C# Класс Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.ServiceBusHelper

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddRule ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription ruleDescription ) : RuleDescription

Adds a rule to this subscription, with a default pass-through filter added.

Connect ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.ServiceBusNamespace serviceBusNamespace ) : bool

Connects the ServiceBusHelper object to service bus namespace contained in the ServiceBusNamespaces dictionary.

Connect ( string uri, string issuerName, string issuerSecret, string sharedAccessKeyName, string sharedAccessKey, TransportType transportType ) : bool

Connects the ServiceBusHelper object to service bus namespace contained in the ServiceBusNamespaces dictionary.

Connect ( string nameSpace, string path, string issuerName, string issuerSecret, string sharedAccessKeyName, string sharedAccessKey, TransportType transportType ) : bool

Connects the ServiceBusHelper object to service bus namespace contained in the ServiceBusNamespaces dictionary.

CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.BrokeredMessageTemplate template ) : BrokeredMessage

Create a BrokeredMessage object

CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate ( Stream stream, string label, string contentType, string messageId, string sessionId, string correlationId, string partitionKey, string to, string replyTo, string replyToSessionId, string timeToLive, string scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc, bool forcePersistence, IEnumerable properties ) : BrokeredMessage

Create a BrokeredMessage object

CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate ( string text, string label, string contentType, string messageId, string sessionId, string correlationId, string partitionKey, string to, string replyTo, string replyToSessionId, string timeToLive, string scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc, bool forcePersistence, IEnumerable properties ) : BrokeredMessage

Create a BrokeredMessage object

CreateConsumerGroup ( ConsumerGroupDescription description ) : ConsumerGroupDescription

Creates a new consumer group in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateEventDataTemplate ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.EventDataTemplate template ) : EventData

Create an EventData object

CreateEventDataTemplate ( Stream stream, string partitionKey, IEnumerable properties ) : EventData

Create an EventData object

CreateEventDataTemplate ( string text, string partitionKey, IEnumerable properties ) : EventData

Create an EventData object

CreateEventHub ( EventHubDescription description ) : EventHubDescription

Creates a new event hub in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateMessageForApiReceiver ( BrokeredMessage messageTemplate, int taskId, bool updateMessageId, bool oneSessionPerTask, bool isBinary, BodyType bodyType, IBrokeredMessageInspector messageInspector ) : BrokeredMessage

Create a BrokeredMessage object

CreateMessageForWcfReceiver ( BrokeredMessage messageTemplate, int taskId, bool updateMessageId, bool oneSessionPerTask, Uri to ) : BrokeredMessage

Create a BrokeredMessage for a WCF receiver.

CreateMessagingFactory ( ) : MessagingFactory

Creates a new messaging factory object.

CreateNotificationHub ( NotificationHubDescription description ) : NotificationHubDescription

Creates a new notification hub in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateQueue ( QueueDescription description ) : QueueDescription

Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateQueue ( string path ) : QueueDescription

. Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateRelay ( RelayDescription description ) : RelayDescription

Creates a new relay in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateSubscription ( TopicDescription topicDescription, SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription ) : SubscriptionDescription

Adds a subscription to this topic, with a default pass-through filter added.

CreateSubscription ( TopicDescription topicDescription, SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription ruleDescription ) : SubscriptionDescription

Adds a subscription to this topic, with a default pass-through filter added.

CreateTopic ( TopicDescription topicDescription ) : TopicDescription

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name.

CreateTopic ( string path ) : TopicDescription

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name.

DeleteConsumerGroup ( ConsumerGroupDescription consumerGroupDescription ) : void

Deletes the consumer group described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteConsumerGroup ( string eventHubName, string name ) : void

Deletes the consumer group described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteConsumerGroups ( string eventHubName, IEnumerable consumerGroups ) : void

Deletes all the consumer groups in the list. Name of the event hub. A list of consumer groups to delete.

DeleteEventHub ( EventHubDescription eventHubDescription ) : void

Deletes the event hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteEventHub ( string path ) : void

Deletes the event hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteEventHubs ( IEnumerable eventHubs ) : void

Deletes all the event hubs in the list. A list of event hubs to delete.

DeleteNotificationHub ( NotificationHubDescription notificationHubDescription ) : void

Deletes the notification hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteNotificationHub ( string path ) : void

Deletes the notification hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteNotificationHubs ( IEnumerable notificationHubs ) : void

Deletes all the notification hubs in the list. A list of notification hubs to delete.

DeleteQueue ( QueueDescription queueDescription ) : void

Deletes the queue passed as a argument.

DeleteQueue ( string path ) : void

Deletes the queue described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteQueues ( IEnumerable queues ) : void

Deletes all the queues in the list. A list of queues to delete.

DeleteRelay ( string path ) : void

Deletes the relay described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteRelays ( IEnumerable relayServices ) : void

Deletes all the relays in the list. A list of relays to delete.

DeleteSubscription ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription ) : void

Removes the subscription passed as a argument.

DeleteSubscription ( string topicPath, string name ) : void

Removes the subscription described by name.

DeleteSubscriptions ( IEnumerable subscriptionDescriptions ) : void

Removes the subscriptions contained in the list passed as a argument.

DeleteTopic ( TopicDescription topic ) : void

Deletes the topic passed as a argument.

DeleteTopic ( string path ) : void

Deletes the topic described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.

DeleteTopics ( IEnumerable topics ) : void

Deletes all the topics in the list. A list of topics to delete.

ExportEntities ( List entityDescriptionList ) : Task

Exports the entities contained in the list passed a parameter.

GetConsumerGroup ( string eventHubPath, string name ) : ConsumerGroupDescription

Retrieves the collection of consumer groups of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetConsumerGroupUri ( string eventHubName, string consumerGroupPath ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a consumer group.

GetConsumerGroups ( EventHubDescription description ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves the collection of consumer groups of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetConsumerGroups ( string path ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves the collection of consumer groups of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetEventHub ( string path ) : EventHubDescription

Retrieves the event hub from the service namespace.

GetEventHubUri ( string eventHubPath ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a event hub.

