C# Класс Netsy.Services.FeedbackService

Implementation of the Feedback service
Наследование: IFeedbackService
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FeedbackService ( EtsyContext etsyContext ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the FeedbackService class

FeedbackService ( EtsyContext etsyContext, IDataRetriever dataRetriever ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the FeedbackService class

GetFeedback ( int feedbackId ) : IAsyncResult

Get a feedback record

GetFeedbackAsBuyer ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a buyer in the transaction.

GetFeedbackAsBuyer ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a buyer in the transaction.

GetFeedbackAsSeller ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a seller in the transaction.

GetFeedbackAsSeller ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a seller in the transaction.

GetFeedbackForOthers ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback that the user left feedback for someone else.

GetFeedbackForOthers ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback that the user left feedback for someone else.

GetFeedbackForUser ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback for a particular user.

GetFeedbackForUser ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult

Get a list of all feedback for a particular user.

Описание методов

FeedbackService() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the FeedbackService class
public FeedbackService ( EtsyContext etsyContext ) : System
etsyContext Netsy.DataModel.EtsyContext the etsy context to use
Результат System

FeedbackService() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the FeedbackService class
public FeedbackService ( EtsyContext etsyContext, IDataRetriever dataRetriever ) : System
etsyContext Netsy.DataModel.EtsyContext the etsy context to use
dataRetriever IDataRetriever the data retriever to use
Результат System

GetFeedback() публичный Метод

Get a feedback record
public GetFeedback ( int feedbackId ) : IAsyncResult
feedbackId int the id of the record
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackAsBuyer() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a buyer in the transaction.
public GetFeedbackAsBuyer ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userId int the user's numeric ID
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackAsBuyer() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a buyer in the transaction.
public GetFeedbackAsBuyer ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userName string the user's name
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackAsSeller() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a seller in the transaction.
public GetFeedbackAsSeller ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userId int the user's numeric ID
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackAsSeller() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback where the user was a seller in the transaction.
public GetFeedbackAsSeller ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userName string the user's name
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackForOthers() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback that the user left feedback for someone else.
public GetFeedbackForOthers ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userId int the user's numeric ID
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackForOthers() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback that the user left feedback for someone else.
public GetFeedbackForOthers ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userName string the user's name
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackForUser() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback for a particular user.
public GetFeedbackForUser ( int userId, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userId int the user's numeric ID
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult

GetFeedbackForUser() публичный Метод

Get a list of all feedback for a particular user.
public GetFeedbackForUser ( string userName, int offset, int limit ) : IAsyncResult
userName string the user's name
offset int To page through large result sets, set offset to a multiple of limit
limit int Specify the number of results to return
Результат IAsyncResult