C# Класс MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex32.DenseMatrix

Наследование: System.Matrix
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Cholesky ( ) : Cholesky
Create ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 value ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix and initialize each value to the same provided value.

Create ( int rows, int columns, Func init ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix and initialize each value using the provided init function.

CreateDiagonal ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 value ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new diagonal dense matrix and initialize each diagonal value to the same provided value.

CreateDiagonal ( int rows, int columns, Complex32>.Func init ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new diagonal dense matrix and initialize each diagonal value using the provided init function.

CreateIdentity ( int order ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new square sparse identity matrix where each diagonal value is set to One.

CreateRandom ( int rows, int columns, IContinuousDistribution distribution ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix with values sampled from the provided random distribution.

DenseMatrix ( DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage storage ) : System

Create a new dense matrix straight from an initialized matrix storage instance. The storage is used directly without copying. Intended for advanced scenarios where you're working directly with storage for performance or interop reasons.

DenseMatrix ( int order ) : System

Create a new square dense matrix with the given number of rows and columns. All cells of the matrix will be initialized to zero. Zero-length matrices are not supported.

DenseMatrix ( int rows, int columns ) : System

Create a new dense matrix with the given number of rows and columns. All cells of the matrix will be initialized to zero. Zero-length matrices are not supported.

DenseMatrix ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 storage ) : System

Create a new dense matrix with the given number of rows and columns directly binding to a raw array. The array is assumed to be in column-major order (column by column) and is used directly without copying. Very efficient, but changes to the array and the matrix will affect each other.

Evd ( Symmetricity symmetricity = Symmetricity.Unknown ) : Evd
FrobeniusNorm ( ) : double

Calculates the entry-wise Frobenius norm of this matrix.

GramSchmidt ( ) : GramSchmidt
InfinityNorm ( ) : double

Calculates the induced infinity norm of this matrix.

IsHermitian ( ) : bool

Evaluates whether this matrix is hermitian (conjugate symmetric).

IsSymmetric ( ) : bool

Evaluates whether this matrix is symmetric.

L1Norm ( ) : double

Calculates the induced L1 norm of this matrix.

LU ( ) : LU
OfArray ( Complex32 array ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given two-dimensional array. This new matrix will be independent from the provided array. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumnArrays ( ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumnArrays ( IEnumerable columns ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumnMajor ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable columnMajor ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable. The enumerable is assumed to be in column-major order (column by column). This new matrix will be independent from the enumerable. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumnVectors ( ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumnVectors ( IEnumerable columns ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumns ( IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable columns. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a column. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfColumns ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable columns. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a column. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfDiagonalArray ( Complex32 diagonal ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given array. This new matrix will be independent from the array. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfDiagonalArray ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 diagonal ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given array. This new matrix will be independent from the array. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfDiagonalVector ( Vector diagonal ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given vector. This new matrix will be independent from the vector. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfDiagonalVector ( int rows, int columns, Vector diagonal ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given vector. This new matrix will be independent from the vector. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfIndexed ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable enumerable ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given indexed enumerable. Keys must be provided at most once, zero is assumed if a key is omitted. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerable. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfMatrix ( Matrix matrix ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given other matrix. This new matrix will be independent from the other matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfRowArrays ( ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfRowArrays ( IEnumerable rows ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfRowVectors ( ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfRowVectors ( IEnumerable rows ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfRows ( IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable rows. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a row. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

OfRows ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable rows. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a row. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.

QR ( QRMethod method = QRMethod.Thin ) : QR
Svd ( bool computeVectors = true ) : Svd
Trace ( ) : Complex32

Computes the trace of this matrix.

operator ( ) : DenseMatrix

Multiplies a Matrix by a constant and returns the result.

operator ( ) : MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex32.DenseVector

Multiplies a Matrix and a Vector.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
DoAdd ( Complex32 scalar, Matrix result ) : void

Add a scalar to each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result vector.

DoAdd ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Adds another matrix to this matrix.

DoConjugate ( Matrix result ) : void

Complex conjugates each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.

DoConjugateTransposeAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Multiplies this matrix with the conjugate transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.

DoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.

DoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Vector rightSide, Vector result ) : void

Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.

DoDivide ( Complex32 divisor, Matrix result ) : void

Divides each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.

DoMultiply ( Complex32 scalar, Matrix result ) : void

Multiplies each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.

DoMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Multiplies this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.

DoMultiply ( Vector rightSide, Vector result ) : void

Multiplies this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.

DoNegate ( Matrix result ) : void

Negate each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.

DoPointwiseDivide ( Matrix divisor, Matrix result ) : void

Pointwise divide this matrix by another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.

DoPointwiseMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Pointwise multiplies this matrix with another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.

DoSubtract ( Complex32 scalar, Matrix result ) : void

Subtracts a scalar from each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result vector.

DoSubtract ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Subtracts another matrix from this matrix.

DoTransposeAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Multiplies this matrix with transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.

DoTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void

Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.

DoTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Vector rightSide, Vector result ) : void

Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.

