C# Класс NetSparkle.NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration

This class handles all registry values which are used from sparkle to handle update intervalls. All values are stored in HKCU\Software\Vendor\AppName which will be read ot from the assembly information. All values are of the REG_SZ type, no matter what their "logical" type is. The following options are available: CheckForUpdate - Boolean - Whether NetSparkle should check for updates LastCheckTime - time_t - Time of last check SkipThisVersion - String - If the user skipped an update, then the version to ignore is stored here (e.g. "1.4.3") DidRunOnce - Boolean - Check only one time when the app launched
Наследование: NetSparkle.NetSparkleConfiguration
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration ( string referenceAssembly ) : System

The constructor reads out all configured values

NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration ( string referenceAssembly, bool isReflectionBasedAssemblyAccessorUsed ) : System


NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration ( string referenceAssembly, bool isReflectionBasedAssemblyAccessorUsed, string registryPath ) : System


Reload ( ) : void

Reloads the configuration object

SetVersionToSkip ( string version ) : void

This method allows to skip a specific version

TouchCheckTime ( ) : void

Touches the check time to now, should be used after a check directly

TouchProfileTime ( ) : void

Touches to profile time

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
BuildRegistryPath ( ) : String

This function build a valid registry path in dependecy to the assembly information

ConvertDateToString ( System.DateTime dt ) : string
ConvertStringToDate ( string str ) : System.DateTime
LoadValuesFromPath ( String regPath ) : System.Boolean

This method loads the values from registry

SaveValuesToPath ( String regPath ) : System.Boolean

This method store the information into registry

Описание методов

NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration() публичный Метод

The constructor reads out all configured values
public NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration ( string referenceAssembly ) : System
referenceAssembly string the reference assembly name
Результат System

NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration() публичный Метод

public NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration ( string referenceAssembly, bool isReflectionBasedAssemblyAccessorUsed ) : System
referenceAssembly string the name of hte reference assembly
isReflectionBasedAssemblyAccessorUsed bool true if reflection is used to access the assembly.
Результат System

NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration() публичный Метод

public NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration ( string referenceAssembly, bool isReflectionBasedAssemblyAccessorUsed, string registryPath ) : System
referenceAssembly string the name of hte reference assembly
isReflectionBasedAssemblyAccessorUsed bool true if reflection is used to access the assembly.
registryPath string true if reflection is used to access the assembly.
Результат System

Reload() публичный Метод

Reloads the configuration object
public Reload ( ) : void
Результат void

SetVersionToSkip() публичный Метод

This method allows to skip a specific version
public SetVersionToSkip ( string version ) : void
version string the version to skeip
Результат void

TouchCheckTime() публичный Метод

Touches the check time to now, should be used after a check directly
public TouchCheckTime ( ) : void
Результат void

TouchProfileTime() публичный Метод

Touches to profile time
public TouchProfileTime ( ) : void
Результат void