C# Класс KeePass.DataExchange.Kdb3File

Serialization to KeePass KDB files.
Показать файл Открыть проект Примеры использования класса

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
IsLibraryInstalled ( ) : bool
IsLibraryInstalled ( Exception &ex ) : bool
Kdb3File ( KeePassLib.PwDatabase pwDataStore, IStatusLogger slLogger ) : System

Default constructor.

Load ( string strFilePath ) : void

Loads a KDB file and stores all loaded entries in the current PwDatabase instance.

Save ( string strSaveToFile, PwGroup pgDataSource ) : void

Save the contents of the current PwDatabase to a KDB file.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CapitalizePlaceholders ( string strSeq ) : string
ConvertAutoTypeSeqExp ( string strSeq, PwEntry pe ) : string
ConvertAutoTypeSequence ( string strSeq, bool b1xTo2x ) : string
EnsureParentGroupsExported ( PwGroup pgRoot, uint &uGroupIndex, UInt32>.Dictionary dictGroups, System.DateTime dtNeverExpires, Kdb3Manager mgr ) : void
ExportAutoType ( PwEntry peSource, string &strNotes ) : void
ExportCustomStrings ( PwEntry peSource, string &strNotes ) : void
ExportUrlOverride ( PwEntry peSource, string &strNotes ) : void
FindPrefixedLine ( string vLines, string strPrefix ) : string
ImportAutoType ( string &strNotes, PwEntry peStorage ) : void
ImportUrlOverride ( string &strNotes, PwEntry peStorage ) : void
ReadEntries ( Kdb3Manager mgr, PwGroup>.Dictionary dictGroups ) : void
ReadGroups ( Kdb3Manager mgr ) : PwGroup>.Dictionary
SetDatabaseKey ( Kdb3Manager mgr, CompositeKey pwKey ) : Kdb3ErrorCode
WriteEntries ( Kdb3Manager mgr, uint>.Dictionary dictGroups, PwGroup pgRoot ) : void
WriteGroup ( PwGroup pg, PwGroup pgRoot, uint &uGroupIndex, UInt32>.Dictionary dictGroups, System.DateTime dtNeverExpire, Kdb3Manager mgr, bool bForceLevel0 ) : void
WriteGroups ( Kdb3Manager mgr, PwGroup pgRoot ) : UInt32>.Dictionary

Описание методов

IsLibraryInstalled() публичный статический Метод

public static IsLibraryInstalled ( ) : bool
Результат bool

IsLibraryInstalled() публичный статический Метод

public static IsLibraryInstalled ( Exception &ex ) : bool
ex System.Exception
Результат bool

Kdb3File() публичный Метод

Default constructor.
Thrown if the database /// reference is null.
public Kdb3File ( KeePassLib.PwDatabase pwDataStore, IStatusLogger slLogger ) : System
pwDataStore KeePassLib.PwDatabase The PwDatabase instance that the class /// will load file data into or use to create a KDB file. Must not be null.
slLogger IStatusLogger
Результат System

Load() публичный Метод

Loads a KDB file and stores all loaded entries in the current PwDatabase instance.
public Load ( string strFilePath ) : void
strFilePath string Relative or absolute path to the file to open.
Результат void

Save() публичный Метод

Save the contents of the current PwDatabase to a KDB file.
public Save ( string strSaveToFile, PwGroup pgDataSource ) : void
strSaveToFile string Location to save the KDB file to.
pgDataSource PwGroup
Результат void