GetEventHubs ( ) : Task>

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all event hubs in the service bus namespace.

GetMessageAndProperties ( StringBuilder builder, BrokeredMessage inboundMessage, MessageEncoder encoder ) : void

Gets the message body and properties.

GetMessageAndProperties ( StringBuilder builder, EventData inboundMessage ) : void

Gets the eventData body and properties.

GetMessageSessions ( QueueDescription queue, System.DateTime dateTime ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all message sessions for the queue passed as argument.

GetMessageSessions ( SubscriptionDescription subscription, System.DateTime dateTime ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all message sessions for the subscription passed as argument.

GetMessageSessions ( string path, System.DateTime dateTime ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all message sessions for the queue passed as argument.

GetMessageText ( BrokeredMessage messageToRead, BodyType &bodyType ) : string

Reads the content of the BrokeredMessage passed as argument.

GetMessageText ( EventData eventDataToRead, BodyType &bodyType, bool doNotSerializeBody = false ) : string

Reads the content of the EventData passed as argument.

GetNotificationHub ( string path ) : NotificationHubDescription

Retrieves the notification hub from the service namespace.

GetNotificationHubUri ( string notificationHubPath ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a notification hub.

GetNotificationHubs ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all notification hubs in the service bus namespace.

GetPartition ( PartitionDescription partitionDescription ) : PartitionDescription

Retrieves a partition.

GetPartition ( string path, string consumerGroupName, string name ) : PartitionDescription

Retrieves a partition.

GetPartitionUri ( string eventHubName, string consumerGroupName, string partitionId ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a partition.

GetPartitions ( EventHubDescription description ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetPartitions ( EventHubDescription description, string consumerGroupName ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetPartitions ( string path ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetPartitions ( string path, string consumerGroupName ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.

GetQueue ( string path ) : QueueDescription

Retrieves the queue from the service namespace.

GetQueueDeadLetterQueueUri ( string queuePath ) : Uri

Gets the uri of the deadletter queue for a given queue.

GetQueueUri ( string queuePath ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a queue.

GetQueues ( string filter ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all queues in the service bus namespace.

GetRelay ( string path ) : RelayDescription

Retrieves the relay from the service namespace.

GetRelayUri ( RelayDescription description ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a relay.

GetRelays ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all relays in the service bus namespace.

GetRules ( SubscriptionDescription subscription ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerated collection of rules attached to the subscription passed as a parameter.

GetRules ( string topicPath, string name ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerated collection of rules attached to the subscription passed as a parameter.

GetSubscription ( string topicPath, string name ) : SubscriptionDescription

Gets a subscription attached to the topic passed a parameter.

GetSubscriptionDeadLetterQueueUri ( string topicPath, string name ) : Uri

Gets the uri of the deadletter queue for a given subscription.

GetSubscriptionUri ( string topicPath, string name ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a subscription.

GetSubscriptions ( TopicDescription topic ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic passed as a parameter.

GetSubscriptions ( TopicDescription topic, string filter ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic passed as a parameter.

GetSubscriptions ( string topicPath ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic whose name is passed as a parameter.

GetSubscriptions ( string topicPath, string filter ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic whose name is passed as a parameter.

GetTopic ( string path ) : TopicDescription

Retrieves the topic from the service namespace.

GetTopicUri ( string topicPath ) : Uri

Gets the uri of a topic.

GetTopics ( ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all topics in the service bus namespace.

GetTopics ( string filter ) : IEnumerable

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all topics in the service bus namespace.

ImportEntities ( string xml ) : void

Imports entities from a xml string.

ReceiveMessages ( MessageReceiver messageReceiver, int taskId, int timeout, Filter filter, bool moveToDeadLetterQueue, bool completeReceive, bool defer, bool logging, bool verbose, bool statistics, bool receiveBatch, int batchSize, bool receiverThinkTime, int thinkTime, IBrokeredMessageInspector messageInspector, UpdateStatisticsDelegate updateStatistics, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, string &traceMessage ) : bool

This method is used to receive message from a queue or a subscription.

ReceiveMessages ( EntityDescription entityDescription, int messageCount, bool complete, bool deadletterQueue, System.TimeSpan receiveTimeout, System.TimeSpan sessionTimeout, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource ) : void

This method is used to receive message from a queue or a subscription.

RemoveRule ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription rule ) : void

Removes the rule passed as a argument.

RemoveRule ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, string name ) : void

Removes the rule described by name.

RemoveRules ( IEnumerable wrappers ) : void

Removes the rules contained in the list passed as a argument.

SendBatch ( MessageSender messageSender, List messageList, int taskId, bool isBinary, bool useWcf, bool logging, bool verbose, long &elapsedMilliseconds ) : void

This method can be used to send a message to a queue or a topic.

SendEventData ( EventHubClient eventHubClient, EventData eventData, long messageNumber, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.

SendEventData ( EventHubSender eventHubSender, EventData eventData, long messageNumber, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.

SendEventData ( EventHubClient eventHubClient, IEnumerable eventDataTemplateEnumerable, Func getMessageNumber, long messageCount, int taskId, bool updatePartitionKey, bool noPartitionKey, bool addMessageNumber, bool logging, bool verbose, bool statistics, bool sendBatch, int batchSize, bool senderThinkTime, int thinkTime, IEventDataInspector eventDataInspector, UpdateStatisticsDelegate updateStatistics, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, string partitionId = null ) : Task

This method can be used to send multiple messages to a queue or a topic.

SendEventDataBatch ( EventHubClient eventHubClient, List eventDataList, List messageNumberList, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.

SendEventDataBatch ( EventHubSender eventHubSender, List eventDataList, List messageNumberList, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.

SendMessage ( MessageSender messageSender, BrokeredMessage message, int taskId, bool isBinary, bool useWcf, bool logging, bool verbose, long &elapsedMilliseconds ) : void

This method can be used to send a message to a queue or a topic.

