C# Class com.esri.gpt.csw.CswClientDockableWindow

Designer class of the dockable window add-in. It contains user interfaces that make up the dockable window.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Exibir arquivo Open project: Esri/geoportal-server Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddAGSService void
AddData void
AddLayerArcIMS void
AddLayerWCS void
AddLayerWMS void
AddMapServiceLayer void
AddToMapToolStripButton_Click void
AddToMap_Clicked void
AppendQuestionOrAmpersandToUrlString string
CatalogComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged void
CatalogDisplayNameTextBox_TextChanged void
CatalogListBox_SelectedIndexChanged void
CatalogProfileComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged void
CatalogUrlTextBox_MouseHover void
CatalogUrlTextBox_TextChanged void
ClearData void
ConfigureTabPage_Enter void
CswObjectsToArrayList System.Collections.ArrayList
CswSearchForm_KeyDown void
CurrentMapViewExtent esri.gpt.csw.Envelope
DeleteCatalogButton_Click void
DownloadMetadataToolStripButton_Click void
DownloadMetadata_Clicked void
ExpandLayer void
FindButton_Click void
FindTabPage_Enter void
GenerateTempFilename string
InitMyComponents void
LoadConfigTab bool
LoadSearchTab bool
MaxResultsNumericUpDown_Leave void
NewCatalogButton_Click void
NormalizeFilename string
ParseServiceInfoFromMetadata com.esri.gpt.csw.MapServiceInfo
RemoveTempFileAfterMetadataViewerClosed void
ResetSearchResultsGUI void
ResultsListBox_KeyDown void
ResultsListBox_SelectedIndexChanged void
ResultsSplitContainer_KeyDown void
RetrieveAddToMapInfoFromCatalog void
RetrieveSelectedMetadataFromCatalog System.Xml.XmlDocument
SaveCatalogButton_Click void
SearchPhraseTextBox_KeyDown void
SetLayerVisibility void
ShowDetailedErrorMessageBox void
ShowErrorMessageBox void
ShowWarningMessageBox void
ToolstripButton_MouseEnter void
UpdateCatalogListLabel void
UpdateUI void
ViewMetadataToolStripButton_Click void
ViewMetadata_Clicked void
clearAllFootprinttoolStripButton_Click void
deleteelements void
displayFootprinttoolStripButton_Click void
drawfootprint void
linkLblAbt_LinkClicked void
linkLblHelp_LinkClicked void
showAllFootprint_Click void
updatedExtent com.esri.gpt.csw.BoundingBox
zoomtoFootprintToolStripButton_Click void

Public Methods

Method Description
CswClientDockableWindow ( object hook ) : System

IsNumeric ( string str ) : bool

checks for numberic value

Private Methods

Method Description
AddAGSService ( string fileName ) : void
AddData ( ) : void

adding data to the catalog listbox

AddLayerArcIMS ( esri msi ) : void

Add ArcIMS map service layer to map

AddLayerWCS ( esri msi, System.Boolean fromServerUrl ) : void

Add WCS map service layer to map

AddLayerWMS ( esri msi, System.Boolean fromServerUrl ) : void

Add WMS map service layer to map

AddMapServiceLayer ( esri msi ) : void

Add map service layer to map

AddToMapToolStripButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "Add To Map" button click event

AddToMap_Clicked ( ) : void

Retrieve metadta for the selected record from server. Then add the live data or maps that the metadta describes to ArcMap as a layer.

AppendQuestionOrAmpersandToUrlString ( string urlString ) : string

Append question mark or ampersand to a url string

CatalogComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Refresh GUI when a new catalog is selected

CatalogDisplayNameTextBox_TextChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Function on change of txtDisplayName text changed event

CatalogListBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

event handling for catalog listbox selection changed event

CatalogProfileComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Function on change of combProfile text changed event

CatalogUrlTextBox_MouseHover ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Display pop up tooltip for catalog URL when mouse hovers the textbox

CatalogUrlTextBox_TextChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Function on change of txtURL text changed event

ClearData ( ) : void

Clearing the display and url text boxes

ConfigureTabPage_Enter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Highlight current catalog in the list when Configure Tab is activated.

CswObjectsToArrayList ( com.esri.gpt.csw.CswObjects cswObjs ) : ArrayList

convert cswobjects to arraylist

will phase out once CswObjects implements IList interface.

