C# Класс Google.Auth.OAuth3Legged

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DownloadStringAuthenticated ( string url ) : string
GetAccessToken ( string verificationCode ) : bool
GetAuthUrl ( ) : string

Authorizes an account with OAuth for the specified Google scopes and gets the URL to display to the user for further authorization. You should call GetAccessToken() next with the verification code returned after the user Grants your application access.

OAuth3Legged ( string appName, string displayName, bool mobile, string oauthConsumerKey, string oauthConsumerSecret, string oauthCallbackUrl ) : System
TryGetAccessToken ( string verificationCode, GoogleOAuthException &error ) : bool
TryGetAuthUrl ( string &authUrl, GoogleOAuthException &error ) : bool
TryValidateTokens ( string token, string tokenSecret, GoogleOAuthException &error ) : bool
ValidateTokens ( string token, string tokenSecret ) : bool

Validates the given token and tokenSecret to ensure it is still valid for the given scopes

Описание методов

DownloadStringAuthenticated() публичный Метод

public DownloadStringAuthenticated ( string url ) : string
url string
Результат string

GetAccessToken() публичный Метод

public GetAccessToken ( string verificationCode ) : bool
verificationCode string
Результат bool

GetAuthUrl() публичный Метод

Authorizes an account with OAuth for the specified Google scopes and gets the URL to display to the user for further authorization. You should call GetAccessToken() next with the verification code returned after the user Grants your application access.
public GetAuthUrl ( ) : string
Результат string

OAuth3Legged() публичный Метод

public OAuth3Legged ( string appName, string displayName, bool mobile, string oauthConsumerKey, string oauthConsumerSecret, string oauthCallbackUrl ) : System
appName string
displayName string
mobile bool
oauthConsumerKey string
oauthConsumerSecret string
oauthCallbackUrl string
Результат System

TryGetAccessToken() публичный Метод

public TryGetAccessToken ( string verificationCode, GoogleOAuthException &error ) : bool
verificationCode string
error GoogleOAuthException
Результат bool

TryGetAuthUrl() публичный Метод

public TryGetAuthUrl ( string &authUrl, GoogleOAuthException &error ) : bool
authUrl string
error GoogleOAuthException
Результат bool

TryValidateTokens() публичный Метод

public TryValidateTokens ( string token, string tokenSecret, GoogleOAuthException &error ) : bool
token string
tokenSecret string
error GoogleOAuthException
Результат bool

ValidateTokens() публичный Метод

Validates the given token and tokenSecret to ensure it is still valid for the given scopes
public ValidateTokens ( string token, string tokenSecret ) : bool
token string Access Token returned from Authorization
tokenSecret string Access Token Secret returned from Authorization
Результат bool