv
m_prevSearchText ITsString
m_searchKiller SearchKiller
m_vwFindPattern IVwPattern
m_vwRootsite IVwRootSite
m_vwSelectionForPattern IVwSelection
mnuFormat ContextMenu
mnuStyle MenuItem
mnuWritingSystem MenuItem
panelSearchOptions System.Windows.Forms.Panel

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
AdjustControlState void
AttemptWrap void
CanFindNext bool
EnableControls void
EnableRegexMenuReplaceButton void
EnsureValidWs ITsString
Find void
FindFrom void
FindFromAndWrap void
FwTextBox_Enter void
FwTextBox_Leave void
HandleTextChanged void
InitializeComponent void
InitializeFindEnvironment void
InternalMatchNotFound void
IsReplacePossible bool
OnStop void
PatternIsValid bool
PostpareToFind void
PrepareToFind void
RemoveEndOfPara void
RemoveWaitCursor void
SaveDialogValues void
SelectAtBeginning IVwSelection
SetCheckboxStates void
SetFormatLabels void
SetFormatLabels void
SetHelpTopicId void
StyleMenu_Click void
SuppressAllMatchNotFoundMessages bool
WritingSystemMenu_Click void
btnClose_Click void
btnFormat_Click void
btnHelp_Click void
btnRegexMenuFind_Click void
btnRegexMenuReplace_Click void
chkMatchWS_CheckedChanged void
chkUseRegularExpressions_CheckedChanged void
m_okButton_Click void
panel2_Paint void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ApplyStyle ( FwTextBox fwTextBox, string sStyle ) : void

Applies the specified style to the current selection of the Tss string in the specified Tss edit control

ApplyWS ( FwTextBox fwTextBox, int hvoWs ) : void

Applies the specified writing system to the current selection of the Tss string in the specified Tss edit control

CheckDisposed ( ) : void

Check to see if the object has been disposed. All public Properties and Methods should call this before doing anything else.

FindNext ( ) : void

Find the next match.

FindPrevious ( ) : void

Find the previous match.

FwFindReplaceDlg ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the FwFindReplaceDlg class.

PreFilterMessage ( Message &m ) : bool

Provide tabbing with the view controls and handle the ESC key to close the find dialog

Replace ( ) : void

Executes a replace.

RestoreAndPersistSettingsIn ( XCore.Mediator mediator ) : void

Call this after SetDialogValues on startup to restore settings and have them saved on close.

SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fReplace, bool fOverlays, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app ) : bool

Set the initial values for the dialog controls, assuming that the find and replace edit boxes use the default vernacular writing system.

SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fReplace, bool fOverlays, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app, int wsEdit ) : bool

Sets the initial values for the dialog controls, prior to displaying the dialog. This method should be called after creating, but prior to calling DoModeless. This overload is meant to be called from managed code.

ENHANCE JohnT: it may need more arguments, for example, the name of the kind of object we can restrict the search to, a list of fields.

SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwStylesheet stylesheet, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app ) : bool

Set initial values, assuming default vernacular writing system for the find and replace edit boxes.

SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwStylesheet stylesheet, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app, int wsEdit ) : bool

Sets the initial values for the dialog controls, prior to displaying the dialog. This method should be called after creating, but prior to calling DoModal. This overload is meant to be called from the Setup button of the Find/Replace tab of the Bulk Edit bar. Instead of having a root site and controls that allow the find/replace to be actually done, it just serves to edit the pattern.

ENHANCE JohnT: it may need more arguments, for example, the name of the kind of object we can restrict the search to, a list of fields.

SetOwner ( IVwRootSite rootSite, Form newOwner, IVwPattern findPattern ) : void

Change the main window which owns this dialog. Since this dialog attempts to stay alive as long as the app is alive (or, as long as there is a main window open), the app should call this to re-assign an owner any time the existing owner is closing. This assumes that the find and replace edit boxes use the default vernacular writing system.