SendMessages ( MessageSender messageSender, IEnumerable messageTemplateEnumerable, Func getMessageNumber, long messageCount, int taskId, bool updateMessageId, bool addMessageNumber, bool oneSessionPerTask, bool logging, bool verbose, bool statistics, bool sendBatch, bool isBinary, int batchSize, bool senderThinkTime, int thinkTime, BodyType bodyType, IBrokeredMessageInspector messageInspector, UpdateStatisticsDelegate updateStatistics, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, string &traceMessage ) : bool

This method can be used to send multiple messages to a queue or a topic.

ServiceBusHelper ( WriteToLogDelegate writeToLog ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceBusHelper class.

ServiceBusHelper ( WriteToLogDelegate writeToLog, ServiceBusHelper serviceBusHelper ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceBusHelper class.

ServiceBusHelper ( WriteToLogDelegate writeToLog, bool traceEnabled ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceBusHelper class.

UpdateConsumerGroup ( ConsumerGroupDescription description ) : ConsumerGroupDescription

Updates a consumer group in the service namespace with the given name.

UpdateEventHub ( EventHubDescription description ) : EventHubDescription

Updates a event hub in the service namespace with the given name.

UpdateNotificationHub ( NotificationHubDescription description ) : NotificationHubDescription

Updates a notification hub in the service namespace with the given name.

UpdateQueue ( QueueDescription description ) : QueueDescription

Updates a queue in the service namespace with the given name.

UpdateRelay ( RelayDescription description ) : RelayDescription

Updates a relay in the service namespace with the given name.

UpdateSubscription ( TopicDescription topicDescription, SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription ) : SubscriptionDescription

Updates a subscription to this topic.

UpdateTopic ( TopicDescription topicDescription ) : TopicDescription

Updates a topic in the service namespace with the given name.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AttemptToReadByteArrayBody ( BrokeredMessage brokeredMessage ) : string
GetEncoding ( ) : Encoding
GetMessageText ( Stream stream, bool isBinary = false ) : string

Reads the message contained in a stream.

ReceiveNextMessage ( int messageCount, int messageTotal, MessageReceiver messageReceiver, MessageEncoder encoder, bool complete, System.TimeSpan timeout ) : void

Receives a message from a queue or a subscription.

WriteToLog ( string message ) : void
WriteToLogIf ( bool condition, string message, bool async = false ) : void

Описание методов

AddRule() публичный Метод

Adds a rule to this subscription, with a default pass-through filter added.
public AddRule ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription ruleDescription ) : RuleDescription
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription The subscription to add the rule to.
ruleDescription RuleDescription Metadata of the rule to be created.
Результат RuleDescription

Connect() публичный Метод

Connects the ServiceBusHelper object to service bus namespace contained in the ServiceBusNamespaces dictionary.
public Connect ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.ServiceBusNamespace serviceBusNamespace ) : bool
serviceBusNamespace Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.ServiceBusNamespace The Service Bus namespace.
Результат bool

Connect() публичный Метод

Connects the ServiceBusHelper object to service bus namespace contained in the ServiceBusNamespaces dictionary.
public Connect ( string uri, string issuerName, string issuerSecret, string sharedAccessKeyName, string sharedAccessKey, TransportType transportType ) : bool
uri string The full uri of the service namespace.
issuerName string The issuer name of the shared secret credentials.
issuerSecret string The issuer secret of the shared secret credentials.
sharedAccessKeyName string The shared access key name.
sharedAccessKey string The shared access key.
transportType TransportType The current transport type.
Результат bool

Connect() публичный Метод

Connects the ServiceBusHelper object to service bus namespace contained in the ServiceBusNamespaces dictionary.
public Connect ( string nameSpace, string path, string issuerName, string issuerSecret, string sharedAccessKeyName, string sharedAccessKey, TransportType transportType ) : bool
nameSpace string The namespace of the Service Bus.
path string The service name that follows the host name section of the URI.
issuerName string The issuer name of the shared secret credentials.
issuerSecret string The issuer secret of the shared secret credentials.
sharedAccessKeyName string The shared access key name.
sharedAccessKey string The shared access key.
transportType TransportType The current transport type.
Результат bool

CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate() публичный Метод

Create a BrokeredMessage object
public CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.BrokeredMessageTemplate template ) : BrokeredMessage
template Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.BrokeredMessageTemplate A BrokeredMessageTemplate object.
Результат BrokeredMessage

CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate() публичный Метод

Create a BrokeredMessage object
public CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate ( Stream stream, string label, string contentType, string messageId, string sessionId, string correlationId, string partitionKey, string to, string replyTo, string replyToSessionId, string timeToLive, string scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc, bool forcePersistence, IEnumerable properties ) : BrokeredMessage
stream Stream The message stream.
label string The value of the LabelId property of the message.
contentType string The type of the content.
messageId string The value of the MessageId property of the message.
sessionId string The value of the SessionId property of the message.
correlationId string The value of the CorrelationId property of the message.
partitionKey string The value of the PartitionKey property of the message.
to string The send to address.
replyTo string The value of the ReplyTo property of the message.
replyToSessionId string The value of the ReplyToSessionId property of the message.
timeToLive string The value of the TimeToLive property of the message.
scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc string The receiveTimeout in seconds after which the message will be enqueued.
forcePersistence bool The value of the ForcePersistence property of the message.
properties IEnumerable The user-defined properties of the message.
Результат BrokeredMessage

CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate() публичный Метод

Create a BrokeredMessage object
public CreateBrokeredMessageTemplate ( string text, string label, string contentType, string messageId, string sessionId, string correlationId, string partitionKey, string to, string replyTo, string replyToSessionId, string timeToLive, string scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc, bool forcePersistence, IEnumerable properties ) : BrokeredMessage
text string The message text.
label string The value of the LabelId property of the message.
contentType string The type of the content.
messageId string The value of the MessageId property of the message.
sessionId string The value of the SessionId property of the message.
correlationId string The value of the CorrelationId property of the message.
partitionKey string The value of the PartitionKey property of the message.
to string The send to address.
replyTo string The value of the ReplyTo property of the message.
replyToSessionId string The value of the ReplyToSessionId property of the message.
timeToLive string The value of the TimeToLive property of the message.
scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc string The receiveTimeout in seconds after which the message will be enqueued.
forcePersistence bool The value of the ForcePersistence property of the message.
properties IEnumerable The user-defined properties of the message.
Результат BrokeredMessage

