C# Класс PlayFab.AdminModels.GetUserInventoryResult

Наследование: PlayFab.SharedModels.PlayFabResultCommon
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
Inventory List
PlayFabId string
VirtualCurrency int>.Dictionary
VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime>.Dictionary

Описание свойств

Inventory публичное свойство

Array of inventory items belonging to the user.
public List Inventory
Результат List

PlayFabId публичное свойство

Unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed.
public string PlayFabId
Результат string

VirtualCurrency публичное свойство

Array of virtual currency balance(s) belonging to the user.
public Dictionary VirtualCurrency
Результат int>.Dictionary

VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes публичное свойство

Array of remaining times and timestamps for virtual currencies.
public Dictionary VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes
Результат VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime>.Dictionary