SetOwner ( IVwRootSite rootSite, Form newOwner, IVwPattern findPattern, int wsEdit ) : void

Change the main window which owns this dialog. Since this dialog attempts to stay alive as long as the app is alive (or, as long as there is a main window open), the app should call this to re-assign an owner any time the existing owner is closing.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
DisplayInvalidRegExMessage ( string errorMessage ) : void

Displays a message box that the regular expression is invalid.

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

DoReplace ( IVwSelection sel ) : void

Replace the existing selection with the string in the replace box, then find the next occurrance, if any.

DoReplaceAll ( ) : void

Does the replace all.

DoReplacement ( IVwSelection sel, ITsString tssReplace, bool fUseWS, bool fEmptySearch ) : void

Perform a single instance of a text replace

TODO TE-973: searching for writing systems.

GetCurrentWS ( FwTextBox fwtextbox ) : IWritingSystem

Given an FwTextBox, we get the name of the WS of the current selection. If the selection spans multiple writing systems, we return an empty string.

OnActivated ( EventArgs e ) : void

Activate dialog.

OnClosing ( CancelEventArgs e ) : void

Instead of closing, just try to hide.

OnDeactivate ( EventArgs e ) : void

Remove the message filter when the dialog loses focus (Don't mistake this for onLoseFocus...this dialog never loses focus, it never has it, only it's sub-controls do.)

OnFindNext ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handle the Find Next button click event

OnKeyDown ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Handle special keystrokes in the dialog.

OnLayout ( System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs levent ) : void

OnReplace ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handle the Replace button click event. The first time the user presses the "Replace" button, we just find the next match; the second time we actually do the replace and then go on to find the next match.

OnReplaceAll ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handle the Replace All button click event.

OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Change Close button back to Cancel whenever we re-open the dialog

PopulateStyleMenu ( ) : void

Fill the Style menu the "No style" item, plus a an alphabetized list of all character styles in stylesheet of the last Fw Edit Box to have focus. The style of the current selection (if there is exactly one) will be checked. If the selection contains no style, then "No style" will be checked. If the selection covers multiple styles, nothing will be checked.

PopulateWritingSystemMenu ( ) : void

Fill the Writing Systems menu with an alphebetized list of all writing systems defined in this language project. The writing system of the current selection (if there is exactly one) will be checked; otherwise, nothing will be checked.

SetupFindPattern ( ) : void

Setup and save the find pattern, clear the selection for the pattern. This is done at the start of a NEW search only.

btnLess_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

Show fewer options.

btnMore_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

Show more options.

tabControls_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void

When the user switches between Find and Replace tabs, we need to transfer ownership of the panels that hold the controls and hide/show/change controls as appropriate.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AdjustControlState ( Control ctrl, bool enable ) : void

If enable is false, save the current enable state of the control and disable it. If it is true, restore the previous enable state of each control.

AttemptWrap ( bool fFirstTry ) : void

Attempts to wrap and continue searching if we hit the bottom of the view.

CanFindNext ( ) : bool
EnableControls ( bool enable ) : void

Enables or disables all the controls except the close/stop/cancel button on the find/replace dialog.

EnableRegexMenuReplaceButton ( ) : void
EnsureValidWs ( int wsEdit, ITsString tss ) : ITsString

Check that the ws in the ITsString is still valid. If it isn't, set it to the given default value.

Find ( bool fSearchForward ) : void

Find the next match based on the current pattern settings

FindFrom ( IVwSelection sel ) : void

Attempts to find a pattern match in the view starting from the specified selection.

FindFromAndWrap ( IVwSelection sel, bool fFirstTry ) : void

Attempts to find a pattern match in the view starting from the specified selection, wrapping around if we reach the end of the view.

FwTextBox_Enter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

When the focus arrives on a TSS edit control, the other edit control needs to have the selection removed from it. Also, the entered box needs to have all of the text selected.

FwTextBox_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Needed to keep track of the last Tss edit control to have focus, for the purpose of setting styles, etc.

HandleTextChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handle a text changed event in an FW edit box. The style labels need to be updated when the text changes.

InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

InitializeFindEnvironment ( IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fSearchForward = true ) : void
InternalMatchNotFound ( bool fFirstTry ) : void

Checks for a subscriber to the MatchNotFound event and displays the appropriate not found message if the subscriber says it's ok, or if there is no subscriber.

IsReplacePossible ( IVwSelection vwsel ) : bool

Determine if the current selection can be replaced with the replace text.

OnStop ( object sender, System e ) : void

Stops a find/replace

PatternIsValid ( ) : bool

Verifies the pattern is valid. If user wants to use a regex, this validates the regular expression.

PostpareToFind ( bool fMakeCloseBtnSayClose ) : void

Postpares to find: reset controls to how they were before the find; remove NoMatchFound from the MatchNotFound handler

PrepareToFind ( ) : void

Prepares to find: change the Close button to a Stop button; disable all other controls.

RemoveEndOfPara ( ITsStrBldr bldr ) : void

Removes any end of paragraph marker from the string builder.

RemoveWaitCursor ( Control ctl ) : void

Remove the wait cursor, which is left behind on several controls when the DataUpdateMonitor object is disposed. This is a patch over a bug in Mono as far as I can tell. It fixes FWNX-659.

The strange thing is that the cursor on all these controls seems to already be set to Cursors.Default, but this fix works.

SaveDialogValues ( ) : void

Save the values set in the dialog in the pattern.

SelectAtBeginning ( ) : IVwSelection

Moves the selection to the beginning of the root site and returns the selection information.

SetCheckboxStates ( IVwPattern vwPattern ) : void

Sets the checkbox states.

SetFormatLabels ( ) : void

Updates visibility and values of format labels used to show selected styles in find and replace text boxes.

SetFormatLabels ( FwTextBox textBox, Label format, Label formatText ) : void

Updates visibility and content of labels depending on char styles in passed TsString.

SetHelpTopicId ( ) : void
StyleMenu_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

This gets called whenever the user selects a style from the style menu

SuppressAllMatchNotFoundMessages ( object sender, string defaultMsg, MatchType type ) : bool

Suppress any messages about matches not found.

WritingSystemMenu_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

This gets called whenever the user selects a writing system

btnClose_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

Close the Find/Replace dialog

btnFormat_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method to handle the Click event of the Format button. Displays the format menu.

btnHelp_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

Open the help window when the help button is pressed.

btnRegexMenuFind_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Show the Regex Helper context menu for Find

btnRegexMenuReplace_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Show the Regex Helper context menu for Replace

chkMatchWS_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Handles the CheckedChanged event of the chkMatchWS control.

chkUseRegularExpressions_CheckedChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void

Handle the event when the check on "Use Regular Expressions" changes.

m_okButton_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

Handle a click on the OK button.

panel2_Paint ( object sender, System e ) : void

Draws an etched line on the dialog to separate the Search Options from the basic controls.

Описание методов

ApplyStyle() публичный Метод

Applies the specified style to the current selection of the Tss string in the specified Tss edit control
public ApplyStyle ( FwTextBox fwTextBox, string sStyle ) : void
fwTextBox SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox The Tss edit control whose selection should have the /// specified style applied to it.
sStyle string The name of the style to apply
Результат void

ApplyWS() публичный Метод

Applies the specified writing system to the current selection of the Tss string in the specified Tss edit control
public ApplyWS ( FwTextBox fwTextBox, int hvoWs ) : void
fwTextBox SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox The Tss edit control whose selection should have the /// specified style applied to it.
hvoWs int The ID of the writing system to apply
Результат void

CheckDisposed() публичный Метод

Check to see if the object has been disposed. All public Properties and Methods should call this before doing anything else.
public CheckDisposed ( ) : void
Результат void

DisplayInvalidRegExMessage() защищенный Метод

Displays a message box that the regular expression is invalid.
protected DisplayInvalidRegExMessage ( string errorMessage ) : void
errorMessage string The error message.
Результат void