CreateConsumerGroup() публичный Метод

Creates a new consumer group in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateConsumerGroup ( ConsumerGroupDescription description ) : ConsumerGroupDescription
description ConsumerGroupDescription A ConsumerGroupDescription object describing the attributes with which the new consumer group will be created.
Результат ConsumerGroupDescription

CreateEventDataTemplate() публичный Метод

Create an EventData object
public CreateEventDataTemplate ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.EventDataTemplate template ) : EventData
template Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CAT.ServiceBusExplorer.EventDataTemplate An EventDataTemplate.
Результат EventData

CreateEventDataTemplate() публичный Метод

Create an EventData object
public CreateEventDataTemplate ( Stream stream, string partitionKey, IEnumerable properties ) : EventData
stream Stream The event data stream.
partitionKey string The value of the PartitionKey property of the event data.
properties IEnumerable The user-defined properties of the event data.
Результат EventData

CreateEventDataTemplate() публичный Метод

Create an EventData object
public CreateEventDataTemplate ( string text, string partitionKey, IEnumerable properties ) : EventData
text string The event data text.
partitionKey string The value of the PartitionKey property of the event data.
properties IEnumerable The user-defined properties of the event data.
Результат EventData

CreateEventHub() публичный Метод

Creates a new event hub in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateEventHub ( EventHubDescription description ) : EventHubDescription
description EventHubDescription A EventHubDescription object describing the attributes with which the new event hub will be created.
Результат EventHubDescription

CreateMessageForApiReceiver() публичный Метод

Create a BrokeredMessage object
public CreateMessageForApiReceiver ( BrokeredMessage messageTemplate, int taskId, bool updateMessageId, bool oneSessionPerTask, bool isBinary, BodyType bodyType, IBrokeredMessageInspector messageInspector ) : BrokeredMessage
messageTemplate BrokeredMessage The message template.
taskId int The task Id.
updateMessageId bool Indicates whether to use a unique id for each message.
oneSessionPerTask bool Indicates whether to use a different session for each sender task.
isBinary bool Indicates if the body is binary or not.
bodyType BodyType Contains the body type.
messageInspector IBrokeredMessageInspector A BrokeredMessage inspector object.
Результат BrokeredMessage

CreateMessageForWcfReceiver() публичный Метод

Create a BrokeredMessage for a WCF receiver.
public CreateMessageForWcfReceiver ( BrokeredMessage messageTemplate, int taskId, bool updateMessageId, bool oneSessionPerTask, Uri to ) : BrokeredMessage
messageTemplate BrokeredMessage The message template.
taskId int The task Id.
updateMessageId bool Indicates whether to use a unique id for each message.
oneSessionPerTask bool Indicates whether to use a different session for each sender task.
to System.Uri The uri of the target topic or queue.
Результат BrokeredMessage

CreateMessagingFactory() публичный Метод

Creates a new messaging factory object.
public CreateMessagingFactory ( ) : MessagingFactory
Результат MessagingFactory

CreateNotificationHub() публичный Метод

Creates a new notification hub in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateNotificationHub ( NotificationHubDescription description ) : NotificationHubDescription
description NotificationHubDescription A NotificationHubDescription object describing the attributes with which the new notification hub will be created.
Результат NotificationHubDescription

CreateQueue() публичный Метод

Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateQueue ( QueueDescription description ) : QueueDescription
description QueueDescription A QueueDescription object describing the attributes with which the new queue will be created.
Результат QueueDescription

CreateQueue() публичный Метод

. Creates a new queue in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateQueue ( string path ) : QueueDescription
path string Path of the queue relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат QueueDescription

CreateRelay() публичный Метод

Creates a new relay in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateRelay ( RelayDescription description ) : RelayDescription
description RelayDescription A RelayDescription object describing the attributes with which the new event hub will be created.
Результат RelayDescription

CreateSubscription() публичный Метод

Adds a subscription to this topic, with a default pass-through filter added.
public CreateSubscription ( TopicDescription topicDescription, SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription ) : SubscriptionDescription
topicDescription TopicDescription A topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription Metadata of the subscription to be created.
Результат SubscriptionDescription

CreateSubscription() публичный Метод

Adds a subscription to this topic, with a default pass-through filter added.
public CreateSubscription ( TopicDescription topicDescription, SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription ruleDescription ) : SubscriptionDescription
topicDescription TopicDescription A topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription Metadata of the subscription to be created.
ruleDescription RuleDescription The metadata describing the properties of the rule to be associated with the subscription.
Результат SubscriptionDescription

CreateTopic() публичный Метод

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateTopic ( TopicDescription topicDescription ) : TopicDescription
topicDescription TopicDescription A TopicDescription object describing the attributes with which the new topic will be created.
Результат TopicDescription

CreateTopic() публичный Метод

Creates a new topic in the service namespace with the given name.
public CreateTopic ( string path ) : TopicDescription
path string Path of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат TopicDescription

DeleteConsumerGroup() публичный Метод

Deletes the consumer group described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteConsumerGroup ( ConsumerGroupDescription consumerGroupDescription ) : void
consumerGroupDescription ConsumerGroupDescription The consumer group to delete.
Результат void

DeleteConsumerGroup() публичный Метод

Deletes the consumer group described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteConsumerGroup ( string eventHubName, string name ) : void
eventHubName string Name of the event hub.
name string Name of the consumer group.
Результат void

DeleteConsumerGroups() публичный Метод

Deletes all the consumer groups in the list. Name of the event hub. A list of consumer groups to delete.
public DeleteConsumerGroups ( string eventHubName, IEnumerable consumerGroups ) : void
eventHubName string
consumerGroups IEnumerable
Результат void

DeleteEventHub() публичный Метод

Deletes the event hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteEventHub ( EventHubDescription eventHubDescription ) : void
eventHubDescription EventHubDescription The event hub to delete.
Результат void