Описание методов

Cholesky() публичный Метод

public Cholesky ( ) : Cholesky
Результат Cholesky

Create() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix and initialize each value to the same provided value.
public static Create ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 value ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
value Complex32
Результат DenseMatrix

Create() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix and initialize each value using the provided init function.
public static Create ( int rows, int columns, Func init ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
init Func
Результат DenseMatrix

CreateDiagonal() публичный статический Метод

Create a new diagonal dense matrix and initialize each diagonal value to the same provided value.
public static CreateDiagonal ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 value ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
value Complex32
Результат DenseMatrix

CreateDiagonal() публичный статический Метод

Create a new diagonal dense matrix and initialize each diagonal value using the provided init function.
public static CreateDiagonal ( int rows, int columns, Complex32>.Func init ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
init Complex32>.Func
Результат DenseMatrix

CreateIdentity() публичный статический Метод

Create a new square sparse identity matrix where each diagonal value is set to One.
public static CreateIdentity ( int order ) : DenseMatrix
order int
Результат DenseMatrix

CreateRandom() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix with values sampled from the provided random distribution.
public static CreateRandom ( int rows, int columns, IContinuousDistribution distribution ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
distribution IContinuousDistribution
Результат DenseMatrix

DenseMatrix() публичный Метод

Create a new dense matrix straight from an initialized matrix storage instance. The storage is used directly without copying. Intended for advanced scenarios where you're working directly with storage for performance or interop reasons.
public DenseMatrix ( DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage storage ) : System
storage DenseColumnMajorMatrixStorage
Результат System

DenseMatrix() публичный Метод

Create a new square dense matrix with the given number of rows and columns. All cells of the matrix will be initialized to zero. Zero-length matrices are not supported.
If the order is less than one.
public DenseMatrix ( int order ) : System
order int
Результат System

DenseMatrix() публичный Метод

Create a new dense matrix with the given number of rows and columns. All cells of the matrix will be initialized to zero. Zero-length matrices are not supported.
If the row or column count is less than one.
public DenseMatrix ( int rows, int columns ) : System
rows int
columns int
Результат System

DenseMatrix() публичный Метод

Create a new dense matrix with the given number of rows and columns directly binding to a raw array. The array is assumed to be in column-major order (column by column) and is used directly without copying. Very efficient, but changes to the array and the matrix will affect each other.
public DenseMatrix ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 storage ) : System
rows int
columns int
storage Complex32
Результат System

DoAdd() защищенный Метод

Add a scalar to each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result vector.
protected DoAdd ( Complex32 scalar, Matrix result ) : void
scalar Complex32 The scalar to add.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the addition.
Результат void

DoAdd() защищенный Метод

Adds another matrix to this matrix.
If the other matrix is . If the two matrices don't have the same dimensions.
protected DoAdd ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to add to this matrix.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of add
Результат void

DoConjugate() защищенный Метод

Complex conjugates each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.
protected DoConjugate ( Matrix result ) : void
result Matrix The result of the conjugation.
Результат void

DoConjugateTransposeAndMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies this matrix with the conjugate transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
protected DoConjugateTransposeAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to multiply with.
result Matrix The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
protected DoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to multiply with.
result Matrix The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
protected DoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Vector rightSide, Vector result ) : void
rightSide Vector The vector to multiply with.
result Vector The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoDivide() защищенный Метод

Divides each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.
protected DoDivide ( Complex32 divisor, Matrix result ) : void
divisor Complex32 The scalar to divide the matrix with.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the division.
Результат void

DoMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.
protected DoMultiply ( Complex32 scalar, Matrix result ) : void
scalar Complex32 The scalar to multiply the matrix with.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
protected DoMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to multiply with.
result Matrix The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
protected DoMultiply ( Vector rightSide, Vector result ) : void
rightSide Vector The vector to multiply with.
result Vector The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoNegate() защищенный Метод

Negate each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.
protected DoNegate ( Matrix result ) : void
result Matrix The result of the negation.
Результат void

DoPointwiseDivide() защищенный Метод

Pointwise divide this matrix by another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
protected DoPointwiseDivide ( Matrix divisor, Matrix result ) : void
divisor Matrix The matrix to pointwise divide this one by.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the pointwise division.
Результат void

DoPointwiseMultiply() защищенный Метод

Pointwise multiplies this matrix with another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
protected DoPointwiseMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to pointwise multiply with this one.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the pointwise multiplication.
Результат void

DoSubtract() защищенный Метод

Subtracts a scalar from each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result vector.
protected DoSubtract ( Complex32 scalar, Matrix result ) : void
scalar Complex32 The scalar to subtract.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the subtraction.
Результат void

DoSubtract() защищенный Метод

Subtracts another matrix from this matrix.
protected DoSubtract ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to subtract.
result Matrix The matrix to store the result of the subtraction.
Результат void

DoTransposeAndMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies this matrix with transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
protected DoTransposeAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to multiply with.
result Matrix The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoTransposeThisAndMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
protected DoTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Matrix other, Matrix result ) : void
other Matrix The matrix to multiply with.
result Matrix The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