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true to release both managed and unmanaged /// resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. ///
Результат void

DoReplace() защищенный Метод

Replace the existing selection with the string in the replace box, then find the next occurrance, if any.
protected DoReplace ( IVwSelection sel ) : void
sel IVwSelection
Результат void

DoReplaceAll() защищенный Метод

Does the replace all.
protected DoReplaceAll ( ) : void
Результат void

DoReplacement() защищенный Метод

Perform a single instance of a text replace
TODO TE-973: searching for writing systems.
protected DoReplacement ( IVwSelection sel, ITsString tssReplace, bool fUseWS, bool fEmptySearch ) : void
sel IVwSelection The current (new) selection in the view where we just did a find. /// Presumably, this matches the Find Text string.
tssReplace ITsString The tss string that the user entered in the Replace box ///
fUseWS bool
fEmptySearch bool
Результат void

FindNext() публичный Метод

Find the next match.
public FindNext ( ) : void
Результат void

FindPrevious() публичный Метод

Find the previous match.
public FindPrevious ( ) : void
Результат void

FwFindReplaceDlg() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the FwFindReplaceDlg class.
public FwFindReplaceDlg ( ) : System
Результат System

GetCurrentWS() защищенный Метод

Given an FwTextBox, we get the name of the WS of the current selection. If the selection spans multiple writing systems, we return an empty string.
protected GetCurrentWS ( FwTextBox fwtextbox ) : IWritingSystem
fwtextbox SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox An FwTextBox (either the Find or Replace box)
Результат IWritingSystem

OnActivated() защищенный Метод

Activate dialog.
protected OnActivated ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnClosing() защищенный Метод

Instead of closing, just try to hide.
protected OnClosing ( CancelEventArgs e ) : void
e CancelEventArgs
Результат void

OnDeactivate() защищенный Метод

Remove the message filter when the dialog loses focus (Don't mistake this for onLoseFocus...this dialog never loses focus, it never has it, only it's sub-controls do.)
protected OnDeactivate ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnFindNext() защищенный Метод

Handle the Find Next button click event
protected OnFindNext ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnKeyDown() защищенный Метод

Handle special keystrokes in the dialog.
protected OnKeyDown ( KeyEventArgs e ) : void
e System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs
Результат void

OnLayout() защищенный Метод

protected OnLayout ( System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs levent ) : void
levent System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs
Результат void

OnReplace() защищенный Метод

Handle the Replace button click event. The first time the user presses the "Replace" button, we just find the next match; the second time we actually do the replace and then go on to find the next match.
protected OnReplace ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnReplaceAll() защищенный Метод

Handle the Replace All button click event.
protected OnReplaceAll ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

OnVisibleChanged() защищенный Метод

Change Close button back to Cancel whenever we re-open the dialog
protected OnVisibleChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
Результат void

PopulateStyleMenu() защищенный Метод

Fill the Style menu the "No style" item, plus a an alphabetized list of all character styles in stylesheet of the last Fw Edit Box to have focus. The style of the current selection (if there is exactly one) will be checked. If the selection contains no style, then "No style" will be checked. If the selection covers multiple styles, nothing will be checked.
protected PopulateStyleMenu ( ) : void
Результат void

PopulateWritingSystemMenu() защищенный Метод

Fill the Writing Systems menu with an alphebetized list of all writing systems defined in this language project. The writing system of the current selection (if there is exactly one) will be checked; otherwise, nothing will be checked.
protected PopulateWritingSystemMenu ( ) : void
Результат void

PreFilterMessage() публичный Метод

Provide tabbing with the view controls and handle the ESC key to close the find dialog
public PreFilterMessage ( Message &m ) : bool
m System.Windows.Forms.Message
Результат bool

Replace() публичный Метод

Executes a replace.
public Replace ( ) : void
Результат void

RestoreAndPersistSettingsIn() публичный Метод

Call this after SetDialogValues on startup to restore settings and have them saved on close.
public RestoreAndPersistSettingsIn ( XCore.Mediator mediator ) : void
mediator XCore.Mediator
Результат void