DeleteEventHub() публичный Метод

Deletes the event hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteEventHub ( string path ) : void
path string Path of the event hub relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат void

DeleteEventHubs() публичный Метод

Deletes all the event hubs in the list. A list of event hubs to delete.
public DeleteEventHubs ( IEnumerable eventHubs ) : void
eventHubs IEnumerable
Результат void

DeleteNotificationHub() публичный Метод

Deletes the notification hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteNotificationHub ( NotificationHubDescription notificationHubDescription ) : void
notificationHubDescription NotificationHubDescription The notification hub to delete.
Результат void

DeleteNotificationHub() публичный Метод

Deletes the notification hub described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteNotificationHub ( string path ) : void
path string Path of the notification hub relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат void

DeleteNotificationHubs() публичный Метод

Deletes all the notification hubs in the list. A list of notification hubs to delete.
public DeleteNotificationHubs ( IEnumerable notificationHubs ) : void
notificationHubs IEnumerable
Результат void

DeleteQueue() публичный Метод

Deletes the queue passed as a argument.
public DeleteQueue ( QueueDescription queueDescription ) : void
queueDescription QueueDescription The queue to delete.
Результат void

DeleteQueue() публичный Метод

Deletes the queue described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteQueue ( string path ) : void
path string Path of the queue relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат void

DeleteQueues() публичный Метод

Deletes all the queues in the list. A list of queues to delete.
public DeleteQueues ( IEnumerable queues ) : void
queues IEnumerable
Результат void

DeleteRelay() публичный Метод

Deletes the relay described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteRelay ( string path ) : void
path string Path of the relay relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат void

DeleteRelays() публичный Метод

Deletes all the relays in the list. A list of relays to delete.
public DeleteRelays ( IEnumerable relayServices ) : void
relayServices IEnumerable
Результат void

DeleteSubscription() публичный Метод

Removes the subscription passed as a argument.
public DeleteSubscription ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription ) : void
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription The subscription to remove.
Результат void

DeleteSubscription() публичный Метод

Removes the subscription described by name.
public DeleteSubscription ( string topicPath, string name ) : void
topicPath string The name of a topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
name string Name of the subscription.
Результат void

DeleteSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Removes the subscriptions contained in the list passed as a argument.
public DeleteSubscriptions ( IEnumerable subscriptionDescriptions ) : void
subscriptionDescriptions IEnumerable The list containing subscriptions to remove.
Результат void

DeleteTopic() публичный Метод

Deletes the topic passed as a argument.
public DeleteTopic ( TopicDescription topic ) : void
topic TopicDescription The topic to delete.
Результат void

DeleteTopic() публичный Метод

Deletes the topic described by the relative name of the service namespace base address.
public DeleteTopic ( string path ) : void
path string Path of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат void

DeleteTopics() публичный Метод

Deletes all the topics in the list. A list of topics to delete.
public DeleteTopics ( IEnumerable topics ) : void
topics IEnumerable
Результат void

ExportEntities() публичный Метод

Exports the entities contained in the list passed a parameter.
public ExportEntities ( List entityDescriptionList ) : Task
entityDescriptionList List The list of the entities to export.
Результат Task

GetConsumerGroup() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of consumer groups of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetConsumerGroup ( string eventHubPath, string name ) : ConsumerGroupDescription
eventHubPath string The path of a event hub.
name string The name of a consumer group.
Результат ConsumerGroupDescription

GetConsumerGroupUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a consumer group.
public GetConsumerGroupUri ( string eventHubName, string consumerGroupPath ) : Uri
eventHubName string Name of the event hub.
consumerGroupPath string The name of a consumer group.
Результат System.Uri

GetConsumerGroups() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of consumer groups of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetConsumerGroups ( EventHubDescription description ) : IEnumerable
description EventHubDescription A event hub belonging to the current service namespace base.
Результат IEnumerable

GetConsumerGroups() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of consumer groups of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetConsumerGroups ( string path ) : IEnumerable
path string Path of the event hub relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат IEnumerable

GetEventHub() публичный Метод

Retrieves the event hub from the service namespace.
public GetEventHub ( string path ) : EventHubDescription
path string Path of the event hub relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат EventHubDescription

GetEventHubUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a event hub.
public GetEventHubUri ( string eventHubPath ) : Uri
eventHubPath string The path of a event hub.
Результат System.Uri

GetEventHubs() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all event hubs in the service bus namespace.
public GetEventHubs ( ) : Task>
Результат Task>

GetMessageAndProperties() публичный Метод

Gets the message body and properties.
public GetMessageAndProperties ( StringBuilder builder, BrokeredMessage inboundMessage, MessageEncoder encoder ) : void
builder StringBuilder The string builder object used to accumulate the trace message.
inboundMessage BrokeredMessage The inbound message.
encoder MessageEncoder The message encoder used to decode a WCF message.
Результат void

GetMessageAndProperties() публичный Метод

Gets the eventData body and properties.
public GetMessageAndProperties ( StringBuilder builder, EventData inboundMessage ) : void
builder StringBuilder The string builder object used to accumulate the trace event data.
inboundMessage EventData The inbound event data.
Результат void

GetMessageSessions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all message sessions for the queue passed as argument.
public GetMessageSessions ( QueueDescription queue, System.DateTime dateTime ) : IEnumerable
queue QueueDescription The queue for which to search message sessions.
dateTime System.DateTime The time the session was last updated.
Результат IEnumerable

GetMessageSessions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all message sessions for the subscription passed as argument.
public GetMessageSessions ( SubscriptionDescription subscription, System.DateTime dateTime ) : IEnumerable
subscription SubscriptionDescription The subscription for which to search message sessions.
dateTime System.DateTime The time the session was last updated.
Результат IEnumerable

GetMessageSessions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all message sessions for the queue passed as argument.
public GetMessageSessions ( string path, System.DateTime dateTime ) : IEnumerable
path string The queue for which to search message sessions.
dateTime System.DateTime The time the session was last updated.
Результат IEnumerable