DoTransposeThisAndMultiply() защищенный Метод

Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
protected DoTransposeThisAndMultiply ( Vector rightSide, Vector result ) : void
rightSide Vector The vector to multiply with.
result Vector The result of the multiplication.
Результат void

Evd() публичный Метод

public Evd ( Symmetricity symmetricity = Symmetricity.Unknown ) : Evd
symmetricity Symmetricity
Результат Evd

FrobeniusNorm() публичный Метод

Calculates the entry-wise Frobenius norm of this matrix.
public FrobeniusNorm ( ) : double
Результат double

GramSchmidt() публичный Метод

public GramSchmidt ( ) : GramSchmidt
Результат GramSchmidt

InfinityNorm() публичный Метод

Calculates the induced infinity norm of this matrix.
public InfinityNorm ( ) : double
Результат double

IsHermitian() публичный Метод

Evaluates whether this matrix is hermitian (conjugate symmetric).
public IsHermitian ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsSymmetric() публичный Метод

Evaluates whether this matrix is symmetric.
public IsSymmetric ( ) : bool
Результат bool

L1Norm() публичный Метод

Calculates the induced L1 norm of this matrix.
public L1Norm ( ) : double
Результат double

LU() публичный Метод

public LU ( ) : LU
Результат LU

OfArray() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given two-dimensional array. This new matrix will be independent from the provided array. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfArray ( Complex32 array ) : DenseMatrix
array Complex32
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumnArrays() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumnArrays ( ) : DenseMatrix
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumnArrays() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumnArrays ( IEnumerable columns ) : DenseMatrix
columns IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumnMajor() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable. The enumerable is assumed to be in column-major order (column by column). This new matrix will be independent from the enumerable. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumnMajor ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable columnMajor ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
columnMajor IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumnVectors() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumnVectors ( ) : DenseMatrix
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumnVectors() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given column vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumnVectors ( IEnumerable columns ) : DenseMatrix
columns IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumns() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable columns. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a column. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumns ( IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix
data IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfColumns() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable columns. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a column. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfColumns ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
data IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfDiagonalArray() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given array. This new matrix will be independent from the array. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfDiagonalArray ( Complex32 diagonal ) : DenseMatrix
diagonal Complex32
Результат DenseMatrix

OfDiagonalArray() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given array. This new matrix will be independent from the array. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfDiagonalArray ( int rows, int columns, Complex32 diagonal ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
diagonal Complex32
Результат DenseMatrix

OfDiagonalVector() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given vector. This new matrix will be independent from the vector. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfDiagonalVector ( Vector diagonal ) : DenseMatrix
diagonal Vector
Результат DenseMatrix

OfDiagonalVector() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix with the diagonal as a copy of the given vector. This new matrix will be independent from the vector. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfDiagonalVector ( int rows, int columns, Vector diagonal ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
diagonal Vector
Результат DenseMatrix

OfIndexed() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given indexed enumerable. Keys must be provided at most once, zero is assumed if a key is omitted. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerable. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfIndexed ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable enumerable ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
enumerable IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfMatrix() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given other matrix. This new matrix will be independent from the other matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfMatrix ( Matrix matrix ) : DenseMatrix
matrix Matrix
Результат DenseMatrix

OfRowArrays() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfRowArrays ( ) : DenseMatrix
Результат DenseMatrix

OfRowArrays() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row arrays. This new matrix will be independent from the arrays. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfRowArrays ( IEnumerable rows ) : DenseMatrix
rows IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfRowVectors() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfRowVectors ( ) : DenseMatrix
Результат DenseMatrix

OfRowVectors() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given row vectors. This new matrix will be independent from the vectors. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfRowVectors ( IEnumerable rows ) : DenseMatrix
rows IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfRows() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable rows. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a row. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfRows ( IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix
data IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

OfRows() публичный статический Метод

Create a new dense matrix as a copy of the given enumerable of enumerable rows. Each enumerable in the master enumerable specifies a row. This new matrix will be independent from the enumerables. A new memory block will be allocated for storing the matrix.
public static OfRows ( int rows, int columns, IEnumerable data ) : DenseMatrix
rows int
columns int
data IEnumerable
Результат DenseMatrix

QR() публичный Метод

public QR ( QRMethod method = QRMethod.Thin ) : QR
method QRMethod
Результат QR

Svd() публичный Метод

public Svd ( bool computeVectors = true ) : Svd
computeVectors bool
Результат Svd

Trace() публичный Метод

Computes the trace of this matrix.
If the matrix is not square
public Trace ( ) : Complex32
Результат Complex32

operator() публичный статический Метод

Multiplies a Matrix by a constant and returns the result.
If is .
public static operator ( ) : DenseMatrix
Результат DenseMatrix

operator() публичный статический Метод

Multiplies a Matrix and a Vector.
If or is .
public static operator ( ) : MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex32.DenseVector
Результат MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Complex32.DenseVector