SetDialogValues() публичный Метод

Set the initial values for the dialog controls, assuming that the find and replace edit boxes use the default vernacular writing system.
public SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fReplace, bool fOverlays, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app ) : bool
cache SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache The cache.
vwPattern IVwPattern Find/replace values
rootSite IVwRootSite view
fReplace bool true to initially display replace dialog page
fOverlays bool ignored for now
owner System.Windows.Forms.Form The main window that owns the rootsite
helpTopicProvider IHelpTopicProvider help topic provider allows the dialog box class /// to specify the appropriate help topic path for this dialog
app IApp The application
Результат bool

SetDialogValues() публичный Метод

Sets the initial values for the dialog controls, prior to displaying the dialog. This method should be called after creating, but prior to calling DoModeless. This overload is meant to be called from managed code.
ENHANCE JohnT: it may need more arguments, for example, the name of the kind of object we can restrict the search to, a list of fields.
public SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fReplace, bool fOverlays, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app, int wsEdit ) : bool
cache SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache The cache.
vwPattern IVwPattern Find/replace values
rootSite IVwRootSite view
fReplace bool true to initially display replace dialog page
fOverlays bool ignored for now
owner System.Windows.Forms.Form The main window that owns the rootsite
helpTopicProvider IHelpTopicProvider help topic provider allows the dialog box class /// to specify the appropriate help topic path for this dialog
app IApp The application
wsEdit int writing system for the find and replace edit boxes
Результат bool

SetDialogValues() публичный Метод

Set initial values, assuming default vernacular writing system for the find and replace edit boxes.
public SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwStylesheet stylesheet, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app ) : bool
cache SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache The cache.
vwPattern IVwPattern Find/replace values
stylesheet IVwStylesheet to use in text boxes
owner System.Windows.Forms.Form The main window that owns the rootsite
helpTopicProvider IHelpTopicProvider help topic provider allows the dialog box class /// to specify the appropriate help topic path for this dialog
app IApp The application
Результат bool

SetDialogValues() публичный Метод

Sets the initial values for the dialog controls, prior to displaying the dialog. This method should be called after creating, but prior to calling DoModal. This overload is meant to be called from the Setup button of the Find/Replace tab of the Bulk Edit bar. Instead of having a root site and controls that allow the find/replace to be actually done, it just serves to edit the pattern.
ENHANCE JohnT: it may need more arguments, for example, the name of the kind of object we can restrict the search to, a list of fields.
public SetDialogValues ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, IVwPattern vwPattern, IVwStylesheet stylesheet, Form owner, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider, IApp app, int wsEdit ) : bool
cache SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache The cache.
vwPattern IVwPattern Find/replace values
stylesheet IVwStylesheet to use in text boxes
owner System.Windows.Forms.Form The main window that owns the rootsite
helpTopicProvider IHelpTopicProvider help topic provider allows the dialog box class /// to specify the appropriate help topic path for this dialog
app IApp The application
wsEdit int writing system used in the find/replace text boxes
Результат bool

SetOwner() публичный Метод

Change the main window which owns this dialog. Since this dialog attempts to stay alive as long as the app is alive (or, as long as there is a main window open), the app should call this to re-assign an owner any time the existing owner is closing. This assumes that the find and replace edit boxes use the default vernacular writing system.
public SetOwner ( IVwRootSite rootSite, Form newOwner, IVwPattern findPattern ) : void
rootSite IVwRootSite
newOwner System.Windows.Forms.Form
findPattern IVwPattern
Результат void