GetMessageText() публичный Метод

Reads the content of the BrokeredMessage passed as argument.
public GetMessageText ( BrokeredMessage messageToRead, BodyType &bodyType ) : string
messageToRead BrokeredMessage The BrokeredMessage to read.
bodyType BodyType BodyType
Результат string

GetMessageText() публичный Метод

Reads the content of the EventData passed as argument.
public GetMessageText ( EventData eventDataToRead, BodyType &bodyType, bool doNotSerializeBody = false ) : string
eventDataToRead EventData The EventData to read.
bodyType BodyType BodyType
doNotSerializeBody bool
Результат string

GetNotificationHub() публичный Метод

Retrieves the notification hub from the service namespace.
public GetNotificationHub ( string path ) : NotificationHubDescription
path string Path of the notification hub relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат NotificationHubDescription

GetNotificationHubUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a notification hub.
public GetNotificationHubUri ( string notificationHubPath ) : Uri
notificationHubPath string The name of a notification hub.
Результат System.Uri

GetNotificationHubs() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all notification hubs in the service bus namespace.
public GetNotificationHubs ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

GetPartition() публичный Метод

Retrieves a partition.
public GetPartition ( PartitionDescription partitionDescription ) : PartitionDescription
partitionDescription PartitionDescription A PartitionDescription object.
Результат PartitionDescription

GetPartition() публичный Метод

Retrieves a partition.
public GetPartition ( string path, string consumerGroupName, string name ) : PartitionDescription
path string Path of the event hub relative to the service namespace base address.
consumerGroupName string The consumer group name.
name string Partition name.
Результат PartitionDescription

GetPartitionUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a partition.
public GetPartitionUri ( string eventHubName, string consumerGroupName, string partitionId ) : Uri
eventHubName string Name of the event hub.
consumerGroupName string Name of the partition.
partitionId string The partition id.
Результат System.Uri

GetPartitions() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetPartitions ( EventHubDescription description ) : IEnumerable
description EventHubDescription A event hub belonging to the current service namespace base.
Результат IEnumerable

GetPartitions() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetPartitions ( EventHubDescription description, string consumerGroupName ) : IEnumerable
description EventHubDescription A event hub belonging to the current service namespace base.
consumerGroupName string The consumer group name.
Результат IEnumerable

GetPartitions() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetPartitions ( string path ) : IEnumerable
path string Path of the event hub relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат IEnumerable

GetPartitions() публичный Метод

Retrieves the collection of partitions of the event hub passed as a parameter.
public GetPartitions ( string path, string consumerGroupName ) : IEnumerable
path string Path of the event hub relative to the service namespace base address.
consumerGroupName string The consumer group name.
Результат IEnumerable

GetQueue() публичный Метод

Retrieves the queue from the service namespace.
public GetQueue ( string path ) : QueueDescription
path string Path of the queue relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат QueueDescription

GetQueueDeadLetterQueueUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of the deadletter queue for a given queue.
public GetQueueDeadLetterQueueUri ( string queuePath ) : Uri
queuePath string The name of a queue.
Результат System.Uri

GetQueueUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a queue.
public GetQueueUri ( string queuePath ) : Uri
queuePath string The name of a queue.
Результат System.Uri

GetQueues() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all queues in the service bus namespace.
public GetQueues ( string filter ) : IEnumerable
filter string OData filter.
Результат IEnumerable

GetRelay() публичный Метод

Retrieves the relay from the service namespace.
public GetRelay ( string path ) : RelayDescription
path string Path of the relay relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат RelayDescription

GetRelayUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a relay.
public GetRelayUri ( RelayDescription description ) : Uri
description RelayDescription The description of a relay.
Результат System.Uri

GetRelays() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all relays in the service bus namespace.
public GetRelays ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

GetRules() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerated collection of rules attached to the subscription passed as a parameter.
public GetRules ( SubscriptionDescription subscription ) : IEnumerable
subscription SubscriptionDescription A subscription belonging to the current service namespace base.
Результат IEnumerable

GetRules() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerated collection of rules attached to the subscription passed as a parameter.
public GetRules ( string topicPath, string name ) : IEnumerable
topicPath string The name of a topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
name string The name of a subscription belonging to the topic passed as a parameter.
Результат IEnumerable

GetSubscription() публичный Метод

Gets a subscription attached to the topic passed a parameter.
public GetSubscription ( string topicPath, string name ) : SubscriptionDescription
topicPath string The name of a topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
name string The name of the subscription to get.
Результат SubscriptionDescription

GetSubscriptionDeadLetterQueueUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of the deadletter queue for a given subscription.
public GetSubscriptionDeadLetterQueueUri ( string topicPath, string name ) : Uri
topicPath string The name of a topic.
name string The name of a subscription.
Результат System.Uri

GetSubscriptionUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a subscription.
public GetSubscriptionUri ( string topicPath, string name ) : Uri
topicPath string The name of the topic.
name string The name of a subscription.
Результат System.Uri

GetSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic passed as a parameter.
public GetSubscriptions ( TopicDescription topic ) : IEnumerable
topic TopicDescription A topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
Результат IEnumerable

GetSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic passed as a parameter.
public GetSubscriptions ( TopicDescription topic, string filter ) : IEnumerable
topic TopicDescription A topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
filter string OData filter.
Результат IEnumerable

GetSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic whose name is passed as a parameter.
public GetSubscriptions ( string topicPath ) : IEnumerable
topicPath string The name of a topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
Результат IEnumerable

GetSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerated collection of subscriptions attached to the topic whose name is passed as a parameter.
public GetSubscriptions ( string topicPath, string filter ) : IEnumerable
topicPath string The name of a topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
filter string OData filter.
Результат IEnumerable

GetTopic() публичный Метод

Retrieves the topic from the service namespace.
public GetTopic ( string path ) : TopicDescription
path string Path of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.
Результат TopicDescription

GetTopicUri() публичный Метод

Gets the uri of a topic.
public GetTopicUri ( string topicPath ) : Uri
topicPath string The name of a topic.
Результат System.Uri

GetTopics() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all topics in the service bus namespace.
public GetTopics ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

