C# Класс ALFA.Shared.AzureFileStoreFile

This class encapsulates an Azure backend implementation of the FileStoreFile abstraction.
Наследование: FileStoreFile
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Delete ( ) : void

Delete the file.

Exists ( ) : bool

Returns true if the file exists.

FetchAttributes ( ) : void

Load properties and metadata.

Read ( Stream Stream ) : void

Read the entire contents of the file into the given Stream.

ReadIfModifiedSince ( Stream Stream, DateTimeOffset Time ) : void

Read the entire contents of the file into the given Stream if it is not modified since a given time.

SetMetadata ( ) : void

Set new metadata for the file.

Write ( Stream Stream ) : void

Replace the contents of the file with the given Stream.

WriteIfNotModifiedSince ( Stream Stream, DateTimeOffset Time ) : void

Replace the contents of the file with the given Stream if the stored file has not been modified since a given time.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AzureFileStoreFile ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob Blob ) : System

Instantiate a new AzureFileStoreFile from an Azure blob.

Описание методов

Delete() публичный метод

Delete the file.
public Delete ( ) : void
Результат void

Exists() публичный метод

Returns true if the file exists.
public Exists ( ) : bool
Результат bool

FetchAttributes() публичный метод

Load properties and metadata.
public FetchAttributes ( ) : void
Результат void

Read() публичный метод

Read the entire contents of the file into the given Stream.
public Read ( Stream Stream ) : void
Stream Stream Supplies the Stream to read the entire /// contents of the file into.
Результат void

ReadIfModifiedSince() публичный метод

Read the entire contents of the file into the given Stream if it is not modified since a given time.
public ReadIfModifiedSince ( Stream Stream, DateTimeOffset Time ) : void
Stream Stream Supplies the Stream to read the entire /// contents of the file into.
Time DateTimeOffset Supplies the modified since limit.
Результат void

SetMetadata() публичный метод

Set new metadata for the file.
public SetMetadata ( ) : void
Результат void

Write() публичный метод

Replace the contents of the file with the given Stream.
public Write ( Stream Stream ) : void
Stream Stream Supplies the Stream to write into the file. /// The original contents of the file are replaced.
Результат void

WriteIfNotModifiedSince() публичный метод

Replace the contents of the file with the given Stream if the stored file has not been modified since a given time.
public WriteIfNotModifiedSince ( Stream Stream, DateTimeOffset Time ) : void
Stream Stream Supplies the Stream to write into the file. /// The original contents of the file are replaced.
Time DateTimeOffset Supplies the modified time cutoff.
Результат void