CswSearchForm_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Intercept "Tab" key and step focus to the next control

CurrentMapViewExtent ( ) : esri.gpt.csw.Envelope

Get current view extent (in geographical coordinate system).

If error occurred, exception would be thrown.

DeleteCatalogButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

delete the selected catalog

DownloadMetadataToolStripButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "Download Metadata" button click event

DownloadMetadata_Clicked ( ) : void

Download metadata for the selected record from server. Prop user for saving location.

ExpandLayer ( ILayer layer, bool expanded ) : void

collapse layer or not, including its sub layers if applicable.

FindButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Search CSW catalog with the criteria defined by user

FindTabPage_Enter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

if there is a change on catalog list, we should refresh the csw catalog dropdown control on Search tab as well

GenerateTempFilename ( string prefix, string surfix ) : string

Generate temporary filename with specified prefix and surfix. It uses current windows user's temp folder by default.

InitMyComponents ( ) : void

Init components for "Find Services" dockable window

LoadConfigTab ( ) : bool

Load components for Config Tab

LoadSearchTab ( ) : bool

Load components for Search Tab

MaxResultsNumericUpDown_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Reset the maximum number of results to integer value

NewCatalogButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Add a new catalog

NormalizeFilename ( string filename ) : string

Normalize a string for filename.

ParseServiceInfoFromMetadata ( XmlDocument xmlDoc ) : com.esri.gpt.csw.MapServiceInfo

Parse out service information (such as service type, server name, service name, etc) from metadta document

RemoveTempFileAfterMetadataViewerClosed ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for Metadata Viwer form closed event. To delete temporary metadata file after the viewer is closed.

ResetSearchResultsGUI ( ) : void

Reset GUI for search results, including listbox, search result label, buttons, abstracts, etc.

ResultsListBox_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Step focus to Abstract when user press "Tab" key on the search result listbox

ResultsListBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Update GUI when a new record (or none) is selected in the search results listbox

ResultsSplitContainer_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Step focus to search result listbox when user press "Tab" key on the split container

RetrieveAddToMapInfoFromCatalog ( ) : void

Retrieves the selected metadata (in search result listbox) from CSW catalog. Exception shall be thrown.

Called in View Metadata, Download Metadata, and Add to Map

RetrieveSelectedMetadataFromCatalog ( bool bApplyTransform ) : XmlDocument

Retrieves the selected metadata (in search result listbox) from CSW catalog. Exception shall be thrown.

Called in View Metadata, Download Metadata, and Add to Map

SaveCatalogButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Save/Update a catalog

SearchPhraseTextBox_KeyDown ( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Fire up "search" after user press "Enter" key in the textbox

SetLayerVisibility ( ILayer layer, bool visible ) : void

Set layer visibility, including its sub layers if applicable.

ShowDetailedErrorMessageBox ( string message, string details ) : void

Display a error messagebox with details.

ShowErrorMessageBox ( string ErrorMessage ) : void

Display an error message dialog with the provided message string, with default caption, button and icon

ShowWarningMessageBox ( string WarningMessage ) : void

Display a warning message dialog with the provided message string, with default caption, button and icon

ToolstripButton_MouseEnter ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "Tool Strip" mouse enter event.

UpdateCatalogListLabel ( ) : void

Update catalog list label

UpdateUI ( ) : void
ViewMetadataToolStripButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "View Metadata" button click event

ViewMetadata_Clicked ( ) : void

Retrieve metadata for the selected record from server, then display it in metadata viwer. If failed to retrieve metadata froms erver, display a detailed message including HTTP response from server.

clearAllFootprinttoolStripButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "Clear All Footprint" button click event

deleteelements ( ) : void
displayFootprinttoolStripButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "Display Footprint" button click event

drawfootprint ( com.esri.gpt.csw.CswRecord record, bool refreshview, bool deleteelements ) : void

draw footprints on the map

linkLblAbt_LinkClicked ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void
linkLblHelp_LinkClicked ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for link labeled event.

showAllFootprint_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for "Show All Footprint" button click event

updatedExtent ( com.esri.gpt.csw.BoundingBox currentExtent, com.esri.gpt.csw.BoundingBox footprintExtent ) : com.esri.gpt.csw.BoundingBox
zoomtoFootprintToolStripButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

CswClientDockableWindow() public method

public CswClientDockableWindow ( object hook ) : System
hook object
return System

IsNumeric() public static method

checks for numberic value
public static IsNumeric ( string str ) : bool
str string
return bool