GetTopics() публичный Метод

Retrieves an enumerable collection of all topics in the service bus namespace.
public GetTopics ( string filter ) : IEnumerable
filter string OData filter.
Результат IEnumerable

ImportEntities() публичный Метод

Imports entities from a xml string.
public ImportEntities ( string xml ) : void
xml string The xml containing entities.
Результат void

ReceiveMessages() публичный Метод

This method is used to receive message from a queue or a subscription.
public ReceiveMessages ( MessageReceiver messageReceiver, int taskId, int timeout, Filter filter, bool moveToDeadLetterQueue, bool completeReceive, bool defer, bool logging, bool verbose, bool statistics, bool receiveBatch, int batchSize, bool receiverThinkTime, int thinkTime, IBrokeredMessageInspector messageInspector, UpdateStatisticsDelegate updateStatistics, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, string &traceMessage ) : bool
messageReceiver MessageReceiver The message receiver used to receive messages.
taskId int The receiver task id.
timeout int The receive receiveTimeout.
filter Filter The filter expression is used to determine messages to move the dead-letter queue or to defer.
moveToDeadLetterQueue bool Indicates whether to move messages to the dead-letter queue.
completeReceive bool Indicates whether to complete a receive operation when ReceiveMode is equal to PeekLock.
defer bool Indicates whether to defer messages.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of message content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
statistics bool Indicates whether to enable receiver statistics.
receiveBatch bool Indicates whether to use ReceiveBatch.
batchSize int Indicates the batch size.
receiverThinkTime bool Indicates whether to use think time.
thinkTime int Indicates the value of the think time in milliseconds.
messageInspector IBrokeredMessageInspector A BrokeredMessage inspector object.
updateStatistics UpdateStatisticsDelegate When statistics = true, this delegate is invoked to update statistics.
cancellationTokenSource System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource The cancellation token.
traceMessage string A trace message.
Результат bool

ReceiveMessages() публичный Метод

This method is used to receive message from a queue or a subscription.
public ReceiveMessages ( EntityDescription entityDescription, int messageCount, bool complete, bool deadletterQueue, System.TimeSpan receiveTimeout, System.TimeSpan sessionTimeout, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource ) : void
entityDescription EntityDescription The description of the entity from which to read messages.
messageCount int The number of messages to read.
complete bool This parameter indicates whether to complete the receive operation.
deadletterQueue bool This parameter indicates whether to read messages from the deadletter queue.
receiveTimeout System.TimeSpan Receive receiveTimeout.
sessionTimeout System.TimeSpan Session timeout
cancellationTokenSource System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource Cancellation token source.
Результат void

RemoveRule() публичный Метод

Removes the rule passed as a argument.
public RemoveRule ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, RuleDescription rule ) : void
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription A subscription belonging to the current service namespace base.
rule RuleDescription The rule to remove.
Результат void

RemoveRule() публичный Метод

Removes the rule described by name.
public RemoveRule ( SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription, string name ) : void
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription The subscription to add the rule to.
name string Name of the rule.
Результат void

RemoveRules() публичный Метод

Removes the rules contained in the list passed as a argument.
public RemoveRules ( IEnumerable wrappers ) : void
wrappers IEnumerable The list containing the ruleWrappers of the rules to remove.
Результат void

SendBatch() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send a message to a queue or a topic.
public SendBatch ( MessageSender messageSender, List messageList, int taskId, bool isBinary, bool useWcf, bool logging, bool verbose, long &elapsedMilliseconds ) : void
messageSender MessageSender A MessageSender object used to send messages.
messageList List The list of messages to send.
taskId int The sender task id.
isBinary bool Indicates if the body is binary or not.
useWcf bool Indicates whether to send messages to a WCF receiver.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of message content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
elapsedMilliseconds long The time spent to send the message.
Результат void

SendEventData() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.
public SendEventData ( EventHubClient eventHubClient, EventData eventData, long messageNumber, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task
eventHubClient EventHubClient An EventHubClient object used to send event data.
eventData EventData The event data to send.
messageNumber long The message number.
taskId int The sender task id.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of event data content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
Результат Task

SendEventData() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.
public SendEventData ( EventHubSender eventHubSender, EventData eventData, long messageNumber, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task
eventHubSender EventHubSender A EventHubSender object used to send event data.
eventData EventData The event data to send.
messageNumber long The message number.
taskId int The sender task id.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of event data content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
Результат Task

SendEventData() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send multiple messages to a queue or a topic.
public SendEventData ( EventHubClient eventHubClient, IEnumerable eventDataTemplateEnumerable, Func getMessageNumber, long messageCount, int taskId, bool updatePartitionKey, bool noPartitionKey, bool addMessageNumber, bool logging, bool verbose, bool statistics, bool sendBatch, int batchSize, bool senderThinkTime, int thinkTime, IEventDataInspector eventDataInspector, UpdateStatisticsDelegate updateStatistics, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, string partitionId = null ) : Task
eventHubClient EventHubClient An EventHubClient object used to send messages.
eventDataTemplateEnumerable IEnumerable A collection of message templates to use to clone messages from.
getMessageNumber Func This function returns the message number.
messageCount long The total number of messages to send.
taskId int The sender task id.
updatePartitionKey bool Indicates whether to use a unique template key for each message.
noPartitionKey bool Indiactes to specify a null value for the PartitionKey property. Messages will be written in a round robin fashion to event hub partitions.
addMessageNumber bool Indicates whether to add a message number property.
logging bool Indicates whether to enable logging of message content and properties.
verbose bool Indicates whether to enable verbose logging.
statistics bool Indicates whether to enable sender statistics.
sendBatch bool Indicates whether to use SendBatch.
batchSize int Indicates the batch size.
senderThinkTime bool Indicates whether to use think time.
thinkTime int Indicates the value of the sender think time.
eventDataInspector IEventDataInspector Event Data inspector.
updateStatistics UpdateStatisticsDelegate When statistics = true, this delegate is invoked to update statistics.
cancellationTokenSource System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource The cancellation token.
partitionId string PartitionId (optional: used only when sending messages to a specific partition.
Результат Task

