C# Класс Rock.Communication.Transport.Twilio

Наследование: TransportComponent
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Send ( string>.Dictionary mediumData, List recipients, string appRoot, string themeRoot ) : void

Sends the specified medium data to the specified list of recipients.

Send ( List recipients, string from, string subject, string body, string appRoot = null, string themeRoot = null ) : void

Sends the specified recipients.

Send ( List recipients, string from, string subject, string body, string appRoot = null, string themeRoot = null, List attachments = null ) : void

Sends the specified recipients.

Send ( List recipients, string from, string fromName, string subject, string body, string appRoot = null, string themeRoot = null, List attachments = null ) : void

Sends the specified recipients.

Send ( Rock communication ) : void

Sends the specified communication.

Send ( SystemEmail template, List recipients, string appRoot, string themeRoot ) : void

Sends the specified template.

Описание методов

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified medium data to the specified list of recipients.
public Send ( string>.Dictionary mediumData, List recipients, string appRoot, string themeRoot ) : void
mediumData string>.Dictionary The medium data.
recipients List The recipients.
appRoot string The application root.
themeRoot string The theme root.
Результат void

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified recipients.
public Send ( List recipients, string from, string subject, string body, string appRoot = null, string themeRoot = null ) : void
recipients List The recipients.
from string From.
subject string The subject.
body string The body.
appRoot string The application root.
themeRoot string The theme root.
Результат void

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified recipients.
public Send ( List recipients, string from, string subject, string body, string appRoot = null, string themeRoot = null, List attachments = null ) : void
recipients List The recipients.
from string From.
subject string The subject.
body string The body.
appRoot string The application root.
themeRoot string The theme root.
attachments List Attachments.
Результат void

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified recipients.
public Send ( List recipients, string from, string fromName, string subject, string body, string appRoot = null, string themeRoot = null, List attachments = null ) : void
recipients List The recipients.
from string From.
fromName string From name.
subject string The subject.
body string The body.
appRoot string The application root.
themeRoot string The theme root.
attachments List The attachments.
Результат void

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified communication.
public Send ( Rock communication ) : void
communication Rock The communication.
Результат void

Send() публичный Метод

Sends the specified template.
public Send ( SystemEmail template, List recipients, string appRoot, string themeRoot ) : void
template SystemEmail The template.
recipients List The recipients.
appRoot string The application root.
themeRoot string The theme root.
Результат void