SetOwner() публичный Метод

Change the main window which owns this dialog. Since this dialog attempts to stay alive as long as the app is alive (or, as long as there is a main window open), the app should call this to re-assign an owner any time the existing owner is closing.
public SetOwner ( IVwRootSite rootSite, Form newOwner, IVwPattern findPattern, int wsEdit ) : void
rootSite IVwRootSite view
newOwner System.Windows.Forms.Form The main window that owns the rootsite
findPattern IVwPattern The find/replace pattern of the new owner. TODO Review (Hasso) 2015.08: unused
wsEdit int writing system for the find and replace edit boxes TODO Review (Hasso) 2015.08: unused
Результат void

SetupFindPattern() защищенный Метод

Setup and save the find pattern, clear the selection for the pattern. This is done at the start of a NEW search only.
protected SetupFindPattern ( ) : void
Результат void

btnLess_Click() защищенный Метод

Show fewer options.
protected btnLess_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void
sender object
e System
Результат void

btnMore_Click() защищенный Метод

Show more options.
protected btnMore_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void
sender object
e System
Результат void

tabControls_SelectedIndexChanged() защищенный Метод

When the user switches between Find and Replace tabs, we need to transfer ownership of the panels that hold the controls and hide/show/change controls as appropriate.
protected tabControls_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void
sender object
e System
Результат void

Описание свойств

btnClose защищенное свойство

The close button
TE-4839: Changed the text from Cancel to Close according to TE Analyst (2007-06-22).
protected Button,System.Windows.Forms btnClose
Результат System.Windows.Forms.Button

chkMatchCase защищенное свойство

protected CheckBox,System.Windows.Forms chkMatchCase
Результат System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox

chkMatchDiacritics защищенное свойство

protected CheckBox,System.Windows.Forms chkMatchDiacritics
Результат System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox

chkMatchWS защищенное свойство

protected CheckBox,System.Windows.Forms chkMatchWS
Результат System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox

chkMatchWholeWord защищенное свойство

protected CheckBox,System.Windows.Forms chkMatchWholeWord
Результат System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox

chkUseRegularExpressions защищенное свойство

protected CheckBox,System.Windows.Forms chkUseRegularExpressions
Результат System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox

fweditFindText защищенное свойство

protected FwTextBox,SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets fweditFindText
Результат SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox

fweditReplaceText защищенное свойство

protected FwTextBox,SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets fweditReplaceText
Результат SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Widgets.FwTextBox

lblFindFormat защищенное свойство

protected Label lblFindFormat
Результат Label

lblFindFormatText защищенное свойство

protected Label,System.Windows.Forms lblFindFormatText
Результат System.Windows.Forms.Label

lblReplaceFormat защищенное свойство

protected Label lblReplaceFormat
Результат Label

lblReplaceFormatText защищенное свойство

protected Label,System.Windows.Forms lblReplaceFormatText
Результат System.Windows.Forms.Label

m_cache защищенное свойство

protected FdoCache m_cache
Результат FdoCache

m_findEnvironment защищенное свойство

Environment that keeps track of where we're finding
protected FindCollectorEnv m_findEnvironment
Результат FindCollectorEnv

m_prevSearchText защищенное свойство

protected ITsString m_prevSearchText
Результат ITsString

m_searchKiller защищенное свойство

protected SearchKiller m_searchKiller
Результат SearchKiller

m_vwFindPattern защищенное свойство

all the search settings
protected IVwPattern m_vwFindPattern
Результат IVwPattern

m_vwRootsite защищенное свойство

The rootsite where the find operation will be performed
protected IVwRootSite m_vwRootsite
Результат IVwRootSite

m_vwSelectionForPattern защищенное свойство

protected IVwSelection m_vwSelectionForPattern
Результат IVwSelection

mnuFormat защищенное свойство

protected ContextMenu mnuFormat
Результат ContextMenu

mnuStyle защищенное свойство

protected MenuItem mnuStyle
Результат MenuItem

mnuWritingSystem защищенное свойство

protected MenuItem mnuWritingSystem
Результат MenuItem

panelSearchOptions защищенное свойство

Panel containing advanced controls
protected Panel,System.Windows.Forms panelSearchOptions
Результат System.Windows.Forms.Panel