SendEventDataBatch() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.
public SendEventDataBatch ( EventHubClient eventHubClient, List eventDataList, List messageNumberList, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task
eventHubClient EventHubClient A EventHubClient object used to send messages.
eventDataList List The list of messages to send.
messageNumberList List The list of message numbers.
taskId int The sender task id.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of message content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
Результат Task

SendEventDataBatch() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send an event data to an event hub.
public SendEventDataBatch ( EventHubSender eventHubSender, List eventDataList, List messageNumberList, int taskId, bool logging, bool verbose ) : Task
eventHubSender EventHubSender
eventDataList List The list of messages to send.
messageNumberList List The list of message numbers.
taskId int The sender task id.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of message content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
Результат Task

SendMessage() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send a message to a queue or a topic.
public SendMessage ( MessageSender messageSender, BrokeredMessage message, int taskId, bool isBinary, bool useWcf, bool logging, bool verbose, long &elapsedMilliseconds ) : void
messageSender MessageSender A MessageSender object used to send messages.
message BrokeredMessage The message to send.
taskId int The sender task id.
isBinary bool Indicates if the body is binary or not.
useWcf bool Indicates whether to send messages to a WCF receiver.
logging bool Indicates whether logging of message content and properties is enabled.
verbose bool Indicates whether verbose logging is enabled.
elapsedMilliseconds long The time spent to send the message.
Результат void

SendMessages() публичный Метод

This method can be used to send multiple messages to a queue or a topic.
public SendMessages ( MessageSender messageSender, IEnumerable messageTemplateEnumerable, Func getMessageNumber, long messageCount, int taskId, bool updateMessageId, bool addMessageNumber, bool oneSessionPerTask, bool logging, bool verbose, bool statistics, bool sendBatch, bool isBinary, int batchSize, bool senderThinkTime, int thinkTime, BodyType bodyType, IBrokeredMessageInspector messageInspector, UpdateStatisticsDelegate updateStatistics, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, string &traceMessage ) : bool
messageSender MessageSender A MessageSender object used to send messages.
messageTemplateEnumerable IEnumerable A collection of message templates to use to clone messages from.
getMessageNumber Func This function returns the message number.
messageCount long The total number of messages to send.
taskId int The sender task id.
updateMessageId bool Indicates whether to use a unique id for each message.
addMessageNumber bool Indicates whether to add a message number property.
oneSessionPerTask bool Indicates whether to use a different session for each sender task.
logging bool Indicates whether to enable logging of message content and properties.
verbose bool Indicates whether to enable verbose logging.
statistics bool Indicates whether to enable sender statistics.
sendBatch bool Indicates whether to use SendBatch.
isBinary bool Indicates if the body is binary or not.
batchSize int Indicates the batch size.
senderThinkTime bool Indicates whether to use think time.
thinkTime int Indicates the value of the sender think time.
bodyType BodyType Contains the body type.
messageInspector IBrokeredMessageInspector A BrokeredMessage inspector object.
updateStatistics UpdateStatisticsDelegate When statistics = true, this delegate is invoked to update statistics.
cancellationTokenSource System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource The cancellation token.
traceMessage string A trace message.
Результат bool

ServiceBusHelper() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceBusHelper class.
public ServiceBusHelper ( WriteToLogDelegate writeToLog ) : System
writeToLog WriteToLogDelegate WriteToLog method.
Результат System

ServiceBusHelper() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceBusHelper class.
public ServiceBusHelper ( WriteToLogDelegate writeToLog, ServiceBusHelper serviceBusHelper ) : System
writeToLog WriteToLogDelegate WriteToLog method.
serviceBusHelper ServiceBusHelper Base ServiceBusHelper.
Результат System

ServiceBusHelper() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the ServiceBusHelper class.
public ServiceBusHelper ( WriteToLogDelegate writeToLog, bool traceEnabled ) : System
writeToLog WriteToLogDelegate WriteToLog method.
traceEnabled bool A boolean value indicating whether tracing is enabled.
Результат System

UpdateConsumerGroup() публичный Метод

Updates a consumer group in the service namespace with the given name.
public UpdateConsumerGroup ( ConsumerGroupDescription description ) : ConsumerGroupDescription
description ConsumerGroupDescription A ConsumerGroupDescription object describing the attributes with which the new consumer group will be updated.
Результат ConsumerGroupDescription

UpdateEventHub() публичный Метод

Updates a event hub in the service namespace with the given name.
public UpdateEventHub ( EventHubDescription description ) : EventHubDescription
description EventHubDescription A EventHubDescription object describing the attributes with which the new event hub will be updated.
Результат EventHubDescription

UpdateNotificationHub() публичный Метод

Updates a notification hub in the service namespace with the given name.
public UpdateNotificationHub ( NotificationHubDescription description ) : NotificationHubDescription
description NotificationHubDescription A NotificationHubDescription object describing the attributes with which the new notification hub will be updated.
Результат NotificationHubDescription

UpdateQueue() публичный Метод

Updates a queue in the service namespace with the given name.
public UpdateQueue ( QueueDescription description ) : QueueDescription
description QueueDescription A QueueDescription object describing the attributes with which the new queue will be updated.
Результат QueueDescription

UpdateRelay() публичный Метод

Updates a relay in the service namespace with the given name.
public UpdateRelay ( RelayDescription description ) : RelayDescription
description RelayDescription A RelayDescription object describing the attributes with which the new relay will be updated.
Результат RelayDescription

UpdateSubscription() публичный Метод

Updates a subscription to this topic.
public UpdateSubscription ( TopicDescription topicDescription, SubscriptionDescription subscriptionDescription ) : SubscriptionDescription
topicDescription TopicDescription A topic belonging to the current service namespace base.
subscriptionDescription SubscriptionDescription Metadata of the subscription to be updated.
Результат SubscriptionDescription

UpdateTopic() публичный Метод

Updates a topic in the service namespace with the given name.
public UpdateTopic ( TopicDescription topicDescription ) : TopicDescription
topicDescription TopicDescription A TopicDescription object describing the attributes with which the new topic will be updated.
Результат TopicDescription