C# Class VrSharp.VrTexture

Exibir arquivo Open project: nickworonekin/puyotools

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
canDecode bool
dataCodec VrSharp.VrDataCodec
dataOffset int
encodedData byte[]
gbixOffset int
globalIndex uint
initalized bool
mipmapOffsets int[]
paletteEntries int
paletteOffset int
pixelCodec VrSharp.VrPixelCodec
pvrtOffset int
textureHeight ushort
textureWidth ushort

Public Methods

Method Description
MipmapsToArray ( ) : byte[][]

Returns the mipmaps of a texture as an array of byte arrays. The first index will contain the largest, original sized texture and the last index will contain the smallest texture.

MipmapsToBitmap ( ) : System.Drawing.Bitmap[]

Returns the mipmaps of a texture as an array of bitmaps. The first index will contain the largest, original sized texture and the last index will contain the smallest texture.

MipmapsToStream ( ) : System.IO.MemoryStream[]

Returns the mipmaps of a texture as an array of streams. The first index will contain the largest, original sized texture and the last index will contain the smallest texture.

Save ( Stream destination ) : void

Saves the decoded texture to the specified stream.

Save ( string file ) : void

Saves the decoded texture to the specified file.

ToArray ( ) : byte[]

Returns the decoded texture as an array containg raw 32-bit ARGB data.

ToBitmap ( ) : Bitmap

Returns the decoded texture as a bitmap.

ToStream ( ) : MemoryStream

Returns the decoded texture as a stream containg a PNG.

VrTexture ( Stream source ) : System
VrTexture ( Stream source, int length ) : System
VrTexture ( byte source ) : System
VrTexture ( byte source, int offset, int length ) : System
VrTexture ( string file ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
Initalize ( ) : void
SetPalette ( VrSharp.VpPalette palette ) : void

Set the palette data from an external palette file.

Private Methods

Method Description
DecodeMipmaps ( ) : byte[][]
DecodeTexture ( ) : byte[]

Method Details

Initalize() protected abstract method

protected abstract Initalize ( ) : void
return void

MipmapsToArray() public method

Returns the mipmaps of a texture as an array of byte arrays. The first index will contain the largest, original sized texture and the last index will contain the smallest texture.
public MipmapsToArray ( ) : byte[][]
return byte[][]

MipmapsToBitmap() public method

Returns the mipmaps of a texture as an array of bitmaps. The first index will contain the largest, original sized texture and the last index will contain the smallest texture.
public MipmapsToBitmap ( ) : System.Drawing.Bitmap[]
return System.Drawing.Bitmap[]

MipmapsToStream() public method

Returns the mipmaps of a texture as an array of streams. The first index will contain the largest, original sized texture and the last index will contain the smallest texture.
public MipmapsToStream ( ) : System.IO.MemoryStream[]
return System.IO.MemoryStream[]

Save() public method

Saves the decoded texture to the specified stream.
public Save ( Stream destination ) : void
destination Stream The stream to save the texture to.
return void

Save() public method

Saves the decoded texture to the specified file.
public Save ( string file ) : void
file string Name of the file to save the data to.
return void

SetPalette() protected method

Set the palette data from an external palette file.
protected SetPalette ( VrSharp.VpPalette palette ) : void
palette VrSharp.VpPalette A VpPalette object
return void

ToArray() public method

Returns the decoded texture as an array containg raw 32-bit ARGB data.
public ToArray ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

ToBitmap() public method

Returns the decoded texture as a bitmap.
public ToBitmap ( ) : Bitmap
return System.Drawing.Bitmap

ToStream() public method

Returns the decoded texture as a stream containg a PNG.
public ToStream ( ) : MemoryStream
return System.IO.MemoryStream

VrTexture() public method

public VrTexture ( Stream source ) : System
source Stream
return System

VrTexture() public method

public VrTexture ( Stream source, int length ) : System
source Stream
length int
return System

VrTexture() public method

public VrTexture ( byte source ) : System
source byte
return System

VrTexture() public method

public VrTexture ( byte source, int offset, int length ) : System
source byte
offset int
length int
return System

VrTexture() public method

public VrTexture ( string file ) : System
file string
return System

Property Details

canDecode protected_oe property

protected bool canDecode
return bool

dataCodec protected_oe property

protected VrDataCodec,VrSharp dataCodec
return VrSharp.VrDataCodec

dataOffset protected_oe property

protected int dataOffset
return int

encodedData protected_oe property

protected byte[] encodedData
return byte[]

gbixOffset protected_oe property

protected int gbixOffset
return int

globalIndex protected_oe property

protected uint globalIndex
return uint

initalized protected_oe property

protected bool initalized
return bool

mipmapOffsets protected_oe property

protected int[] mipmapOffsets
return int[]

paletteEntries protected_oe property

protected int paletteEntries
return int

paletteOffset protected_oe property

protected int paletteOffset
return int

pixelCodec protected_oe property

protected VrPixelCodec,VrSharp pixelCodec
return VrSharp.VrPixelCodec

pvrtOffset protected_oe property

protected int pvrtOffset
return int

textureHeight protected_oe property

protected ushort textureHeight
return ushort

textureWidth protected_oe property

protected ushort textureWidth
return ushort